Here is the dealio. I'm trying to look into resources to make a selection on a HDTV set. I'm thinking between 30-34". I may, MAY go rear projection route but I doubt it. I would like to stay around $1000 which means I'm looking at about a 30" set. I have been pretty much set on a Samsung, however I noticed none of their 30" sets seem to come with a HDMI connection. Only DVI. Is HDMi that important? My gut feeling says yes but I'd like to get some expert opinion on this. If so scratch the Samsung off the list.
So, that leaves me with other choices. Sony wouldn't be bad but it isn't my first or second choice. Toshiba and Phillips aren't on the top of my list either. If Samsung is out of the picture, then I'd probably lean towards JVC. Only problem is I haven't been able to see a JVC set yet. I know they are out there so hopefully I can get a gander too.
If you have some suggestions let me have them.
I only have two requirement before you do make a suggestion though:
1) Price should be around $1000
2) The set must support 480P, 1080i, and 720P (Xbox 2!)
So, that leaves me with other choices. Sony wouldn't be bad but it isn't my first or second choice. Toshiba and Phillips aren't on the top of my list either. If Samsung is out of the picture, then I'd probably lean towards JVC. Only problem is I haven't been able to see a JVC set yet. I know they are out there so hopefully I can get a gander too.
If you have some suggestions let me have them.
I only have two requirement before you do make a suggestion though:
1) Price should be around $1000
2) The set must support 480P, 1080i, and 720P (Xbox 2!)