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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Find the Q2 fan edit w/ missing pieces edited back in. so good.
Don't do this on your first watch. This isn't a bad movie or one that was ruined by a studio. It doesn't need a fan edit and the deleted scenes are perfectly watchable on their own.


Find the Q2 fan edit w/ missing pieces edited back in. so good.

Maybe on repeat viewings, but I'd stay stick with the theatrical first. The way I see it, if Lynch had wanted to release another cut when the Missing Pieces came out, he would have.


As for season 3, what the fuck. This three all the soap opera stuff out the window and turned into Eraserhead: The Series. But I like it too! None of it makes sense and none of it needs to, it's David Lynch putting whatever comes to his mind that looks like art on screen. I'm not asking any questions because so far it's given me all the answers I need. I'm just glad to be here for the ride.


I actually don't agree S3 is Lynch in full Eraserhead mode and basically throwing everything in his mind on screen. You can definitely feel the narrative influence of Frost through each episode, it's not as if the series is some kind of art movie for the sake of itself. Most of the story, while mysterious, does have a specific structure and logical elements.


Unconfirmed Member
I actually skipped it and read the synopsis on Wiki since I heard reviews of it weren't too kind.
Huge mistake. It's the best Twin Peaks thing after the final episode and season 2's murder episode.

Can't believe you watched the whole show and skipped Fire Walk With Me. Jesus.
I actually skipped it and read the synopsis on Wiki since I heard reviews of it weren't too kind.

Go watch FWWM Bronx, it's fantastic. Plus it shows you the significance of the Owl Cave ring and you get to meet Phillip Jeffries, both of which appear significant to the new show.

It's worth it for more Black Lodge fuckery alone.
Also chiming in to say that FWWM is required viewing and way better than the critics from the time would have you believe. If you like what you've seen of season 3, you'll like FWWM.

It has its flaws for sure, some of which simply came from lack of actor availability and/or willingness to participate, but is still pretty great IMO.

The pink room scene... God damn, the pink room scene.
Also chiming in to say that FWWM is required viewing and way better than the critics from the time would have you believe. If you like what you've seen of season 3, you'll like FWWM.

It has its flaws for sure, some of which simply came from lack of actor availability and/or willingness to participate, but is still pretty great IMO.

The pink room scene... God damn, the pink room scene.

The pink room scene might be my favorite Lynch scene ever.

I rewatched the movie last week and LOL'd at how the song is playing in the cabin again at the end. I thought that was kind of a lazy and odd choice on Lynch's end.


you can't put a price on sparks
watched the first 4 episodes. i see a story finally starting to form, but this just seems like David Lynch's cathartic expression of all of his ideas that he has had or wanted to do over the years and now he has the opportunity to do it.

they made a lot of new threads and things to ask questions about, and i'm probably not expecting 95% of the new stuff we are seeing ever being explained, let alone the older mythological questions.

there are some seriously hilarious things in here. Wally is the best thing I've seen all year.


Thanks. Glad you're okay with our take. :)

I can see myself coming around to this new series more as we get further into it, but we just watched episodes 3&4 and my wife/co-host Mel seemed to hate them.

What's your take on the Doopleganger seeing BOB in the mirror, similar to Leland when he was possessed?

Why does she hate it? And do you have a link to your Podcasts? I will gladly listen and then perhaps give counter arguments.
There is something I find a bit confusing.
The Man From Another Place is the arm. Representing the evil MIKE seperated himself from after finding God. So it seems like he is a representive of evil. But the Evolution of the Arm seems to be benevolent?

Or am I missing something?


There is something I find a bit confusing.
The Man From Another Place is the arm. Representing the evil MIKE seperated himself from after finding God. So it seems like he is a representive of evil. But the Evolution of the Arm seems to be benevolent?

Or am I missing something?

Does it seem to be benevolent?!?!


Silly me. I need to watch the episodes again, I didn't even notice they'd introduced the evolution's doppelgänger. Is there a visual clue like the human doppelgängers having milky eyes?


Silly me. I need to watch the episodes again, I didn't even notice they'd introduced the evolution's doppelgänger. Is there a visual clue like the human doppelgängers having milky eyes?

