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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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just typing as I think a bit here, regarding Part 3's beginning. First a brief summary, based on my memory. Long post...
Dale falls through space (Faster and faster...) and lands on a type of balcony. Looking over the balcony, he sees a surreal-looking lake.
He enters the door of the structure he's on, and we then have the glitchy scene with the lady with no eyes. There's banging coming from... somewhere. The socket on the wall has the number 15 on it. As he approaches the socket, she seems to get upset at him, and leads him towards the ladder. She goes up, and he follows.
Outside, Cooper is in space on a little structure, with electricity crackling all around. The small structure beside him kind of looks like the housing of a 12V / Cigarette lighter in a car would look like if you pulled the socket housing out. The structure has two gauges on it, and a lever. The woman with no eyes proceeds to move the lever from up to down. The electric crackling stops, but since she is touching the structure, she is electrocuted and flies out into space. Cooper returns to the ladder and descends into the room.
In the room, the glitching has stopped (yay!) but also the socket now has a 3 on it instead of 15. There's a woman sitting in front of the fireplace. She looks at her watch, and we see the time switch from 2:52:59 to 2:53:00.
A lamp beside the large socket turns on. As Cooper approaches the socket, she tells him... hurry, her mother is coming, when you get there, you'll already be there...
Cooper enters the socket.
So... what does this even mean? I'm thinking along the lines of:
The place has two exits; a 12V socket and a wall outlet. I think the lady with no eyes was trying to show Cooper how to escape through the process of escaping herself. Maybe, when she got there, someone showed her the same thing to do, and she was waiting for Cooper until it was her turn? I don't know. As I recall, neither her or Cooper were able to speak in that sequence. Anyway, I think the woman in front of the fireplace might be the one that actually tricked Cooper. Maybe she changed the outlet from 15 to 3 (I can't figure out why these numbers matter here yet, other than 315 being his room key at the Great Northern) while he was outside and hurried him.

Now, back in Mr. C's world, he's driving along. At 2:52, he starts to feel ill, driving badly. We see his 12V socket crackling with electricity. He eventually loses control and crashes the car, rolling over, lots of thuds. The 12V socket isn't crackling anymore until he sees the clock physically click to 2:53. Cue: Garmonbozia!

So... the question is... how do the events surrounding Cooper's strange structure correlate to the events in Mr. C's "real world" ? We see the time of 2:52 and 2:53 in both worlds (just not in Dougie's situation, but I think it's fair to say it wasn't necessary to show there). I definitely need to re-watch it in order to take notes on how things happen in order in both Cooper's strange structure and in Mr. C's car.

One thing I'm thinking is that the outside exit (flying into space again) is actually the only correct way out, while the large wall socket thing is a decoy (just like Dougie is a decoy). Maybe Dougie wearing the ring is what steered Cooper towards choosing that exit.

It's hard to write down this stuff, but that's kind of my thought process for what happened there. I'm certain it's not all correct, but the time obviously plays a key factor in how the scenes play out. Curious to see what others have picked up on as well.

I had a slightly different take on it...

When the eyeless lady fell into space that felt to me like she was being annihilated, not escaping. Well, a sort of escape, I guess.

And I think the "15" outlet would have led to the 12V socket in Evil Coop's car. The eyeless lady either was trying to protect Good Coop or else she was working with Evil Coop to "trick" Good Coop into replacing Dougie.

As for 2:53, that seems to be a time when the Lodge is "open". A time presents itself...


never left the stone age
I took the woman getting electrocuted as almost like a sacrifice for Cooper that in turn changes the room. I think there is more significance to the 3 and 15, but it largely tells us this now just a different room with a different woman and "mother" no longer knocking. Almost as if the Doppelganger is possibly trying to help DoppelCoop and sent him to a trap, but then the girl saved him and then DoppelCoop still had another plan in place.

I think it has something to do with Doppelgangers in general, since 15 is 3 PM in 24 hour time, so in a way, 3 is a doppelganger of 15.
I laughed. I doubt I am the only one who laughed.

