I know, I missed so much, yet nothing at all.Holy shit Zedd. I slept way too long. T_T
I know, I missed so much, yet nothing at all.
i seriously do not remember Ernie sticking around this long
I love how Kimberly is acting like anyone else would when they're talking to Zordon.
lol at fake-ass Kimberly
what was that fourth wall breaking kimberly lmao
Bitchy Kim is best Kim.
Bitch Kimberly should be normal one.
Holy Crap! They're showing the ENTIRE Rower Rangers saga. I thought it's just the first three seasons to tie-in with the movie.
Don't Bulk and Skull get turned into chimps at some point and Ernie looks after them? Did I just imagine that?
Up there with Zack/Jason and Jason/Tommykimberly and trini is the real ship
Thanks for giving the group a heads up AFTER the fact Zordon.
Don't Bulk and Skull get turned into chimps at some point and Ernie looks after them? Did I just imagine that?
I feel like his ass does this more than should be allowed.
The reason Kimberly is salty is because Trini is more hotter than her.