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Twisted Metal |OT| Don't Eat. Don't Sleep. Play


Game finally arrived today and after a system update, SEN update, and patch - I'm finally in. Added a bunch of you to my friend's list but I don't see any sort of clan invite. How's that work?

(PSN - KuroNeeko)

Will be focusing on playing through single-player first. Normal goes down smooth like breast milk. Might have to start over at another difficulty setting. I'm liking Kamikaze more that I thought - the key will be how effective her EMP blast is in online games. Roadboat looks like he'll be good for trolling. :D

Im the clan leader so add me to your psn friends list (psn: bamelin). I'll see what I can do. The clan is full right now (cap is 32) but there are some people in the clan that have put less than 20 minutes into multiplayer ... I'm hesitant though to boot anyone I don't want to seem like an asshole. Any thoughts on this guys? I'm sure some are focused on single player right now.

Oh and hey guys I'm not bailing on GAF matches ... I have the "get kicked every second match" bug :(. I literally can only play one match then I have to quit and rejoin. If I stay for the second match I get dropped (as discussed last page).


One thing I'm confused about. I leveled up to about Rank 6 last night. I start up some online this morning, and now I am Rank 1 again. Do the ranks not persist across multiple days or something? Is this a glitch?

I also noticed that my skill rating with Crimson Fury now shows N/A, whereas last night it was 40.2 or something close to it.

Also, should I be getting a reward point with each rank up? I ranked up this morning from 1 to 2 and didn't get any points to spend.

Edit: So I just searched for topics about this on (ahem) another message board, and it sounds like I'm screwed. I'll have to rank back up from scratch, only this time it won't give me reward points for any ranks until I surpass where I was before the reset. This is a terrible glitch.

Edit 2: Alright, nevermind. It looks like my XP and rank returned to normal after I logged out and back into Twisted Metal online. This much be a communication issue with the game's profile servers.


OK I haven't posted in this thread much, but I have a question: For people who didn't preorder Twisted Metal, will we ever get Axel? For a seemingly great vehicle, limiting it to preorder customers is such as unfair advantage.

For actual impressions of the game:


1. Classic cheese / Twisted Metal story

2. Local multiplayer is probably one of the best I have played in years

3. Gameplay variety for different vehicles and mechanics keeps the game fresh

4. Includes TM: Black

5. Some of the levels are truly outrageous and amazing to explore/get the hang of.

6. Soundtrack is fitting. (I have no idea why rap was included though, seems out of place)

7. I actually really enjoy Nuke mode, but missiles always being shot down gets old fast.


1. Awful single player campaign missions that are an exercise in frustration. Its not even about skill, you just have to hope and pray you get lucky sometimes.

This is especially evident in missions that require insane execution such as the race for Dollface. For a mission where one missed jump means losing, it sure sucks when wonky physics and bad collision get in the way.

2. Online networking problems

3. This is personal, but I hate having to unlock vehicles for both offline and online mode.

4. Problems with balance. Axel, Juggernaut, and Talon all seem to be the obvious culprits.

5. Some unlocks are crazy, I know I'm never going to attempt to get Warthog (and the laser pistol for that matter)

6. Axel being a preorder bonus

7. Awful bosses with the actual objective being so obtuse that it is actually difficult to know what to do.

I'm talking about knowing how to get a sacrifice for Iron Maiden (figured out you need to destroy the red vehicle) and figuring out how to advance past the pinball portion of the Carnival of Carnage.


OK I haven't posted in this thread much, but I have a question: For people who didn't preorder Twisted Metal, will we ever get Axel? For a seemingly great vehicle, limiting it to preorder customers is such as unfair advantage.

I heard Axel will be released 30 days after launch.


Hi just wanted to ask: When can the code for TM: Black be used? Is it even up on PSN?
If it is, what's the size of TM: Black?


Thanks for the info guys, I'll be picking this baby up along with SFxT when that hits. Will get Black after I upgrade my PS3's HDD XD


@davidjaffe: I just watched your Twisted Metal Update #2 video, and I just wanted to say thanks for being so involved with the community post-launch. You addressed pretty much every problem and concern that people have been having with the game, network-wise, and clearly explained what was being done to fix them.

