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Is freaking godly, I love having entire seasons of my favorite shows at my fingertips. Seemed to take a long time for it to catch on tho.





I love and hate it.

For shows like Buffy, Angel, Firefly. It rocks, so damn cheap.

Now for shows like Farscape are way too expensive. I'll never buy those sets because it's just not worth it.
TV is great on DVD. I didn't watch any of 24 season 2, and it was awesome burning through the season without commercials, and widescreen to boot!

I'll agree that the prices overall need to be kept low. $70+ is just too much to pay for a set.


Alas, as an anime fan and a fan of television on DVD, I frequently feel the burn when shelling out upwards of $25 for three half-hour episodes of my favorite cartoons. Still, I'm fanboy enough to make that sacrifice.

Meanwhile, yes, watching television on DVD pistol whips suffering through broadcast television. My personal want list:

- I suppose there's a slim chance that the asshats at Fox will realize, "Hey, the Firefly box set is making us boatloads of cash, maybe we should ressurect the show", especially if the movie does well. It happened for the Family Guy, perhaps it can happen here. Okay, look, just let me have my dreams, okay?

- A big "good job, guys" to Artisan for completely and utterly dropping the ball on Twin Peaks. Fortunatly, the rights revert back to Paramount in 2005, at which point the show is likely to finally have a proper DVD release.

- Proper full season releases of The Muppet Show would be nice, but I can make do with the hodgepodge of releases currently available.

- There's a ludicrous amount of anime I'd like to see released over here, generally of the obscure, late-70s/early-80s shoujo variety. Rose of Versailles, Aim for the Ace!, Brother Dear Brother, etc, etc. If Patarillo ever manages to have a R1 DVD release I'll take it as a sign of the end times.

- Finally, there are several UK releases I'd love to see over here in the States, particularly Edge of Darkness, Blake's 7, and perhaps even some Secret Army.

MAF said:
50 is perfect.

I was thinking more like $35-$40, but it also depends on what it is. For stuff like Six Feet Under, as much as I love the show, $99.98 MSRP is WAY too much for a 13 hour long episodes. I also think 1/2 hour shows should either be cheaper, or include 2 seasons at a time. Shows like MASH and The Simpsons get it right: Around 24 episodes/season can be found for around $30.


TV on DVD is fantastic. All the episodes, great quality, no having to catch it at certain times.

Seasons 1 and 2 of Sliders August 3rd! Woo!


i my self am having joy gazims for the box set of seinfeld on dvd. now instead on being forced to watch the same episode 3 times a week on re runs, including the awful finali, i can watch as many Kramer adventures whenever i please.
I can't wait for Millennium season 1 set in two weeks, followed by season 2 in September! And Hell yeah, FINALLY Seinfeld. Hopfully we won't have to wait too long for it. I also need to get the Penn & Teller: Bullshit DVD. I missed almost all of the first season.


I want Space Above And Beyond to be released on DVD.

Anyway, should I get the first two seasons of:
1) Babylon 5?
2) The X-files?
3) Star Trek Deep Space Nine?

I can get one of those as a birthday present, and ofcourse once I start one series, I intend to buy all seasons. I'm really in doubt as to what I'd like most. I'm leaning towards Star Trek DSN.
The only TV I have on DVD is the Clerks Animated Series and, as of yesterday, Season's 1, 2, and 3 of Trailer Park Boys.

I'll probably pick up Family Guy soon too.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
We have Smallville Season 1 and Angel 1-3, then my mom just got the first season of Stargate SG1, which I think is dumb. My friend has Roswell Season 1, which we both love.

I'd like Smallville Season 2, Sealab 2021, Futurama, Batman TAS and agreeing with Ted I think Magnum PI would be cool. Then I haven't seen a single episode of Alias, but it sounds cool and I may just go ahead and get a season of it. X--Files would be cool if it werent so expensive.

Overall DVD series >>>>> Watching TV broadcasts


MrAngryFace said:
Is freaking godly, I love having entire seasons of my favorite shows at my fingertips. Seemed to take a long time for it to catch on tho.

