Gold Member
Oh no!
She needs a good squirtinGoogled this Amouranth person.
*looks at pictures*
Yep. Not surprised. At all.
Or an Onlyfans, I don’t understand why people make it so hard for themselves sometimesShe needs a good squirtin
How many onlyfans sluts get their own thread on neogafOr an Onlyfans, I don’t understand why people make it so hard for themselves sometimes
Deer Kin stopping bikini models from monetising their hot tub streams broadcasted on a billion-dollar companies internet-based game streaming platform.
Not quite the future I had in mind when I was a child, not gonna lie.
Wonder how much she raked in to date... guess I gotta respect the hustle for what it is. Part of me dies a little every time I see people ACTUALLY GETTING PAID for this kind of low grade smut.
Patreon and Gofundme are not begging. I could have written a more intelligent post by bashing my dick on my keyboard.I find the whole idea of giving money to internet "celebrities" incomprehensible. I'm also a bit concerned about the way begging is effectively being normalized through shit like this - along with net.beggar platforms like Patreon and Gofundme.
Yeah, my brain just can't figure out what is going on in someone's brain when they give money to someone like this.I find the whole idea of giving money to internet "celebrities" incomprehensible. I'm also a bit concerned about the way begging is effectively being normalized through shit like this - along with net.beggar platforms like Patreon and Gofundme.
Patreon and Gofundme are not begging. I could have written a more intelligent post by bashing my dick on my keyboard.
Beggars do nothing for money.How are they "not begging"? They both operate on the basis of asking random strangers for money.
I suspect I just touched a nerve because you use them, and don't want to be reminded that you are, in fact, a beggar.
What did she do?Good. Fuck her.
They are producing something that people give them money for, or asking for donations based on a set of usually unfortunate circumstances that people can verify before they donate to help them with, such as a loved one’s unexpected death.How are they "not begging"? They both operate on the basis of asking random strangers for money.
I suspect I just touched a nerve because you use them, and don't want to be reminded that you are, in fact, a beggar.
Good. Fuck her.
Beggars do nothing for money.
Doing something for people and asking for money if they want to support is a different concept.
Street performers aren’t beggars for instance.
They are producing something that people give them money for, or asking for donations based on a set of usually unfortunate circumstances that people can verify before they donate to help them with, such as a loved one’s unexpected death.
It’s true though, I pimp hoes online.
Oh yeah def some beggars on gofund me. I thought you were just referring to people using platforms like that for finding a project or whatever.Well, gofundme is exactly "asking for money for nothing". Patreon is more of a grey area - but isn't "asking for money to support" really just begging with a figleaf anyway?
Personally, it has little impact on me - I find 99.99% of the shit on YouTube unwatchable garbage anyway and my level of interest in watching other people play games is pretty much identically zero. I just find the idea of these "net.celebrities" begging for money from people that are likely poorer than them intensely distasteful.
You are wrong as hell here. I suggest you think about it instead of trying to win the virtual argument.And that's not begging ... exactly how? You seem to have constructed some wholly arbitrary distinction between "asking for donations" and "begging". Personally, I've always disliked euphemism, so I will call it the way I see it.
And why do people feel the need to see that when there are sites with fully naked women lol so i don't understand the point of watching that and than giving them money wtfA titty streamer
Probably some complex form of masochism mixed with poor reproductive traits from a evolutionary perspective:And why do people feel the need to see that when there are sites with fully naked women lol so i don't understand the point of watching that and than giving them money wtf
She does have Onlyfans, twitch was just her marketing tool to get people to join the only fans plus add a extra income stream for her.Just go on only fans already...
Some places have major bans or restrictions on adult sites. That’s why girls get these huge following on twitch and Instagram because these websites are not as restricted as the adult sites. So some simps get their fix going to twitch and Instagram....And why do people feel the need to see that when there are sites with fully naked women lol so i don't understand the point of watching that and than giving them money wtf
Well the thing is, Twitch is supposed to be a platform to watch video game streams, not a gateway drug for Onlyfans. Women are preying on weak-willed men that normally wouldn't venture to those types of sites. Normally I don't give a shit since they're the ones being idiots with their money/time, but this is akin to going to a restaurant for some food and someone slipping cocaine in your meal.I'm kind of on her side. Twitch has rotted from the inside out as the new cult has taken over there. They're wildly non-transparent and inconsistent with thier own shit rules. They say streamers can only wear bikinis in pools and hot tubs so streamers do this to spite them.
