Look at all of this bullshit, and TJ with no fear.
Yep. It was amazing.Yeah that scene with them running out to face them had me. You knew they really couldnt survive this fight.
They really summarize the whole episode with the preview dont they.
i bet demitiria knew this shit was going down thats why she peaced out. Just like mmpr all over again, alpha and "zordon" withholding crucial information
Just saying, the rangers didn't wuss out and retreat to space when Tommy was in charge.
TJ is too boring to have emotions.
true, but this is like if Zordon bailed on the rangers when Zedd showed up when he controlled the Shogun Zords. It's a total bitch move
This the last time we'll be hearing this GOAT theme song.
This mess right here, is what T.J. truly inherited.
Fuck Dimitria.
This the last time we'll be hearing this GOAT theme song.
Space theme song is pretty good though...
Why is Justin sizing up when morphing? They were using Sentai footage in Turbo again?
Could've sworn the Power Chamber had like...a defense system to keep evil guys out...
Could've sworn the Power Chamber had like...a defense system to keep evil guys out...
Dimitria really bailed on them. She ain't shit.
Shouldn't they still have the Zeo Zords? And the Dragonzord?
Dimitria really bailed on them. She ain't shit.
Shouldn't they still have the Zeo Zords? And the Dragonzord?
They have no real way of operating them tho. Zeo Zords need the crystals and Dragonzord needed the coin.