Concerning Newsradio:

We're received a number of emails from fans asking what's going on with Newsradio. The set was originally scheduled for earlier this year, but was delayed because the show's creator, Paul Simms, wanted to be involved in adding special features to the set. We haven't heard a word more since late last year when we posted about the delay.

Today we received the following email from Tom Berg:
I do traffic reports and am a morning sidekick for a local radio show in Indianapolis, IN.

The other morning we had Stephen Root on as a guest and he mentioned that he had just finished recording commentaries for the first 2 seasons of "Newsradio". You can take that for what it's worth, but hopefully that means that season sets of the show aren't too far away!
That's the best news we've heard in a long time because it lets us know there's some progress being made on the set. A big thanks to Tom for sending us the information.

Link to this page:

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
TV DVD sets make up the majority of my DVD collection, and with good reason. Batman and Family Guy whip a lot of current movies in rewatchability.
I really like having favorite TV shows available for viewing whenever I want.

I've got:

24 Seasons 1-2
Buffy S 1-6 (fuck 7, I can't bring myself to buy that shit whenever it comes out)
Angel S 1-3
Simpsons S 1-4
Futurama Volumes 1-3
Friends S 1-7
Hercules S 1
Xena S 1
South Park S 3 (will get 1 and 2 shortly, 4 later on)

I've only watched Buffy thru S5 (I just finished S5 today), Simpsons thru S1, both of 24 and Friends thru S4 in all the time I've had these sets (a good while for most of them). Everything else has been on the back burner.
I only have buffy 1-3 cause thats when angel leaves to LA so thats a good spot to stop buffy before willow goes all lesbo.

Complete Collection o TV:

Angel Season 1
Angel Season 2
Angel Season 3
Buffy Season 1
Buffy Season 2
Buffy Season 3
Firefly Complete Series
Family Guy Seasons 1&2
Family Guy Season 3
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

I borrow Stargate and XFiles from a friend. Too expensive!


Hollywood Square
I've got Seasons 1 & 2 of both The Simpsons and South Park, and will probably ask for the accompanying seasons for Christmas. I've got Vol. 1 of ATHF and pre-ordered Vol. 2. I just bought Reno 911: Season One and Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 1 as well. And Clerks: The Animated Series. God bless DVDs.


I want Early Edition on DVD badly...it lasted four seasons and was just an ingenious show. It's never been shown in syndication up here...if it was I'd just tape 'em all.


well not really...yet
Shinobi said:
I want Early Edition on DVD badly...it lasted four seasons and was just an ingenious show. It's never been shown in syndication up here...if it was I'd just tape 'em all.
oh I used to watch this all the time :0


I don't have much

I have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I think it's vol 1, but season 1 only had 5 episodes.

I have Undergrads, which is a great show, and I wish they would make a second season, even if it's straight to DVD.. now that would be an interesting concept...

Spiderman: The Animated Chronicles, very few people seem to be fans of this cartoon,while it's not as great as the one that aired on Fox IMO, I till think it's a good series and was 20 bucks for 13 episodes all with commentaries and special facts.

I got In Living Color: Season 1, now this was a great show. Oddly some of the skethces are still revelant today, heck many of the ideas the show used seemed to have been brought over to the Chappellle Show.

Rugrats: All: Growed Up, this one isn't much of a season set as it only features the first two episodes and the "pilot" which was of course the special, but I like it.

I don't know if these count
Recess: All Growed Down and Taking the Fifth Grade, they really only add to the series.

I plan on getting Batman: TAS Vol 1, Challenge of the Superfriendss, 67 Spiderman Collection,Super MArio Super Show: Mario Mania and Chappelle Show season 1.

I hope that one day someone releases
Family Matters
Darkwing Duck
90s Fox Spiderman
Charles in Charge
The 60s Batman series, I don't know why exactly
Lois and Clark:The New Adventures of Superman

And I'm sure there are others.


