Man, I loved MMRP as a 7 year old kid. Every Saturday morning was basically a religious ceremony - Power Rangers followed by The Silver Brumby and then meeting with friends to go through the episodes in complete detail.
I mean sure, looking at the stream I can objectively see it for the awful cheese it is now but I completely get why I loved it as a kid. The effects hold up surprisingly well, honestly. Goes to show how long practical effects last.
But I honestly don't know any of this current plot. My country only showed the series with Rita Repulsa. I remember an episode where she said "That's it! No more monsters!" I was like "WHAT?! She isn't going to use MONSTERS? I can't wait to see how she'll attack the Rangers then!" We had a ton of theories, the most popular being that she will attack them herself! Boy, the hype was ON. Then came next Saturday morning and... nothing. No more MMPR on TV. Just like that. Replaced by Sesame Street. Man, I cried so hard it's not even funny.
So I have no idea why Tommy is in a completely different white suit instead of green and what those new zords are. I also don't know who this new bad guy is. Watching this is basically both nostalgic and fresh at the same time. I wish I could sit my 7 year old self next to me and show him this. He would be jumping on the couch for the whole duration.