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Twisted Metal |OT| Don't Eat. Don't Sleep. Play


I swear to god I just played a game where THREE freaking Talon players were rocking sniper scopes. Frustrating as all fuck playing FFA, trying to aim at these assholes only to get constantly shot by everybody else.

That said I did come second so it's not like they are vastly dominant, but it was a flat map. Curious to see how scores end up in levels like Diable Pass, because I am sure what BHK3 did is easily repeatable

I also hope ESP can implement unlocking things during the lobby screen, I dont like backing out of a good server

90% of the respawns are right on the bridge, so I just sat there while people trying to shoot at me were getting shot at by other people while I was racking up kills.
90% of the respawns are right on the bridge, so I just sat there while people trying to shoot at me were getting shot at by other people while I was racking up kills.
Game starts at the bridge but you respawn near the bulk of opponents, and since no one ever seems to wander past the bridge the map can get stale quick. Love playing in on Nuke though since you are forced to travel the whole road. Possibly the most team oriented map for Nuke since you can't just use Crimson Fury and pick up the leader and use some road no one is on to get to the launcher and fire the nuke before anyone can catch up, and once you do get the Nuke its a looong way to the statue, teammates need to stop them enemies from shooting it down (flying the rat rocket right next to the Nuke so enemies lock onto that instead works great!).

Got away from the main point, players need to make a neutral agreement to go after Talon first in deathmatches.


Game starts at the bridge but you respawn near the bulk of opponents, and since no one ever seems to wander past the bridge the map can get stale quick. Love playing in on Nuke though since you are forced to travel the whole road. Possibly the most team oriented map for Nuke since you can't just use Crimson Fury and pick up the leader and use some road no one is on to get to the launcher and fire the nuke before anyone can catch up, and once you do get the Nuke its a looong way to the statue, teammates need to stop them enemies from shooting it down (flying the rat rocket right next to the Nuke so enemies lock onto that instead works great!).

Got away from the main point, players need to make a neutral agreement to go after Talon first in deathmatches.

First time playing Last Man Standing. I hate how there is ever only 1 lobby open for it, but I love it. What you said happened though, I was kamikaze and I was dominating 2 games in a row, so the players decided to team up against me, didn't work out so well for them :p


David updated on his blog. http://davidjaffe.biz/ I'll paste for the lazy.

David Jaffe said:
Hey all- thanks for hanging in there with me tonite waiting for an update. Crazy day- very busy. Sorry it's coming so late.

Ok, here's what I know:


a- a patch left SDQA today and is in format tomorrow. It's POSSIBLE it will hit Twisted Metal tomorrow nite but Sony tells me it will be either tomorrow nit or Thursday morning. Forgive my layman's understanding of this sort of stuff, but the core idea is that we hope the patch will go some/a long/the full (not sure which) way to making it so players connect consistently to online games. The patch will be addressing the following issues (again, forgive my lay understanding):

- Quick match and user created matches will be split so people looking for human created games are not being pulled/put into quick match games.
- The list of matches will be randomized (to an extent) so not every user sees the same game list in the same order (causing EVERYONE to try to pick games off game list page 1 at the same time and the resulting in some of our CAN NOT JOIN ISSUES).
- When a user gets a CAN NOT JOIN error and tries to create his own game, seems there is a bug where not all of the CAN NOT JOIN game is cleared out, potentially creating a new game room that retains elements of the CAN NOT JOIN logic from the first game the user tried to set up. The programmers at ESP and SONY feel this fix could solve a large % of our issues with players connecting and MAYBE even solve the issues of players being dropped mid game.
- A few other fixes that- we hope- will make big differences to connecting.