With platforms such as Patreon or GoFundMe, one typically receives a good(s) or service in exchange for your money. Subscribing to a content creator on Patreon, for example, has exclusive benefits and helps fund the content you're consuming. This is similar to... virtually every major business transaction you've engaged in in your entire life, however, you're clearly used to the presence of a middle man - such as a publisher (EA, Disney, Netflix) or goods provider (Walmart, Target, Amazon). There's not a whole lot of begging, but there are a whole lot of goods and services being exchanged for money. The idea that these platforms are inherently some kind of negative or a scam is ludicrous.How are they "not begging"? They both operate on the basis of asking random strangers for money...
She’s hot, that’s pretty useful.Pretty shitty how much these people make for being completely useless dumb abominations.
Uhm… no. Nope…Reality is different...any swearing is a hateful slur
Never knew who this person was until I started googling her. Shes got a ton of social media accounts, Only Fans and porn videos too.Idiotic internet beggar can't fleece money from retards anymore.
Why does this thread exist? Twitch streamers are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.
It never fails to blow my mind that an entire generation of people have been hoodwinked into believing that watching literal nobodies playing video games on the fucking internet while begging for money under the guise of 'HELP SUPPORT THE CHANNEL' is somehow not the modern equivalent of panhandling. The big difference is that it isn't the homeless and the broken, it's panhandling being done by comfortable, privileged, middle class people.Never knew who this person was until I started googling her. Shes got a ton of social media accounts, Only Fans and porn videos too.
All it takes are some whale to pony up and she might have $1 million or $10 million in the bank.
On one hand, I say good on her for knowing how to make some cash (assuming she has tons of money). On the other hand, the average person trying to make a living off social media seem to whore themselves out (no pun intended in this case) doing or saying whatever dumb shit to get clicks and donations.
An argument can be made that "whats the difference between doing social media and making $1 off a viewer vs. a newspaper making $1 selling a daily copy?" If they want to spend $1 on a twitch stream, that's their business.
I agree actually. But it sure seems like a sketchy career to make a living this way even if it's legal.
Too many people sitting at home with money to burn in their pockets. Nobody wants to get out.It never fails to blow my mind that an entire generation of people have been hoodwinked into believing that watching literal nobodies playing video games on the fucking internet while begging for money under the guise of 'HELP SUPPORT THE CHANNEL' is somehow not the modern equivalent of panhandling. The big difference is that it isn't the homeless and the broken, it's panhandling being done by comfortable, privileged, middle class people.
It's just gross and nauseating, and kind of the ultimate expression of everything wrong with our current moment. Make no mistake about it, whether giggling OMGIMANERD girls with their tits hanging out, or pathetic dimwits like Ninja, these people are fucking whores of the worst kind, and their donators are the worst kind of brain dead vermin.
Frankly, I'm torn between wanting streamers to be starved of their free cash, and wanting to watch the desperate and retarded to throw all of their money at literally nothing in the hope that some twit will 'mention them'. It's a tough one.
I was not aware streamers aka entertainers have special rights than the rest of the working population doesn’t have? It’s their choice they decided to base their livelihood on being present on a single platform.People might actually rely on these streams for their livelihood. It's a bit irresponsible.
It’s not about surviving, it’s about making easy money by sexualising yourself and pondering to gender stereotypes in the age of (supposedly) gender equality.Some people dont give a fuck about values or morals in order to survive. That's a symptom of how internet fucked up our society and minds.
Deer Kin stopping bikini models from monetising their hot tub streams broadcasted on a billion-dollar companies internet-based game streaming platform.
Not quite the future I had in mind when I was a child, not gonna lie.