At first I was pretty cynical thinking it was an overreaction, but after seeing it again and thinking about it more
I feel it could be more of a reaction of Bobby remembering his past life more than anything. Almost like how much he went through, how Laura was kind of abusive in the whole thing and seeing how he is now, it's almost like he'd put all that behind him and now he's just remembering a dark time and someone who was so obviously troubled but he also suffered greatly in the situation.
At first I was pretty cynical thinking it was an overreaction, but after seeing it again and thinking about it more
I feel it could be more of a reaction of Bobby remembering his past life more than anything. Almost like how much he went through, how Laura was kind of abusive in the whole thing and seeing how he is now, it's almost like he'd put all that behind him and now he's just remembering a dark time and someone who was so obviously troubled but he also suffered greatly in the situation.

I mean let's not forget
Bobby killed a man. I think it was the last time he saw Laura too. It was a dark time in him. And now he's someone that's supposed to be upholding the law. I think a lot just occurred to him in that moment. Not to mention men tend to become easier criers the older they get.


storafötter;238028700 said:
Yeah I will admit I have not seen any of his films. I was planning to to see Mulholland Drive long time ago but never got to see it. I guess it is as simple as you said it is more similar to his film works. Plus the heavy symbolism becomes meaningless when I am not invested or aware of it.

I appreciate your thoughtful arguments against my rant.

I agree. I hope it gets better and connects all together masterfully (all the saving grace I can think of right now). However I feel like there is a lot of challenges that exist when you enter an old franchise that never gained closure. Things change and it is hard to make something new that either relies too much on the past or completely ignores it.

For those like yourself, it can be hard to believe but nothing is random in a Lynch film. He is an auteur...every frame is carefully constructed from the parting of Cooper's hairline to dust bunnies under a cupboard and they all have a meaning (for the most part).

Everyone has been where you are at...I remember HATING Blue Velvet but at some point...after watching bits and pieces, I fell in love. I suggest letting the show wash over you...don't bother trying to figure things out just yet. You are watching the work of an honest-to-God genius so just know that its over the heads of most everyone here (or at least myself). :p
I think that scene was played for comedy -- the timing was too tight with the old dramatic soap music.

I would say the music was more for the idea of the old Badalamenty(I think I'm butchering this) style sound to come along with those old feelings. I do think there can be a comedic take away because the whole station sequence is largely contrast by this weird comedic sincerity, but I think his feelings were meant to be entirely sincere.


Episode 3
floating thing gave me a strong Eraserhead vibes.
I'm sure Jack Nance would have liked to join to this new project :( In fact, I feel bad see Catherine Coulson and Miguel Ferrer, knowing they are not with us anymore.


Okey, can somebody give me a little update. Is there three versions of Coop now? Bad Coop that are in prison, Dougie and good/original Coop that are somewhere? Or is dougie the good/original Coop?
Date speculation!

Part 3:
Presuming American Girl's watch is showing the right date (Saturday the 1st)...

Bill Hastings is arrested late on a Saturday, and his wife is shot that night. This is presumably the Saturday *before* Saturday the 1st.

is 24, and presumably born late 1989, (though it's hard to pin down exactly when). The two options for Saturday the 1st in 2014 (25 years later, matching what Laura says in Episode 29 and Part 1) are March and October. March is more likely as
could have been born before October 1st (since Lucy realizes she is pregnant in March, presumably putting conception in late January or early February) though October is still plausible. March also puts it closer to 25 years since events of the original series are late February into March, though it wouldn't be 25 years to the day.

That would put Ruth Davenport's death most likely on Thursday the 20th of February, 2014, based on the questions the Police ask him seemingly putting her death on the Thursday immediately before his arrest.

That puts her death between the dates of the year on which Teresa Banks and Laura Palmer were killed (February 9th and February 24th respectively).

