Twitch launches Power Rangers Marathon starting Tuesday

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Alien Ranger hype
(not really)

It's to it's detriment that it ran so long. Going through three Sentai series before finally changing the costumes meant a TON of junk episodes.

Most definitely, and it's so easy to see the seams from an older person's perspective. I had no problem picking out stuff to catch in the whole MMPR block and together those episodes easily count for less than half of the total.


Huh I wonder if Zordon's private chamber was the Power chamber itself.

Also i love that Zedd mentioned he did that time reverse plan before hah.
if master vile conquers galaxies why doesnt he just kill zedd and goldar. How you gonna be an evil villain but have scrubs question your motives every episode and not do anything about it


End of an era

Even though Billy is part of Zeo, this is the end of the original Power Rangers as he is support and not a Ranger.

So RIP to the OG Rangers!


I have an honest, non-troll question... To those of you that kept watching past childhood, what keeps you watching? I watched the first 2 seasons as a kid but stopped after that. Rewatching these on Twitch made me realize how dated and thrown together these episodes are. Does the show get better later? What is it that keeps people unironically watching as adults? Nostalgia? Always wanted to know.
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