No official word but this is what it's looking like: while it's possible we didn't get rid of all of the crash bugs in the game that lock your system (although we didn't let the game go out knowing there was a crash bug so if you've found a genuine, reproducible one, let us know how you did it!…but more and more it's looking like the crashes we are hearing about on the older PS3s are hardware related. Twisted- like a lot of games- pulls a big amount of power on ramp up and some of the older systems- perhaps because of age, perhaps because of dust inside, perhaps because of a graphics card that is just on its last legs- can't keep up. This seems like it would explain- according to the very smart tech folks who explained this to me- why we are seeing crashes in the first 10sec-5 min of the game BUT without any consistent breadcrumb trails that would indicate it's a software problem (i.e. every time I turn left at this corner and drop the remote bomb and blow up Juggernaut when he's below 30% health, the game crashes).

Our Sony Santa Monica Producer is going to speak with customer service to see how rampant this issue is. Turns out a number of games have issues like this but it's usually a small number compared to the number of copies of the game out there. Customer Service will allow us to see how frequent of an issue this is and if it's above the norm of this sort of issue, we'll keep looking for what the problem could be.

As of now though, that's what we know on that issue.


Biggest issue is the skins are too dark. This will be addressed- according to Sony- with a Twisted Metal website update in the next 48 hours. From what they tell me, this is why Tooth doesn't show up except anything but black and bright white cars show up super dark too. We'll see how it improves but I hear a new version is up in the next 48 hours. My understanding is THIS issue is keeping the NOS skins from being made available as well. Will keep checking on that tomorrow and update you on the NOS specific issues- if they are different form this issue- via Twitter.

Better browsing of skins will also hit by Thrusday.

4. MISC- Aware of a lot of the issues you guys have that are not on this list and they are going on a TO DO/TO PATCH list but as I'm sure you understand, right now getting the connection issues 100% resolved is where 95% of the effort is going. Will update ya'll on the changes/fixes to common requests/complaints as they come in the next days and weeks.

5. AUTO START IN MATCH MADE GAMES- Long story but right now, the band aid solve is to make the user who is the host super aware by changing the UI so they won't be able to miss the visuals cues that THEY need to hit START. After that gets in and fixed, we'll see if it's still needed to implement a forced launch after X seconds/minutes. Sounds like this change will hit this week as well but I'm not 100% sure.

Ok, so that's what I know right now. More to come- thanks for being patient with the game and with us. It's super, super appreciated. We're very sorry, ya'll.



Maxis Redwood
THAT'S fucking why. I was like "fucking motion controls never work," but now I know I was just slamming my junk like an idiot for nothing.

lol, I thought the motion controls in my sixaxis had broke for awhile when I started playing the full game.


I haven't had any crashes in the full game, Which is weird since the demo did countless times. Also still have the demo installed and playing on a old 80gb.

Plus they still don't sound very confident that this will fix shit all.

Yea, the game has yet to freeze or crash on me and I totally forgot my ps3 was on the other day and it was running in the menu while I slept for about six hours. I did get one of those newer models though, during black friday last year.
THAT'S fucking why. I was like "fucking motion controls never work," but now I know I was just slamming my junk like an idiot for nothing.

Not gonna lie I did and said the same exact thing! I figured it wasn't a perk considering it was unlocked in the demo and in SP.

Gaddaaam Jaffe trolled us hard. Well played. >_>


Maxis Redwood
So I should get this game??? or I should wait for starhawk?

Get it! As soon as the network stuff gets resolved this will be an extremely damn good game. Even as is you can still get a match going within a few minutes. The gameplay though... best its ever been for the series. Seems to be mixed opinions on the single player, but while I miss all the characters, I'll happily agree it's the best campaign in the series as well. Love the new variety in the matches.


Played around with Reaper in non-ranked. Not really any good on it (yet), but it did show me how silly that damage is. Also tried Darkside. Did pretty good and I liked it, but fast opponents really had the upper hand because of my slow turns and I had some trouble properly aiming both turbo boost and the special.

If they change one thing about unlocks it should be that Turbo boost shouldn't need to be unlocked. Well, maybe that and the first killstreak bonus.