I don't know when Coop passes through the glass box, because while it is completely dark in New York City at that time, it is daylight in South Dakota when he looks through the curtains in Part 2, and indeed
both during the car crash in Part 3 and when Coop and Dougie switch places.
That makes me think these must be two different points in *time* as well as space. I know different timezones are also at play but it's fully daylight, and still that way when [spoilers]Coop arrives at the casino[/spoiler]

Also, since we see the scene before the deaths in NY twice, once at the start of Part 1 and once again in Part 2, one of those scenes must be out of order time wise with the others. I'm thinking the second, so when Coop slipped into the box he bounced back in time a short ways,
before ending up back at the right time after the events in the Non-Existant
Again, all of this is presuming
that a watch in a weird alternate dimension
has the right day and date setting... but all of this got stuck in my mind last night.
Okey, can somebody give me a little update. Is there three versions of Coop now? Bad Coop that are in prison, Dougie and good/original Coop that are somewhere? Or is dougie the good/original Coop?

DoppellCoop with Bob in tow
Good Coop now in Dougie's manufactured body?
Dougie dead

just two now.
Okey, can somebody give me a little update. Is there three versions of Coop now?
Bad Coop that are in prison, Dougie and good/original Coop that are somewhere? Or is dougie the good/original Coop?

There were three, but only two ever in our world. Dougie got taken into the lodge before Coop (who's brain is fried) replaced him. Then Dougie expired pretty quickly in the black lodge, leaving us with two. Our Coop (slowly recovering or competing for existence) and Mr C.

DoppellCoop with Bob in tow
Good Coop now in Dougie's manufactured body?
Dougie dead

just two now.

Not quite.

Coop and Dougie swapped places. Coop isn't in Dougie's body (comments on him being thinner and having different hair back this up).
Date speculation!

Part 3:
Presuming American Girl's watch is showing the right date (Saturday the 1st)...

Bill Hastings is arrested late on a Saturday, and his wife is shot that night. This is presumably the Saturday *before* Saturday the 1st.

is 24, and presumably born late 1989, (though it's hard to pin down exactly when). The two options for Saturday the 1st in 2014 (25 years later, matching what Laura says in Episode 29 and Part 1) are March and October. March is more likely as
could have been born before October 1st (since Lucy realizes she is pregnant in March, presumably putting conception in late January or early February) though October is still plausible. March also puts it closer to 25 years since events of the original series are late February into March, though it wouldn't be 25 years to the day.

That would put Ruth Davenport's death most likely on Thursday the 20th of February, 2014, based on the questions the Police ask him seemingly putting her death on the Thursday immediately before his arrest.

That puts her death between the dates of the year on which Teresa Banks and Laura Palmer were killed (February 9th and February 24th respectively).

I don't know when Coop passes through the glass box, because while it is completely dark in New York City at that time, it is daylight in South Dakota when he looks through the curtains in Part 2, and indeed
both during the car crash in Part 3 and when Coop and Dougie switch places.
That makes me think these must be two different points in *time* as well as space. I know different timezones are also at play but it's fully daylight, and still that way when [spoilers]Coop arrives at the casino[/spoiler]

Also, since we see the scene before the deaths in NY twice, once at the start of Part 1 and once again in Part 2, one of those scenes must be out of order time wise with the others. I'm thinking the second, so when Coop slipped into the box he bounced back in time a short ways,
before ending up back at the right time after the events in the Non-Existant
Again, all of this is presuming
that a watch in a weird alternate dimension
has the right day and date setting... but all of this got stuck in my mind last night.

I'm not trying to discourage your hope as I could be wrong, but I feel as if you may be putting too much stake in the visual aspects where Lynch is involved and has been pretty vocal about not caring so much for the details so much as the response it gets. The details and timeframes is more the Frost stuff and who knows if he would insist that much detail be taken in dates.

Again, not trying to discourage you but I just wouldn't take everything as a for sure indicator to sync times up.

Not quite.

Coop and Dougie swapped places. Coop isn't in Dougie's body (comments on him being thinner and having different hair back this up).

