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truth and reconciliation... legendary


I can't get past The Library on Legendary. The 'run for yo' ass until shield recharge' just doesn't seem to work for me on this level. Besides the very end of The Maw, its the only one I haven't passed.

I absolutely love Assault on the Control Room. I could play it in my sleep. I've play through it so much that I can get through the level without even remembering the level.


I thought Legendary on Halo was challenging, but it wasn't too hard. At least it was nothing like trying to complete TS2 single player on Hard... maybe it was all the practice in that game that made Halo seem simple.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Porthos said:
I thought Legendary on Halo was challenging, but it wasn't too hard. At least it was nothing like trying to complete TS2 single player on Hard... maybe it was all the practice in that game that made Halo seem simple.

bungie did sooo much right with halo. i think one of the best things is how the game flows. even when you die, your nearly instantly brought back to a checkpoint that is almost always the start of the gun fight you've been killed at.

so even myself, stuck as i am in certain battles, the game never becomes frustratingly unfun.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
You think the docking bay is hard? Wait till you actually have to escort Keyes out of there. The guy dies from one hit of ANYTHING and charges into every room like he's fucking rambo or something.

God that level is hell, makes the rest of the game on legendary seem like a cakewalk though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
op_ivy said:
bungie did sooo much right with halo. i think one of the best things is how the game flows. even when you die, your nearly instantly brought back to a checkpoint that is almost always the start of the gun fight you've been killed at.

so even myself, stuck as i am in certain battles, the game never becomes frustratingly unfun.

Yeah, the checkpoint system absolutely rocks. I still believe the "quicksave/quickload" key found in most games is pure evil and should be eliminated. If you can create an solid checkpoint system, the need for quicksaves just disappears...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Schafer said:
You think the docking bay is hard? Wait till you actually have to escort Keyes out of there. The guy dies from one hit of ANYTHING and charges into every room like he's fucking rambo or something.

God that level is hell, makes the rest of the game on legendary seem like a cakewalk though.

i dont remember that part being all that hard last time i played through on legendary... but shit, i dont remember having much trouble with this docking bay either... in fact, the battle before the belly of the beast, and the belly itself where definitely the hardest fights last go through, and this time it didnt take much effort for either


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ok, i fucking did it (barely). my method involved bombarding that 2nd floor section in the center with plasma nades, which, in turn either blow up the jackles and elites up top, or sent them down to the ground floor where i could deal with them.

by the time the pair of hunters came out, there was still a few grunts and even an elite alive, so i figured i was done for... but thankfully the hunters are careless with their fire, and i got one of them to take out the elite for me :)

Oni Jazar

Good work I think that's one of the hardest parts in the game.

BTW I just saw the Silent Cartographer vid.

:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek


ok, I'm so downloading those videos once I get home. 25 minutes for T & R? wow.. he must have been kicking ass.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
SyNapSe said:
ok, I'm so downloading those videos once I get home. 25 minutes for T & R? wow.. he must have been kicking ass.

that vid is really cool, as he does a lot of fighting in it, where as the silent cartographer vid is a pure fast as shit run through :p


op_ivy said:
that vid is really cool, as he does a lot of fighting in it, where as the silent cartographer vid is a pure fast as shit run through :p

Yeah, the Cartographer vid blew me away - from getting through the door before it locked to jumping all the way down to the bottom, I had never seen some of the stuff he did.

You mentioned earlier about how Halo does so much right, especially the fast restart from where you died. One of the things that excites me about Halo 2 is the fact that Bungie knows what they did right, and will likely only improve on it. From a recent Bungie Update:

I am convinced that the primary reason Halo 1 was a success was that it was extremely approachable. Many games are almost sadistic in the way they abuse novice Players. They throw you into a confusing high-pressure situation with almost no guidance and then punish you with long load times and loss of progress when you inevitably fail. Halo, on the other hand, was a greased slide that took novice gamers, hooked them, introduced them to the controls and the game mechanics and taught them how to have fun with the game. When they die, Halo gets them back in the action within seconds, without losing any progress or abilities. It doesn't punish them or make them feel incompetent. That means that Halo was played by a lot of people that would be turned off by most game experiences.

And if you thought Truth and Reconciliation was hard, The Library will be a hoot. :)

Oni Jazar

Naw I didn't think the Library was too difficult. Relentless yes, but there are enough checkpoints along the way to inch your way forward.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
the library was a piece o cake... the shotgun owns all, and because the flood just rush you, you can set up "bottlenecks" around corners where they'll all charge you, which makes a perfectsituation for a grenade.

after T&R, its all going to be much easier (though Keyes may give me flashbacks)


Chili Con Carnage!
The best thing is completing a level on legendary then trying it again on normal, you feel like a god wading through the hapless enemies who can do nothing to stop you.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
spent a bit more on it today and pased it *whew

the rest should be a p.o.c

and for the record, it was all smooth sailing after the docking bay. i think i only died once after rescuing keyes. the three invisible elites weilding plasma swords nailed the old bastard. next time through i got the first 2 imediately with a grenade, then easily smoked the last remaining one :)
To whoever mnetioned the Hunter before....

Yes, they are easy, even easier than you thought. Instead of circling around them to shoot them in the back, just stand in front of them, and when they raise their arms to smack you, shoot them in the stomach. I once actually nailed one in the head as he was charging right at me. It's cool to watch them drop right in front of you. Of course, if you miss, you're screwed.


The Promised One said:
To whoever mnetioned the Hunter before....

Yes, they are easy, even easier than you thought. Instead of circling around them to shoot them in the back, just stand in front of them, and when they raise their arms to smack you, shoot them in the stomach. I once actually nailed one in the head as he was charging right at me. It's cool to watch them drop right in front of you. Of course, if you miss, you're screwed.

I love making them charge you when you have your back to a clif or high place and watching them lunge off the side. I send both hunter in the docking bay out that way - it's a satisfying end to a brutal battle.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Saturnman said:
I like to dodge and club hunters. I just shoot the assault rifle to make them mad.

smacking them around is particularly fun when your cloaked.... run up behind them *THWAK. run back and to the side as the spin around only to see nothing there *THWAK

GhaleonEB said:
I love making them charge you when you have your back to a clif or high place and watching them lunge off the side. I send both hunter in the docking bay out that way - it's a satisfying end to a brutal battle.

LOL, that's a good idea, I'm gonna have to try that.
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