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TV Shows you watch...

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keep your strippers out of my American football
With the NBA playoffs over, and NFL 2 months away I find myself looking at more and more non-sports TV. So I want to get some suggestions of shows you guys are watching.

I watch -

Three Sheets (MOJOHD) - The host goes to different countries around the world and gets drunk. It is more than that, he talks about drinking customs and local brews also. A quick, entertaining 30 mins. Even though it is a pretty shallow show, I really enjoy it. Nothing to think about or keep up with, just learning about other cultures and watching the host drink.

Ice Road Truckers (History Channel) - A total rip-off of 'Deadliest Catch'. Instead of going on-board a ship that is catching crab, they are following trucks at a trucking company in Canada. Where they are driving, they have to drive over a frozen lake. That combined with the driving snow, it makes for a dangerous trip. The limiting thing about this show is going the be the fact they only have one customer, so it seems the trips are going to get old unless someone falls through the ice or crashes. But I'll check it out.

Deadliest Catch (Discovery Channel) - Old show now that I described earlier. It is in it's 3rd season and honestly it is getting old. I mean, it is still dangerous, but we have seen everything there is to see. We have seen the big waves, greenhorns, people getting hurt, people quitting, saw someone get rescued, people dying, good fishing, bad fishing, etc. Not much more they can do now. It is a great show, but just kind of boring now.

Man vs Wild (Discovery Channel) - It is a rip-off of 'Survivorman', another show that was on Discovery. They put a survival expert in a place with extreme conditions. A place like a dessert, a remote forest, a swamp, a mountain and he needs to show how one would survive. Now the thing about 'Survivorman' was the fact that the star of the show was filming himself, so he was out there alone. 'Man vs Wild' has a camera crew following him, so you never really think he is in trouble. Also, with 'Survivorman', he used to talk about how being somewhere for a week alone was mentally challenging and you could see it on his face. The host for 'Man vs Wild' never looks like he is in trouble because he never is! He has his support group right there. But it seems 'Survivorman' is taking alot longer to come out with season 2. It takes that host alot longer to recover from each adventure. So 'Man vs Wild' is about it for now.


Law and Order
Law and Order: SVU
Missed tonight's 4400, but I will watch that when I have time.

L&O:CI is missing for a reason


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Shows on DVD.

Currently going through Battlestar Galactica (overrated) and Wire (incredible).


Battlestar Galactica
The Office
Grey's Anatomy


Arrested Development
Gilmore Girls
Veronica Mars


My schedule for the week:

Entourage (HBO)
Flight of the Conchords (HBO)
The Soup (E!)

ReUnion (Rugby Channel)

Press Box (Rugby Channel)

All Blacks vs South Africa (Rugby Channel)


I don't watch much TV...so I only watch awesome shows. Best to next best:

1. Friday Night Lights
2. Lost
3. Office
4. Heroes
5. 24


American Dad
Family Guy
My Name is Earl
Prison Break
The Office
The Shield
The Unit
The Wire


Top Chef
Last Comic Standing
John from Cincinnati
Flight of the Conchords
Hell's Kitchen
On the Lot
Next Best Thing: Who is the Greatest Celebrity Impersonator?
Right now?

Flight of the Conchords
John from Cincinnati
Big Love
Rescue Me

Still on the air?

The Shield
The Wire
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office


Road cycling. Tour de France is just around the corner! I really think Vinokourov is going to walk away with this one, as long as he makes it to the start line.
I don't watch much on TV, I generally wait till a season is on DVD, then I go that route. But for shows that I don't care to get on DVD & don't follow regularly, but still watch when on (includes my DVD purchases)

House: Quite possibly the best show on TV right now
Sopranos: Give me last season on DVD so I can watch it all, finally HBO!
Deadliest Catch: Pretty neat to watch.
Dirtiest Jobs: Mike Rowe is a freak!
Law & Order: The best that started it all!
Law & Order: SVU: Oh yeah! Good stuff!
Law & Order: Criminal Intent: 3 L&O's = 3 Must Haves on DVD!


Entourage is the only thing left on i still watch (others being 24/lost/heroes)

dvds :
always sunny in philadelphia(dl)
curb your enthusiasm
freaks and geeks
Top Chef....really the best thing on TV not in repeats
Hells Kitchen.....I'm just watching it to see the fat chinese guy cry
Public Access channel 5....there's a homeless guy that get's up on the podium every Thursday night during the city counsel meetings and goes on these absolutely shit balls insane rants about what's happening with him and his hobo friends and/or Jesus. It's really kind of neat to find out who's been stabbed and raped. Really great television.

Other than that, I'm watching seasons 1-5 of 24. I bought the DVDs from Best Buy on Friday and I really hated the show initially but by around 5-6AM in season 1, it took a turn for the better. I was going to trade them in but now I think I'll keep 'em.


Law & Order and Ninja Warrior. Thats about all I follow regularly. Anything else I watch is just what I happen to catch at the time.
Flight of the Conchords

im only counting things that have new episodes every week, but generally I only really seem to follow NBC or HBO shows.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Other than that, I'm watching seasons 1-5 of 24. I bought the DVDs from Best Buy on Friday and I really hated the show initially but by around 5-6AM in season 1, it took a turn for the better. I was going to trade them in but now I think I'll keep 'em.
I'm happy to hear this.

Now I don't have to kill you.


I've seen torrents and stage6 videos of shows like:

Queer as Folk
The Office

Lost and The Office are awesome! :)


24 / Fox
American Gothic / Chiller
The Colbert Report / Comedy Central
The Daily Show / Comedy Central
Heroes / NBC
Pop-Up Video / VH1 Classic
Real Time With Bill Maher / HBO
The Sarah Silverman Program / Comedy Central
Scrubs / NBC
Spaced / BBC America (Well, when they occasionally air an episode)
Star Trek / Syndication
The Twilight Zone / Sci-Fi Channel
Venture Bros. / Cartoon Network

I used to swear by Law and Order, but it really isn't the same for me without Brisco. :(

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
How I Met Your Mother
South Park
The Office
My Name Is Earl
CSI Las Vegas
Big Love
The Wire
Reno 911
The Ultimate Fighter
WrecAge (MMA)
Bodog Fight


Absolutely pathetic part deux
The Office
The IT Crowd
Black Books
Venture Bros.

Rewatching forever and ever on DVD:
Bruce Timm DC universe stuff
Arrested Development
Mr. Spinnington said:
Awesome Arrested Development GIF


John From Cincinnati
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Shield
Reno 911
King of the Hill
Colbert Report/Letterman/Conan
Based on the days they air:

Sunday: John from Cincinnati, Entourage, Battlestar Galactica
Monday: Prison Break, 24, Hell's Kitchen
Tuesday: House MD, The Shield
Wednesday: Bones, South Park
Thursday: Survivor, Smallville
Friday: Stargate Atlantis

Besides that, there's baseball and random stuff from the National Geographic and History channels.


On TV now:

(Heroes ended last week so that doesn't count)
Actually I can now start watching Chaser's War on Everything.

On DVD now:

The Sopranos
Batman TAS

Will watch again at some point:

The Shield
Battlestar Galactica
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar Galactica
Stargate (both of them)

And perhaps some others, but these are the ones which I will never let myself miss an episode of.


never heard about the cat, apparently
the only show that i catch when it first airs is battlestar galactica, the rest of the stuff i watch is just whatever is on when i feel like sitting down and turning the tv on.
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