Yeah, you're right. Got mixed up with how things go down in the red room making me think it was just an essence of him sort of thing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
just typing as I think a bit here, regarding Part 3's beginning. First a brief summary, based on my memory. Long post...
Dale falls through space (Faster and faster...) and lands on a type of balcony. Looking over the balcony, he sees a surreal-looking lake.
He enters the door of the structure he's on, and we then have the glitchy scene with the lady with no eyes. There's banging coming from... somewhere. The socket on the wall has the number 15 on it. As he approaches the socket, she seems to get upset at him, and leads him towards the ladder. She goes up, and he follows.
Outside, Cooper is in space on a little structure, with electricity crackling all around. The small structure beside him kind of looks like the housing of a 12V / Cigarette lighter in a car would look like if you pulled the socket housing out. The structure has two gauges on it, and a lever. The woman with no eyes proceeds to move the lever from up to down. The electric crackling stops, but since she is touching the structure, she is electrocuted and flies out into space. Cooper returns to the ladder and descends into the room.
In the room, the glitching has stopped (yay!) but also the socket now has a 3 on it instead of 15. There's a woman sitting in front of the fireplace. She looks at her watch, and we see the time switch from 2:52:59 to 2:53:00.
A lamp beside the large socket turns on. As Cooper approaches the socket, she tells him... hurry, her mother is coming, when you get there, you'll already be there...
Cooper enters the socket.
So... what does this even mean? I'm thinking along the lines of:
The place has two exits; a 12V socket and a wall outlet. I think the lady with no eyes was trying to show Cooper how to escape through the process of escaping herself. Maybe, when she got there, someone showed her the same thing to do, and she was waiting for Cooper until it was her turn? I don't know. As I recall, neither her or Cooper were able to speak in that sequence. Anyway, I think the woman in front of the fireplace might be the one that actually tricked Cooper. Maybe she changed the outlet from 15 to 3 (I can't figure out why these numbers matter here yet, other than 315 being his room key at the Great Northern) while he was outside and hurried him.

Now, back in Mr. C's world, he's driving along. At 2:52, he starts to feel ill, driving badly. We see his 12V socket crackling with electricity. He eventually loses control and crashes the car, rolling over, lots of thuds. The 12V socket isn't crackling anymore until he sees the clock physically click to 2:53. Cue: Garmonbozia!

So... the question is... how do the events surrounding Cooper's strange structure correlate to the events in Mr. C's "real world" ? We see the time of 2:52 and 2:53 in both worlds (just not in Dougie's situation, but I think it's fair to say it wasn't necessary to show there). I definitely need to re-watch it in order to take notes on how things happen in order in both Cooper's strange structure and in Mr. C's car.

One thing I'm thinking is that the outside exit (flying into space again) is actually the only correct way out, while the large wall socket thing is a decoy (just like Dougie is a decoy). Maybe Dougie wearing the ring is what steered Cooper towards choosing that exit.

It's hard to write down this stuff, but that's kind of my thought process for what happened there. I'm certain it's not all correct, but the time obviously plays a key factor in how the scenes play out. Curious to see what others have picked up on as well.

I think the Blind Woman is good, her sacrifice demonstrates she was willing to put herself at the stake to save Cooper. I don't know why she was blind or who she was, but she reminds me STRONGLY of a character from David Lynch's Ronnie Rocket script, which has a lot to do with a machine dystopia and electricity.

I think the 15 'clock' machine was a trap of some sort, but I don't quite know what it would do. Maybe it'd send Cooper to a different world than his own so then Cooper wouldn't even need to be eliminated from his world, or maybe it would of lead him straight to Mr. C (though I don't know how this would benefit Mr. C but he does keep looking at the cigarette thing in his car.)

Briggs floating head I believe fully is a clue to who the body in the bed with the librarian head is, I don't know why there's a blue rose in the room when he comes back, the banging I still believe is the entity we see in the box later but we'll have to see.

I feel like this Purple area will appear again, or I at least hope it does. Something about this whole scene and place struck a huge chord with me, it seems kind of like an isolated, sad, scary, yet beautiful place, and so many abstract things happen in a short time there that feel like they're loaded with importance it's hard to digest them all.