I've got:

Avengers Emma Peel Mega-Set (+1 Diana Rigg)
The Prisoner Mega-Set (+1 Patrick McGoohan)
X-Files S 1
South Park S 1-4
Futurama V 1-3
Simpsons S 1-4
Alias S 1-2

Edit--Oh, yeah, and Sopranos S 1-2.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.

Buffy S1
Buffy S3
Buffy S6
Angel S3
Angel S4
Alias S1
Alias S2
Smallville S1
The West Wing S2 (first half)
The Very Best of Father Ted
The Office S1

I want all the other Buffys and Angels, Smallville S2, The West Wing up until it went shit, The Office S2. I'd like The Sopranos seasons too, but I can't find them cheap enough, so screw 'em.

Oh and somewhere around the house, though they're not mine, are DVDs for all of Futurama, the first series of Phoenix Nights, some random Simpsons ones...that's probably it.


mine so far.

Family guy 1&2

In living color

south park season 1

spongebob season 1

ninja turtles

simpsons seasons 1-3

yeh i like cartoons...


I have:

Family Guy Seasons 1&2

I want:

Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 1
Family Guy Season 3
Futurama Vol. 1-3 (4?)
Simpsons Season 4


I liked that MTV Spider-Man series as well (and thus bought the DVD)...the 3D approach was great for showing off Spidey's speed and agility, something the 2D cartoons wouldn't have a hope of matching.


I got

Buffy seasons 1-6
Angel seasons 1-3
Smallvile seasons 1-2
Alias seasons 1-2
Dark Angel Seasons 1-2
Farscape Season 1
Firefly TCS
Dead Like Me
Roswell Season 1
Futurama Volumes 1-3
Family guy Volume 1

mmm and I got alot more to get :)

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I've got:

X-Files 1-9
Sopranos 1-4
The Shield 1 & 2
Curb Your Enthusiasm 1 & 2
The Office 1 & 2
Sports Night
Freaks and Geeks
The Tick
Band of Brothers

I'll definitely be picking up the three seasons of Millennium, along with the new seasons of the Shield, Sopranos, and Nip/Tuck as they come along, and I'll seek out the Christmas episodes of the Office if they're released in the UK sometime. Further down the road, I'll likely get Popular, Undergrads, and may get back into Six Feet Under. Wishful thinking: American Gothic? Brimstone? Picket Fences? ...Ned & Stacy?[/shame]


TV on DVD rocks. I guess I'll list what I have as well...

Family Guy (Seasons 1 and 2)
Freaks and Geeks (Complete Series)
Futurama (Seasons 1-3)
Three's Company (Seasons 1 and 2)

My collection will definitely be growing. My most wanted show at this point is The Wonder Years. If they can get Freaks and Geeks on DVD with all the original music, I don't see why they couldn't do the same with The Wonder Years.

Can someone tell me about this Firefly show?
Curb your Enthusiasm 1-2
South Park 1, 3-4
Simpsons, 1-4
Malcolm in the Middle, 1
Freaks and Geeks: Yearbook collection
Saved by the Bell: 1 (used for drinking games :))
Friends 1-3
Chappelle's Show, 1
Sopranos 1-4
Band of Brothers

I've got too many DVD's as it is...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Stargate = best show evar
Stargate = cheapest sets evar
Stargate = best produced tv->dvd conversions evar
Stargate > *


+1 trillion for TV on DVD.

I want more Malcolm in the Middle sets. What the hell happened with that??? Season 1 came out so long ago.


I'm a fan of the concept also. Although my collection of TV shows is a little sparse thus far.

Transformers Season 2 Part 1 +2
Aqua teen Hunger Force
Family Guy Seasons 1-4
Clerks the Animated Series

I do want to pick up Undergrads also haha.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I love it, I don't watch much TV anymore cause of DVD's
I just have a netflix account, they have the majority of TV DVD's.

I've went through, ST: TNG, ST: DS9, CSI, and now X-Files
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