I'm sure it's frustrating to have to hear all of the complaints and angry rants from self-entitled gamers, but you've been great about keeping us all updated. Online has a few server-side issues that need to be sorted out, but once you're in a game this is Twisted Metal at its finest.

Gameplay-wise, this really is the best Twisted Metal yet, IMO. It's fast, fluid, intense, and just a total blast every time I hop into a 15-person Death Match game online. The level design is some of the best I've seen in competitive multiplayer in a long time as well. It harkens back to glory days of online multiplayer maps (Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, Quake II... etc.).

So, yeah. Sorry if this sounds like nut-hugging or gushing, but I just wanted to share my positive impressions of the game to break up the stream of nitpicking, glitch reports, and general complaining. This is gonna be a game that I'll be playing online for months to come.
Having a problem with the skin creator. I had it working fine but I made a few more skins and now when I go in game and click refresh download skins nothing happens, and to make it worse all the skins I already had downloaded in game disappeared.
You know when you play a game so much that you start seeing it in your dreams? Well that happened to me o_O

The image of a street and weapon pick ups is jammed in my brain lol.

I am so obsessed with this game and have so much more to enjoy with it, but I want more, more, more.

I am on reading week too, so I'm going to be playing this all week, I am SICK of seeing it in my dreams, but even then I'm going to continue playing it. I hate how unhealthy the habit is, but I'm not stopping.

One thing: Why can fire missiles lock on? The only missile that should lock on is the homing missile IMO. You should have to aim/aim ahead with the fire weapon like you do with the power missile. Same goes for the remote mine and shotgun. IMO some of these things should require that level of skill to use, but instead right now people tend to just spam and forget.
Fire missiles have considerably less homing, if you've played long enough you should notice that they don't always hit unless your target is going straight.
Fire missiles have considerably less homing, if you've played long enough you should notice that they don't always hit unless your target is going straight.

OK good, I've definitely played a long time, but I've been spamming most of the missiles.

I still see the locking on to enemies most weapons do unnecessary and I find that more to be a burden than help. I find that you should have to manually shoot the missiles, but perhaps that leads to more frustration. I am curious as to how much less homing it has, I recall having to think before shooting my fire missiles, but perhaps I do not recall correctly. I will test this.

Also, I was on Diablo Pass, chasing this one guy who was down to virtually no health, only to see him disappear onto some lower area. At first I thought "alright, time for me to wait for him to come up and finish him" Then I see him come up the other side with a bigger health bar. I actually was rather impressed as I should have been thinking about the health pick up down there, but I did not. I think I actually prefer having the health pick ups in the game, they do mix things up quite a bit and don't force some players to carelessly kill themselves if they know they are going to die anyway. If I had remembered, I'd have been more agressive and would have EMP'd him before he could get to it.
That's the problem with Nuke and Deathmatch, there's no real penalty for dying. Diablo Pass is actually one of my favorite maps for LMS and TLMS though because of the scarce health pick ups.


Cool I have the missiles kill this guy before he can do enough damage to kill me- why are you pointing over there? Stop it... stop... fuck!

And then I die.

Troublesome auto-aim with no control is a pretty big deal. Thankfully it doesn't rear its head constantly, but it is enough to make me think that it could ruin competitions.

Also fought against a Sweet Tooth who was basically controlling the whole game from robot mode in flight. His skill rating was 100% lol. If I had to name the best vehicles it would be Reaper, Juggernaut, Talon, and maybe Sweet Tooth (maybe because he can do what Talon does, but perhaps even better). You know what's funny? You can't play any of these vehicles in ranked until you've played the game for many hours. I imagine if there is a strong competitive scene the powers can shift (even without patches).

Seems like you basically have to guess the moment you are about to be hit with freeze if a Reaper is behind you (not likely to happen) and if you guess wrong it is instant death or 80%+ of your health. My best adaptation to this is to memorize what color the Reaper is on the mini-game. I'm afraid once Reaper catches on, this game will become quite dumb. On the other hand, when in a face to face fight I feel like Meat Wagon is a good counterpick to Reaper. My special completely disrupts them (making for an easy ram). In many games against a game dominating Reaper I'm often chasing just the Reaper since if I leave him alone, he'll get double my score.