I think it has something to do with Doppelgangers in general, since 15 is 3 PM in 24 hour time, so in a way, 3 is a doppelganger of 15.

On top of this,
315 is the room number Cooper stayed at in the Great Northern and still has the key for.
I think the Blind Woman is good, her sacrifice demonstrates she was willing to put herself at the stake to save Cooper. I don't know why she was blind or who she was, but she reminds me STRONGLY of a character from David Lynch's Ronnie Rocket script, which has a lot to do with a machine dystopia and electricity.

I think the 15 'clock' machine was a trap of some sort, but I don't quite know what it would do. Maybe it'd send Cooper to a different world than his own so then Cooper wouldn't even need to be eliminated from his world, or maybe it would of lead him straight to Mr. C (though I don't know how this would benefit Mr. C but he does keep looking at the cigarette thing in his car.)

Briggs floating head I believe fully is a clue to who the body in the bed with the librarian head is, I don't know why there's a blue rose in the room when he comes back, the banging I still believe is the entity we see in the box later but we'll have to see.

I feel like this Purple area will appear again, or I at least hope it does. Something about this whole scene and place struck a huge chord with me, it seems kind of like an isolated, sad, scary, yet beautiful place, and so many abstract things happen in a short time there that feel like they're loaded with importance it's hard to digest them all.

On top of this,
315 is the room number Cooper stayed at in the Great Northern and still has the key for.

A theory, related to my timeline musings.

If Coop bounced back in time a few days (and you've got to figure he did given the day / night / day thing, and that the scene is in both part 1 and part 2) then throwing that switch and changing the number from 3 to 15 could have been bouncing him *forwards* back to the correct date.

After all, the first woman warns Coop away from the device when it reads 3, and leads him up to where she throws the switch. As such, I think she is helping him, making sure he doesn't try to come out at the wrong time, rather than trying to sabotage him. I think the sabotage is all Mr C.

I'm not trying to discourage your hope as I could be wrong, but I feel as if you may be putting too much stake in the visual aspects where Lynch is involved and has been pretty vocal about not caring so much for the details so much as the response it gets. The details and timeframes is more the Frost stuff and who knows if he would insist that much detail be taken in dates.

Again, not trying to discourage you but I just wouldn't take everything as a for sure indicator to sync times up.

Trust me, I am completely aware that we can't really take the Saturday the 1st date as anything remotely reliable due to where I'm getting it from.

Edit: Oh and some head canon that I am going to hold onto until the series contradicts it.

Rewatching Part 4
I noticed that despite her speaking softly, that Gordon never once mishears Denise. There is no indication that he turned up his hearing aid (as in the later scene with Albert), and they have an extended conversation. He also never once mishears Tamara (as of yet). As such, I have decided (entirely for myself) that Gordon can perfectly hear women he is attracted to, and that his line about 'two beautiful women at the FBI' or whatever it was, is 100% genuine.

However! That he doesn't speak quietly as he did with Shelly in season 2, would arguably contradict this. I'm holding onto it for now though.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
A theory, related to my timeline musings.

If Coop bounced back in time a few days (and you've got to figure he did given the day / night / day thing, and that the scene is in both part 1 and part 2) then throwing that switch and changing the number from 3 to 15 could have been bouncing him *forwards* back to the correct date.

After all, the first woman warns Coop away from the device when it reads 3, and leads him up to where she throws the switch. As such, I think she is helping him, making sure he doesn't try to come out at the wrong time, rather than trying to sabotage him. I think the sabotage is all Mr C.

Trust me, I am completely aware that we can't really take the Saturday the 1st date as anything remotely reliable due to where I'm getting it from.

Actually, I like your clock theory as the thing is clearly designed to look like a clock and maybe there was a reason Cooper needed to arrive then specifically, which also would maybe explain why the next character checks her watch before telling him to go.

Yeah, I'm leaning towards it sending him to a specific time and for some reason it was initially set to some wrong time which might have ended badly for Cooper.


only made it through episode 3 but man this is incredible stuff. never seen anything like it on television, it's great to see lynch have creative freedom.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.