I think it has a different color, but the arm literally says "oh no it's my doppelganger" right before it... So that kinda gave it away ;o .


I think it has a different color, but the arm literally says "oh no it's my doppelganger" right before it... So that kinda gave it away ;o .

Yeah....I really need to watch them again then. Turns out watching them at 3am will cause you to forget these things!


I actually skipped it and read the synopsis on Wiki since I heard reviews of it weren't too kind.
Maybe I was ahead of the curve back then...I saw FWWM when it was released in theaters and was blown away. I still remember leaving the theater feeling like I was punched in the gut...it was emotionally draining and stuck with me for days.

DJ Gunner


The purpose is to show that it was booed. Seriously. This is the conversation we are having. This is why people booed it. It didn't make sense to make a movie that didn't give some sort of closure to the series that was canceled, but instead just showed how a character we already knew was dead and who killed them, was killed.

You do realize that article goes on to say why the audience was flat wrong and what a triumph FWWM was?


Bro who gives a shit about reviews for lynch movies. Lost Highway has like a 50 on metacritic

Just ride the wave. Fire Walk With Me is hella misunderstood. Good movie

i think lost highway is actually his worst movie. the first 30-40 mins (however long before the change) are excellent, but after that it becomes actually kind of cheap and sleazy to me.

but i agree, obviously because i made the same point directly above yours, that things like metacritic are pointless when it comes to people like david lynch. just watch it all and make up your own mind. it's all worth your time, but if you are gonna watch the new twin peaks, then fire walk with me is pretty much necessary as a preamble.
I actually skipped it and read the synopsis on Wiki since I heard reviews of it weren't too kind.

You've chosen poorly. I do believe a reappraisal of FWWM is coming (if it hasn't already started). If it wasn't for Mulholland Drive existing it would be my favorite Lynch film.

Find the Q2 fan edit w/ missing pieces edited back in. so good.

Do NOT do this on your first viewing. FWWM is supposed to be bleak and disturbing while at the same time beautiful. Splicing Laura's story up with the extra scenes of the townsfolk (as good as they are) really disrupts the flow and tone of the movie. If Lynch wanted them together then I believe he would've edited them that way.


Never understood the hate for FWWM. I guess its just because I love Lynch and whatever he does. Its just Twin Peaks unleashed, a darker tone. Its good to see different variations/ tones on the familiar.
Yes the movie is confusing, but who watches Lynch movies for them to make sense, and have things spelled out for you?
I wish we could get a Blu-ray release of Industrial Symphony no.1. From what I understand that crosses Twin Peaks with Wild at Heart?
I am hoping it will end up as an extra on a Lynch Criterion release somewhere down the line if releasing it by itself is not justifiable.


I love the movie but I can kinda understand the dislike for FWWM considering the context of its release.

It's like if they cancelled Lost after season 2, then released a movie with just flashback scenes, with little to no advancement of the story of the people trapped on the island, with people expecting that story to be wrapped up. People would be so mad like they were mad at FWWM.

I think with time and acceptance that the show was completely dead, people started seeing FWWM as the great movie that it is.


Unconfirmed Member
i think lost highway is actually his worst movie. the first 30-40 mins (however long before the change) are excellent, but after that it becomes actually kind of cheap and sleazy to me.
Yeah, I agree. Pullman's sequence is really creepy and aesthetically stunning, but after that it has the same kind of of off-putting irony and shock tactic violence as Wild at Heart, but without transcending that and making me care like that film does.
I actually skipped it and read the synopsis on Wiki since I heard reviews of it weren't too kind.

The critical reaction to the movie was mainly due to not getting a continuation of the main plot as opposed to the film itself. I recently watched it for the first time and it's incredible. Seeing the final days of Laura palmer was so necessary to making her an actual character.its tragic and brilliant.


there is joy in sucking dick
You've chosen poorly. I do believe a reappraisal of FWWM is coming (if it hasn't already started). If it wasn't for Mulholland Drive existing it would be my favorite Lynch film

Red Letter Medias recent re:View on FWWM is a fantastic modern second look. Shines a light on why FWWM is one of Lynchs better films.
I think Lynch fans have been positive on FWWM for at least a decade now.

