I rewatched Fire Walk with Me only two days ago and I've decided it might just be my favourite Lynch movie, and it's certainly some of my favourite Twin Peaks out there. I don't remember when exactly, but it must have been somewhere in 2012 to 2014 when I first watched it if that contextualizes it at all, I loved it back then too.
Also: my mom, who disliked the film on her initial watch over 20 years ago? I've been posting about her rewatch of Twin Peaks on here if you recall such a thing. Anyway, she watched it again with me during that last rewatch and she absolutely loved it this time. She said it was, and I quote, "way better than any of the TV series, I must have been in a bad mood when I first watched this. And I just don't understand why it wouldn't have been highly regarded when it released, it might not be a continuation of the series but it's clearly a work of art." I'm not sure if I'd go that far in regards to the series, but I thought that was pretty neat, I was worried about how she would like it this time. So there you go.
It's a bit saddening newcomers are still getting the impression it should be avoided because of a bad reputation, I really do believe that reappraisal has been well under way by now. And the film has been important to season 3 too. Just watch it and make up your own mind! Skipping it is such a weird choice.
Your mum sounds amazing.
And yeah, the fact is FWWM no longer needs to carry any expectation of carrying on the series. Thank god they made a prequel when everyone was still young enough to do it.
We're watching the sequel right now... so it's not justifiable for people to be angry that FWWM wasn't a sequel anymore.