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Tucker Carlson: asshole (ownage)

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Yeah, it's old, but I figure it's worth posting -- got recently reposted here:

CARLSON: One of the leading candidates among the Democrats in 2004 is John Edwards. Smart guy, decent guy, articulate guy, doesn't have the resume in the current environment in politics, but four years [ago] he was a personal-injury lawyer specializing in Jacuzzi cases. That's not going to cut it in this environment, is it?

SHRUM: Well, first of all, he never did a case like that. And if you, by Jacuzzi, mean a young woman who had her insides sucked out by a defective pool drain, who has to for the rest of her life receive 24-hour-a-day care, and that he took that case and won that case, if that's what you're referring to, I think people in this country would like that.


Yeah, it seems pretty easy to own Republicans these days. First they whine and bitch about Whoopi Goldberg (come on people, you have tougher fucking skin than that, you're politicians for christs sake). And now all the ads about how Kerry doesn't vote for things or whatever. So its ok to bash him when he votes in favor of Bush-backed rhetoric like the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, but when he doesn't vote for things, he's also getting it wrong. You can't have it both ways, jerks!


I actually like Carlson. Maybe b/c he tolerates Begalla and Carville on Crossfire. Those two are funny at times, but basically just outtalk the other person. Carlson also seems to be the most level-headed person on that show. Then again, maybe that's why he seems like that, b/c everyone else on the show's a bit of an asshole. Anyway, he did get owned there. PEACE.

Doth Togo

Musashi Wins! said:
how did your ex fuck that guy? do you wear bowties?

There are lots of stupid girls with egos in this town that want to be in certain circles. She wanted to be in the politico circle, so maybe she saw it in him.

More power to her. Not my kind of woman anyway. I've got somebody now much better than my ex ever could be.



I don't think he's an insane asshole. I think he's one of the most well thought out commentators out there, in Crossfire and in his old Readers Digest "That's outrageous" columns. I don't expect anyone to back me up here though, afterall, it's GA :p


Wolfy said:
I don't think he's an insane asshole. I think he's one of the most well thought out commentators out there, in Crossfire and in his old Readers Digest "That's outrageous" columns. I don't expect anyone to back me up here though, afterall, it's GA :p

good cop out. ignoring what was posted and then claiming all of us cant understand it.


Yea, because I claimed that none of you understood it and all. Oh wait, don't see that anywhere!

I wasn't defending what he said.


Wolfy said:
Yea, because I claimed that none of you understood it and all. Oh wait, don't see that anywhere!

I wasn't defending what he said.

yeah i exxxagerated but what i read what u didnt expect anyone of us to be objective based on what was posted earlier to see if he really was/is an asshole or not.


Of course hardly anyone is objective. I'm not objective. I am biased towards Carlson because I like what he writes, and I like watching Crossfire. Everybody says dumb shit. He said dumbshit, but I still like the guy.
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