Twitch launches Power Rangers Marathon starting Tuesday

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Kimberly also goes off and does ranger stuff of her own after leaving the group, so it could be a good read for anyone going through Kim withdraws.

Is that the Pink Ranger comic? I actually haven't read that one yet.

Did the second volume just come out? I need to pick it up as I really enjoyed the first volume.

It's out, got mine earlier this week. Definitely felt like Volume 1 was better overall but they are building up for something big, the volume just ends right before it happens lol. Still worth it though, it just feels oddly flat.


What a ride this has been. At first it was just background noise while playing but then I ended up finding out some great trivia about this show.

No idea the american version was made around the JP fight scenes, that was crazy. Or that in some earlier episodes the voices of the rangers changed.

So fun


What a ride this has been. At first it was just background noise while playing but then I ended up finding out some great trivia about this show.

No idea the american version was made around the JP fight scenes, that was crazy. Or that in some earlier episodes the voices of the rangers changed.

So fun

it's been an eye opener for sure
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