Can you search for rooms?
Just a thought: They should always show you where health is on the minimap, even if it's already taken and waiting to respawn. This can at least add the risk of going for health and balance out the fact that some people find health to be too helpful.

For example, in the shopping mart in Sunsprings, if it's not there then you get cornered by the enemy and rightfully put yourself in jeopardy for your mistake/risk.

I am finding that the radar telling me if health is there or not reduces the need to check myself, which reduces the options I have of making my own gameplay decisions. Personally, I am fine with health, but making players manually go into an area that may be risky to pick it up adds a lot more to the gameplay and risk/reward angle they are playing up


Just a thought: They should always show you where health is on the minimap, even if it's already taken and waiting to respawn. This can at least add the risk of going for health and balance out the fact that some people find health to be too helpful.

For example, in the shopping mart in Sunsprings, if it's not there then you get cornered by the enemy and rightfully put yourself in jeopardy for your mistake/risk.

I am finding that the radar telling me if health is there or not reduces the need to check myself, which reduces the options I have of making my own gameplay decisions. Personally, I am fine with health, but making players manually go into an area that may be risky to pick it up adds a lot more to the gameplay and risk/reward angle they are playing up

You can see health through walls, so the radar thing is pointless, since if you're in the vicinity, you can see it through the wall within the range of what your radar would show anyway.
You can see health through walls, so the radar thing is pointless, since if you're in the vicinity, you can see it through the wall within the range of what your radar would show anyway.

Well then take that out too, or keep it. Doesn't matter. The point is, the health markers should show where the health pick ups are, so that players simply KNOW of where they spawn, but they should not know whether or not they are actually there or not at that given moment.

When I see the health icon, I know that I can go to it because it only shows when the health is actually there. Everybody else sees this too. But having to go there myself to see the health adds to the risk of going out of your way. This way, if Someone picked up that health, I may not know it, and the enemy may be setting up an ambush or something like that because they are more aware of the battleground. It adds to the tactics and strategy

Risk vs. Reward


Just a thought: They should always show you where health is on the minimap, even if it's already taken and waiting to respawn. This can at least add the risk of going for health and balance out the fact that some people find health to be too helpful.

For example, in the shopping mart in Sunsprings, if it's not there then you get cornered by the enemy and rightfully put yourself in jeopardy for your mistake/risk.

I am finding that the radar telling me if health is there or not reduces the need to check myself, which reduces the options I have of making my own gameplay decisions. Personally, I am fine with health, but making players manually go into an area that may be risky to pick it up adds a lot more to the gameplay and risk/reward angle they are playing up

I like that idea.


Has anyone successfully imported yet? If so are there any issues you've run into (online?). Now my initial annoyance about the censorship and delay have subsided I think I'm probably gonna just wait it out and get the uk version.
bleh shot and did lots of damage to a guy online and he rams me once and i die 0_o i had full health too and he had the same car.

another bleh is i did lots of damage and some guy came and killed him at the last second and i got "soft assist" :(

thought this was fixed.

only two problems i had though, starting to connect to more games and having a blast, LA skyline > all, lol everyone falls down a lot/ fight in the middle


Heh, last night I was playing a team deathmatch in Diablo Canyon as Axel and like 4 people from the other team chased me into that narrow canyon beyond the storm drain and I war wheeled them over and over in there.
Heh, last night I was playing a team deathmatch in Diablo Canyon as Axel and like 4 people from the other team chased me into that narrow canyon beyond the storm drain and I war wheeled them over and over in there.

I finally suffered a warwheel and noticed the "freeze" people talk about.

I feel like Axel needs an improved Shockwave. I know people complain about the Warwheel, but I think once Darksiders begin to unlock Axel is going to be more difficult to use consistently without suffering from ram attacks.

As for the Warwheel being OPd, I think he should have a longer animation getting into the Warwheel that can be broken, and that he should probably have a longer cooling time for his special + a longer cooling time for his Energy meter. Perhaps that should balance him?
@jaffe, just watched you update video. I really hope people dont start mass trading this game in but Sony who pushed this online pass on the game should patch that shit so that isnt needed anymore. At least when those assholes fix the games network issues people will be more inclined to support the community but picking up used.