I know this is all basically fantasy likely but some game types I would want to see added to spice things up (something I thought about while getting all those matchmaking errors):

1) "Juggernaut Deathmath" from the campaign where each team has a single Juggernaut (maybe one which is stronger than usual) which can spawn/respawn teammates. Then I guess the game could otherwise work exactly like Last Man Standing or it could be like that but the game is about killing the Juggernaut multiple times for points.

2) A "gun game" type of mode where you are forced to switch to a new car every time you get a kill. Either this could be done instantaneously or maybe players have to go back to a "garage" like in the campaign. If the latter you could make it so that they need to survive entering the garage for the kill to count, but obviously in that case the number of cars needed to cycle through would have to be lower.

3) A version of Last Man Standing where after being killed players turn into slightly transparent "ghosts". "Ghosts" respawn as you'd expect in a TDM and can attack other ghosts, but otherwise cannot interact with the LMS game in play (well they could eat up resources on the map). At the end you could use the results of the Ghost match to decide 3rd, 4th, etc place (with performance before becoming ghosts being a big factor).

4) A version of Hunted where each player has their own target they need to kill for points. Pretty simple concept. I guess the rules would apply the same way in that killing other players wouldn't give points and killing cars hunting you would. Naturally they'd cycle when you killed your target or they managed to kill you.

5) A game where after a car is destroyed the driver is obtainable like a faction leader in Nuke and that player can then be dropped into a cage. Players can rescue teammates by destroying the cage, which leads to them respawning. The game would end if an entire team was captured, but also points would be distrusted for every capture.
Fucking FINALLY beat Iron Maiden on Twisted with a gold. 8 minutes. Could have shaved a minute or so off but fuck the aiming sucks with all those little heads floating around. Getting lucky and having mega guns drop from dead cars or power missiles really helps. Had like 3 straight times beating her where I was 10 seconds or less too late for gold. One of them was incredibly shitty because I was 4 seconds late and she glitched where she was stuck and just sat there in midair but I didn't have any weapons around me. Raced across the bridge to get some missiles, came back and was a few seconds late :\

Just gotta beat the final boss with gold now.
So I should get this game??? or I should wait for starhawk?

Going off the demo and beta, I preferred TM. Starhawk's beta was good but felt flat to me. Not a fan of the environment and I overall prefer Warhawk's feel.

To be honest, when it comes to raw skill, challenge, and hardcore appeal, TM is a much better competitive experience to me. Im constantly glued to the controller and its quite an adrenaline rush for me. It manages to this while doing the one thing that I love best about it: being fun. Its just an awesome good time
1) Sounds like a more fun version of Hunted, easily playable in a lobby of friends

I'd like Collector/Headhunter, and for Hunted to award points for staying alive instead of getting kills

Edit: Oops sorry for the double post :(


So I should get this game??? or I should wait for starhawk?

I'd wait until the multiplayer issues get solved. Going by their promises before and after the retail version you will never know when it gonna be fixed. It is a great game but I have my copy just sitting there after I finished the single player.


First mp game in a long time where I'm just gonna ignore my K:D ratio.

I leave any game with more than one talons. I can't kill them effecitvely, and my teammates will probably drop anyway/be useless so it's not even worth it. Just had one game on metro where they were covering the tunnels and it was the ass rape you might think it was. I got ones health down to a sliver, had to escape to the tunnel to heal/get weapons only to run into a talon down there with full health. Yep. I did get a snipe against some roadkill though. They should have left Talon in SP or out entirely.

Anyone here go to/post at TMA? What are their thoughts?


I love the game, but Black is still probably my favorite. Black is probably just my personal epitomized edition of TM shame I never got to try the online edition. Mostly has to do with the maps and the characters/story stuff, no big whoop though.

....though I can barely get online with this one either! Hope stuff is ironed out soon. I like the metro map the best here, I think, the Christmas lights and the snow and style of it all really make a pleasing aesthetic to me with the way it's made, especially when you're flying around at crazy speeds.