It's really hard for me to rank Lynch's movies though. I'm pretty sure the last one I watch is my favorite.


Unconfirmed Member
It's great that every one of Lynch's films affects people uniquely and there's no real consensus about which of them is best.

Real Hero

100% objective official Lynch ranking

1. Mulholland Drive (his masterpiece)
2. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
3. Blue Velvet
4. The Elephant Man
5. Twin Peaks he directed
6. Eraserhead
7. The Straight Story
8. Lost Highway
9. Wild at Heart
10. Inland Empire
11. Dune
I'm throwing way back to two pages ago here (sleep! I have to sleep sometimes guys!).

Part 4
Coop says 'Hi!' no argument. Not 'Coffee'. Turn on the subtitles if you don't believe me.

We had a hard of hearing friend over the for the premiere, so we had the captions on. It was actually pretty useful at times...

Although it doesn't subtitle the 'It's yrev very nice to see you' line with the backwards very.

It also tells you the song and the artist when music is playing, if you're trying to figure out what plays when.

I always thought Cannes booed FWWM because of its subject matter, not because it wasn't a sequel to Twin Peaks. I know that's why a lot of the fans didn't like, it but I always heard Cannes hated its uncompromising handling of child abuse.


Silly me. I need to watch the episodes again, I didn't even notice they'd introduced the evolution's doppelgänger. Is there a visual clue like the human doppelgängers having milky eyes?
the first tree has a red head, the doppelganger has a yellow head.


Finally got to episode 3 last night though my GF fell asleep half way through (not because she was bored, started around 12:30 after we got back from a party).

Hooooly shit Lynch went straight up "Eraserhead crazy" with this episode. Can't wait to finish it later.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'll try to give a serious whirl of thinking of how I rank Lynch's films once the new season is over and I've had a fey days to digest it all. I think ranking these new episodes of Twin Peaks when there's still 14 hours left would be a bit presumptuous, as what we've seen so far is only 2/9ths of the total length of the series.

I will say I am 100% certain Dune is my least favorite though. Outside of that, I've enjoyed every one of his movies and even many of his short films.


Lost Highway is Lynch's best movie :(

they all have great stuff in them pal, nobody's gonna crucify you for liking one over the other. that was just my opinion.

also yeah as one poster said - i've only watched inland empire once, and i enjoyed it at the time, but i haven't been compelled to go back to it yet like the others. maybe it is time to go back to inland empire and see what i really think about inland empire.

the point i mean to make overall, though, is that when it comes to a guy like david lynch, and really many artist directors, that there is no best. it's all about what gets you going the most. all of it is interesting.


I rewatched Fire Walk with Me only two days ago and I've decided it might just be my favourite Lynch movie, and it's certainly some of my favourite Twin Peaks out there. I don't remember when exactly, but it must have been somewhere in 2012 to 2014 when I first watched it if that contextualizes it at all, I loved it back then too.

Also: my mom, who disliked the film on her initial watch over 20 years ago? I've been posting about her rewatch of Twin Peaks on here if you recall such a thing. Anyway, she watched it again with me during that last rewatch and she absolutely loved it this time. She said it was, and I quote, "way better than any of the TV series, I must have been in a bad mood when I first watched this. And I just don't understand why it wouldn't have been highly regarded when it released, it might not be a continuation of the series but it's clearly a work of art." I'm not sure if I'd go that far in regards to the series, but I thought that was pretty neat, I was worried about how she would like it this time. So there you go.

It's a bit saddening newcomers are still getting the impression it should be avoided because of a bad reputation, I really do believe that reappraisal has been well under way by now. And the film has been important to season 3 too. Just watch it and make up your own mind! Skipping it is such a weird choice.

I always thought Cannes booed FWWM because of it's subject matter, not because it wasn't a sequel to Twin Peaks. I know that's why a lot of the fans didn't like, it but I always heard Cannes hated its uncompromising handling of child abuse.

Yeah, that's been my impression in regards to the Cannes impression too. I somewhat doubt the audience was filled with such Twin Peaks fans.


Unconfirmed Member
Wild at Heart was booed at Cannes but won the Palm d'Or. Twin Peaks was seen as a passed fad that Lynch was still milking. The audience there was out for blood.
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