So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.

Dougie briefly turns into something similar to this too when the Lodge annihilates him.
So I think these entities may all be related but not necessarily one and the same.

Edit: I keep forgetting to spoiler stuff from 3 & 4.
So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.

My wife made the same connection.

It follows for now too, because that would mean the arm's doppelganger chased after Coop and got drawn into the glass box also.

Although personally I think
it's 'mother' and it went from the non-existant to the glass box, and then is coming back to the non-existant when the window is pounding and you hear that scratching sound.


I mean let's not forget
Bobby killed a man. I think it was the last time he saw Laura too. It was a dark time in him. And now he's someone that's supposed to be upholding the law. I think a lot just occurred to him in that moment. Not to mention men tend to become easier criers the older they get.
Not sure if The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer is canon but
Bobby kills someone else during another drug deal a year or two before Laura dies.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Dougie briefly turns into something similar to this too when the Lodge annihilates him.
So I think these entities may all be related but not necessarily one and the same.

Edit: I keep forgetting to spoiler stuff from 3 & 4.

My wife made the same connection.

It follows for now too, because that would mean the arm's doppelganger chased after Coop and got drawn into the glass box also.

Although personally I think
it's 'mother' and it went from the non-existant to the glass box, and then is coming back to the non-existant when the window is pounding and you hear that scratching sound.

I personally think it's
too, but wondering what's with the visual theming going on here (I mean, technically Arm Doppelganger is what sends Cooper to the
place Mother is,
so maybe some connection.

I also didn't spot the
Dougie thing, do you have a screencap of it?


So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.
That's what I was thinking actually
the way it was swiping at Cooper before saying "non-existent" reminded me of how the couple was killed next to the box.


Something I noticed about the audio cues in the beginning of episode 3
the sound effect that accompanied the blind woman's throat slashing motion was very similar to the sound when the kids were being slashed up in the warehouse with the box. Maybe a clue to the identity of the "mother"? Who knows, I could be over thinking it completely.


I personally think it's
too, but wondering what's with the visual theming going on here (I mean, technically Arm Doppelganger is what sends Cooper to the
place Mother is,
so maybe some connection.

I also didn't spot the
Dougie thing, do you have a screencap of it?

And then "diseased": http://imgur.com/adDaHl9

Edit: Also has a black cloud around it like the glass box monster...


I laughed. I doubt I am the only one who laughed.

I think it works both ways.
The scene clearly has a comedic ring to it, it's so absurd to see a cop break like that and display this kind of unprofessional behaviour. The others looking at him helps with that.

But it also works as a burst of nostalgia after some pretty ruthless and glacial episodes. If you've been yearning for some of the old show feel, it comes at you out of nowhere. As absurd and cliché as it is, Laura's theme is still effective, and the idea that Bobby repressed that part of his life to the point that it affects him that much once confronted to it gives a sad insight into his life.

All in all it's great because it's funny, tickles the nostalgia bone a little bit, comes out of nowhere and it gives Dana Ashbrook a cool little moment.


Just rewatched the bad Coop interview scene again, and a theory is forming...

Daria and her boyfriend were supposed to kill Bad Coop for Philip Jefferies, but IIRC they were not to do so for another couple days. This would mean Jefferies wants bad coop dead, but not until AFTER 2:53 and Good Coops return. But this also means that jefferies must have been aware of Bad Coops plans to send Dougie back to the lodge in his stead.

So we have Jefferies trying to orchestrate a hit on Bad Coop post-Agent Cooper return, and someone, likely bad Coop, trying to have good coop killed.

Given the way both of them are now speaking slowly, appearing cognitively limited, I am thinking that maybe there is only enough brain power for one person to exist outside the lodge, and now it's split (unevenly) between Cooper and doppleCooper. One of them has to die or go back in order for the other to be made whole. doppleCooper and Jefferies both know this, so they each planned accordingly.