Would be neat to see a modernized attempt at TM some day, just with some more meat to things , but I guess the franchise just sputtered out of the limelight. I'm just out of touch I guess since those remarks in pre release just confused me, I thought it was still a super popular franchise. :lol Guns and cars! theyre all greatest hits! I dont know what anyone likes anymore except for cover shooters and regenerating health!I played so much TM in my teens and I love twitch shooters (and ever since the last hurrah of original pc FPS there's so, so, so few) so it's been a real treat to me, great stuff.


I hate nuke and I hate Talon. Nuke is retarded team mates central and Talon, even when he has a enemy Talon to worry about, is a total pain in the ass.
I like how I can fill up the sacrifice meter, watch the game wait 3 seconds so the launcher is perfectly under a bridge, and then fire the missile for an instant crash. Also, when I'm in a hurry, switching to alternate special should work. I press triangle while it's highlighted, see the S flip, and then the primary special will come out. It's so dumb.

I've been on both sides of the coin where teammates will drop and the game keeps going. 5v3 doesn't sound too bad on paper, but there's no way to keep that many opponents in check when you're down 2 players.


Really enjoying the game, however, I agree with all of the posters that talon is a problem. Annoying as hell when the skilled talons will always shield your freezes.

Most fun thing to do in the game tho, is to use roadboat on diablo pass or LA skyline. It's just so satisfying to alt special and throw people off the cliffs for a heavy 70 damage. Those 2 are my favourite maps to play because they seem suited for roadboat. Talons just ruin it :(.


Really enjoying the game, however, I agree with all of the posters that talon is a problem. Annoying as hell when the skilled talons will always shield your freezes.

Honestly when it comes to deal with Talon players you really need to load up on ammo (which you should do generally). And just start to bombard Talon, and once/if the player uses a shield immediately send a freeze in their direction. The idea is to get the Talon player to burn up its energy so Talon is then vulnerable to a freeze. Or if you can try to sneak up on the player when they are busy trying to get cheap kills on someone else.

I always target Talon from a distance off while that player is trying to poach someone else. The only downside to all of this is if you are the only player in your entire team who pays attention to Talon. Then you will have issues.


I haven't had any crashes in the full game, Which is weird since the demo did countless times. Also still have the demo installed and playing on a old 80gb.

Plus they still don't sound very confident that this will fix shit all.

I've had no crashes in the demo, but about 4 hardlock ups in the retail. My PS3 is clean and only year or so old. There is definitely something going on, not a hardware issue.


I leave any game with more than one talons. I can't kill them effecitvely, and my teammates will probably drop anyway/be useless so it's not even worth it. Just had one game on metro where they were covering the tunnels and it was the ass rape you might think it was. I got ones health down to a sliver, had to escape to the tunnel to heal/get weapons only to run into a talon down there with full health. Yep. I did get a snipe against some roadkill though. They should have left Talon in SP or out entirely.

I believe you can host a game unranked and just restrict what vehicles you don't want play against.


I don't have much problems with talons unless I'm the only person acknowledging their presence. Stalker and those other missiles you charge up seem to do extra damage and freeze seems to home in with extra accuracy.
Lol, duuuudee, I almost got a Talon but when I EMPd him, he landed right on the edge of a roof. Felt like a fox drooling over a crow in a tree


Till people learn how to fight Talon I'm going to take advantage and play as him. I get a stupid amount of XP because people just ignore him.


Unconfirmed Member
Once I unlock Warthog, I will probably only ever play as him. Just too bad ass.


First mp game in a long time where I'm just gonna ignore my K:D ratio.

I leave any game with more than one talons. I can't kill them effecitvely, and my teammates will probably drop anyway/be useless so it's not even worth it. Just had one game on metro where they were covering the tunnels and it was the ass rape you might think it was. I got ones health down to a sliver, had to escape to the tunnel to heal/get weapons only to run into a talon down there with full health. Yep. I did get a snipe against some roadkill though. They should have left Talon in SP or out entirely.

Anyone here go to/post at TMA? What are their thoughts?

I get better at games by quitting, too.