Literally nothing from the demo to the skins has gone right and they owe us one.
You can see health through walls, so the radar thing is pointless, since if you're in the vicinity, you can see it through the wall within the range of what your radar would show anyway.

This brings up a good point, you can change your radar size. There's Small, Medium, Large, XL, and Full Map. You might say "Why would you not choose full map all the time?" but it can be hard to pin point things with it. I use Medium radar.


I guess there are still some online issues. I havent been able to join a game today...though yesterday I got into a few.
Yay, co-op should make things easier.

There should be a free MP demo on PSN. I mean, why not? Is it hard to maintain?

I am beginning to see the annoyance of Axel, and I am finding it difficult to take down Talons. Wait till I unlock my Darkside

Axel is definitely easy street, crushing enemies feel easy to do in FFA where everyone is just together and you ram over whatever.

Managed to outplay an Axel player 1 v 1, tried to crush me twice but I shielded both times.

Also, when u jump, IMO, the jump should propel you forward a bit, or you should at least be able to proper forward when you jump + press gas. I am getting stuck on ledges and jumping in place doesn't help


Can someone give me the run down on how to use sweet bot. I'll transform , throw the head and go back to car mode. How do you fly and use him properly?


Alright I just unlocked Juggernaut. I really want to test it out with 2 other players in the turrets. So if you want to do some maximum ownage we can set up a group/party.


Finally got to level 16 and got Mr Grimm (I still refuse to call the vehicle "Reaper"). I was using Meat Wagon and generally did the alt special so I was imagining my place in games would drop considerably due to the much smaller amount of health. I still ended up in 2nd with over 1k points, so I guess not bad.
Can someone give me the run down on how to use sweet bot. I'll transform , throw the head and go back to car mode. How do you fly and use him properly?

Using the laughing ghost negates the special. Dont use the special, once u transform (triangle) jump + Push forward and fly around.

FFS, how do I play unranked through quick game action? I don't feel like playing created games and sifting through filters.

Unranked games have the ban logo on the rank symbol, cant do it through quick action it seems

Alright I just unlocked Juggernaut. I really want to test it out with 2 other players in the turrets. So if you want to do some maximum ownage we can set up a group/party.

Im down


Just beat the story mode. So how's the online? I wouldn't know seeing as how I've been trying to join games for almost two hours with no success


Im the clan leader so add me to your psn friends list (psn: bamelin). I'll see what I can do. The clan is full right now (cap is 32) but there are some people in the clan that have put less than 20 minutes into multiplayer ... I'm hesitant though to boot anyone I don't want to seem like an asshole. Any thoughts on this guys? I'm sure some are focused on single player right now.

Oh and hey guys I'm not bailing on GAF matches ... I have the "get kicked every second match" bug :(. I literally can only play one match then I have to quit and rejoin. If I stay for the second match I get dropped (as discussed last page).

I haven't jumped online yet because I am beating SP first or at least going 50 percent.
I have seen some guys trophies where they have beaten the game on twisted difficulty without using garage. I figure I didn't want to look so weak by comparison & brush up on my skills. I am playing through on hard. Do not delete me as I will be an active clan member just want to semi-master this game, as opposed to dragging down the teams scores.


1. If they fix the network errors, I think it would be wise to release another demo so people can see what it's all about.

2. I love this game. It's probably the most fun I've had with multiplayer since Super Smash Bros. Melee. But...

3. It's been a week since the game came out and about 2 or so since the demo was out. How long is it going to take to fix the network errors? Should I give it one more week? What is it going to take because at this point I'm really starting to get pissed. At some point enough is enough and I want a refund or something because I essentially paid full price for something that is broken. That's how refunds work, right? Or else I'm just going to have to sell it and have a chip on my shoulder, which sucks because see point 2.

4. I was in a game of Nuke waiting to sacrifice a team leader when I saw a sniper's beam on me. So I went around to the opposite end of the missile launcher where the launcher blocks the sniper's POV, yet he still managed to snipe me through the launcher. Was this an exploit or can the sniper rifle hit through walls and stuff?


Just spent an hour and 45 minutes trying to get into a game with a party member... we've gotten into 2 games so far, and neither were we on the same team. Kinda sucks big ass.
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