Oof. Quite a list there, so I don't have many suggestions but:caffeinedreamer said:Would it be frowned upon to post a huge list of American TV shows I have seen for recommendations for what I've missed out on / what to watch next?
Okay folks, please give me some recommendations on which American TV show I should watch next (I have not included British TV shows or animation as, believe me, I'm on top of those). I'm not just interested in new stuff - would like recommendations for any old US TV shows I may have missed out on too.
-Continue Scrubs. I know a lot didn't like seasons 6 and 7, but 8 is fantastic.
-You...did what with Lost? What? No.
You're so so so so so wrong about what you think it is.
-Tina Fey annoys you that much on 30 Rock? The show is pure farce, so I don't take anything very seriously on it. She's a caricature just like everyone else on it, and a damn funny one at that.
-Fringe is about as good as tv sci-fi gets. Starts slow, but hits its stride hard in seasons 2 and 3.
-Louie on FX. It's not even fair to call the show a comedy because it does some of the most serious and insightful stuff on the air. But sure, it's hilarious at the same time.
-Terriers was a one and done this past year but it was one of the better seasons of TV I've seen. James and Logue are spectacular actors and their chemistry is amazing.
-HIMYM may have that pesky laugh track, and it's certainly become a decent show at best, but I think it's first 3 or so seasons were relatively smart and very funny.
-Journeyman: another one-season show, but it's quite wonderful.
All I can think of at the moment.