TMA is mixed. Most of them seem to think Talon needs a little bit of a nerf, but it can't be too much since Talon is already a glass cannon. One person suggested that Talon should take fall damage from being frozen the same way enemies it drops take fall damage. Also apparently ESP is considering giving Talon its own unique radar icon to make people more aware of it.


Pretty sure TM is killing my PS3. I have an older 40 gig model ... HDD always seems like its working overtime to keep up when loading maps. I've also had some hardlocks. The hardlocks happen for me when changing cars in menu or in game. So far it's rare it happens..

Hope my ps3 doesn't die I like this game a lot.
Well that sucks. Guess I just had a good streak. Thought for sure some fixes were in place because the connection/game disconnecting issues were completely gone. It even gave me the correct message that the server was full instead of "unable to connect" or whatever.
When you get in a match with 4 or 5 Warthogs it's just ridiculous. Feels like sumo wrestling when both players expose their belly and charge at eachother.


Does his alt have like.. splash damage or anything? Like if I charge into a group of enemies with it fully charged then release, does it do damage to everyone?

I am liking Warthog but his 2 specials seem kind of meh to me.


True. But I have this inkling that your typical map corner Talon snipers are the MW2 kiddos obsessed with their KDR. God forbid they get down in dirty in a vehicle.

Do you get unlimited uses of Talon in DM/TDM? Talon's aren't that hard to take down. The problem is you need to specifically target them, and doing so makes you vulnerable to everyone else. If I knew that Talon wasn't going to immediately respawn after I take it out, I'd be much more willing to take the risk.


I love the shotgun. I haven't really noticed anyone using it online and I'm not sure why. If I have 3 shots for it and we get into one of those skirmishes, 8 out of 10 times I'm winning. It's so satisfying getting a killshot with one too. I've noticed the "point blank" range damage shot is inconsistent though. Most of the time it just gives me the close range 40dmg instead. Still good but yea.

I get better at games by quitting, too.

TMA is mixed. Most of them seem to think Talon needs a little bit of a nerf, but it can't be too much since Talon is already a glass cannon. One person suggested that Talon should take fall damage from being frozen the same way enemies it drops take fall damage. Also apparently ESP is considering giving Talon its own unique radar icon to make people more aware of it.

I'm not gonna stick around a game with Talons when my teammates are bailing too.


Shotgun is my favorite weapon. During the demo I would just turbo around with Crimson Fury and shotgun to victory. I think it is hard to tell if the enemy uses it though. If I see someone dashing at me without firing other stuff I assume they are going for pointblanks. I switch to my shotty, then shield and blast them back when we collide.

Fucking love the shotgun.


Maxis Redwood
I love the shotgun. I haven't really noticed anyone using it online and I'm not sure why. If I have 3 shots for it and we get into one of those skirmishes, 8 out of 10 times I'm winning. It's so satisfying getting a killshot with one too. I've noticed the "point blank" range damage shot is inconsistent though. Most of the time it just gives me the close range 40dmg instead. Still good but yea.

I'm not gonna stick around a game with Talons when my teammates are bailing too.

Shotgun is probably my favorite new weapon, it feels damn good when you point blank someone. I love freezing someone towards the end of a fight, driving up nice and close, and just unloading with that thing for the kill shot. I haven't tried the sidearm version of it yet, curious to see how it measures up.
"Everyone else is doing it" is a terrible excuse. Get the whole team to get better rather than running away.
If everyone else is bailing out of the match then yeah, I'll do it too because it's not much fun in a lopsided match.

Though there is bonus experience awarded if you stick around in an unbalanced match.


If everyone else is bailing out of the match then yeah, I'll do it too because it's not much fun in a lopsided match.

Though there is bonus experience awarded if you stick around in an unbalanced match.

If we're down one or two players and I'm still having a decent time, I'll stick around. The Mercy bonus is nice (especially since I'm still low ranked) but not when I'm getting bumfucked by two outlaws, a talon and the whole match basically comes down to me trying to runaway from every encounter.
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