So now the question is: are bad Coops' hitmen still looking for "Dougie", and does Jefferies have any backup plans?

Goddammit why did Bowie have to pass away before he could film anything. I think his character was going to be essential to sorting out the first few episodes and getting our Agent Cooper back :(
Just rewatched the bad Coop interview scene again, and a theory is forming...

Daria and her boyfriend were supposed to kill Bad Coop for Philip Jefferies, but IIRC they were not to do so for another couple days. This would mean Jefferies wants bad coop dead, but not until AFTER 2:53 and Good Coops return. But this also means that jefferies must have been aware of Bad Coops plans to send Dougie back to the lodge in his stead.

So we have Jefferies trying to orchestrate a hit on Bad Coop post-Agent Cooper return, and someone, likely bad Coop, trying to have good coop killed.

Given the way both of them are now speaking slowly, appearing cognitively limited, I am thinking that maybe there is only enough brain power for one person to exist outside the lodge, and now it's split (unevenly) between Cooper and doppleCooper. One of them has to die or go back in order for the other to be made whole. doppleCooper and Jefferies both know this, so they each planned accordingly.

So now the question is: are bad Coops' hitmen still looking for "Dougie", and does Jefferies have any backup plans?

Goddammit why did Bowie have to pass away before he could film anything. I think his character was going to be essential to sorting out the first few episodes and getting our Agent Cooper back :(

Ray is still alive as far as we know. But we also know that he's in the same prison Mr C is in. The same prison he downloaded a bunch of files and schematics on from the FBI though... so I doubt Ray is long for this world.


Hi. If I sign up for Showtime time today or next week, and if I missed Season 3 episode 1, 2, or 3, would I be able to rewatch them on Vue's DVR? Have they started to archive them yet on Vue DVR?

RIGHT, I had forgotten all about that!

There's certainly a visual consistency going on with these three things, but I can't even begin to guess what connection these three things have.

Also, one thing that might be completely unrelated,
the One Armed Man knew what was happening to Dougie and covered his face so he wasn't look at the "thing".

The two lovebirds in NY stared straight at it... and got munched.

EDIT: Also that might be related to the
woman who has no eyes who helped Coop before flying off into infinity, and beyond.
Hi. If I sign up for Showtime time today or next week, and if I missed Season 3 episode 1, 2, or 3, would I be able to rewatch them on Vue's DVR? Have they started to archive them yet on Vue DVR?


No idea about the Vue DVR, but you can access all the episodes on demand here with your Vue account.

Showtime is airing 1 and 2 at least once a day until Sunday so you should be able to catch it before then on Vue.


Although personally I think
it's 'mother' and it went from the non-existant to the glass box, and then is coming back to the non-existant when the window is pounding and you hear that scratching sound.
The doppelgangarm's "non-exist-ent" catchphrase appears to be connected to the disappearance of everyone in the glass box building. It says the line as Coop falls on his way to faceplanting into the box exactly when Tracy returned to get her bang on.
The doppelgangarm's "non-exist-ent" catchphrase appears to be connected to the disappearance of everyone in the glass box building. It says the line as Coop falls on his way to faceplanting into the box exactly when Tracy returned to get her bang on.

Oh shit, this reminds me. Did anyone else get a random black frame right before the elevator coming up? I haven't seen anyone talk about it which makes me think it was just my stream. I wonder if it was real if it would sync up to anything like Coop falling on the glass or something.
The doppelgangarm's "non-exist-ent" catchphrase appears to be connected to the disappearance of everyone in the glass box building. It says the line as Coop falls on his way to faceplanting into the box exactly when Tracy returned to get her bang on.

I'm just using it to refer to the weird purple room / space / twitchy place out of convenience. Because it seems to be a separate place to the black lodge, white lodge, waiting room, red room whatever.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I swear I remember these Showtime free trials lasting for a whole month, but mine was only a 7-day trial. Anyone get a 30-day trial anywhere?


So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.

This is exactly what I assumed. The Arms doppelganger followed Coop out of the lodge and is (possibly) out in the world.
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