I can't believe I never realized how weird it was for Justin to be always hanging out with people much older than he.
The back half of Turbo was crazy as a kid. Who would have thought Divatox would have ended being one of the gulliest villains?
That Shift into Turbo pose has never not been stupid
Why is Justin sizing up when morphing? They were using Sentai footage in Turbo again?
Why is Justin sizing up when morphing? They were using Sentai footage in Turbo again?
You shut your mouth.
GOATs gon GOAT.Agreed.To this day, she's the only villain to defeat the rangers.
It just isn't as simple as putting your hand behind your back to make it look like you're reaching for your morpher and then saying "It's morphin' time"
So they just left all that wreckage there?
I just want to remind everyone that Lord Zedd and Rita know where the Power Chamber is and Divatox has a direct line to them.
Yep, that transition was beautiful.GOATs gon GOAT.
That's honestly why the Turbo -> In Space team is one of my favorites. MMPR may have nostalgia, but story-wise, few teams had the deck stacked against them like TJ, Ashley, Cassie, Carlos, and Justin (later Andros & Zane).
Blue Senturion doesn't care unless you're running a red light.where's the blue robot dude at? What happened to the phantom ranger? He just left right?
NOW who has the detonator!?
TJ actually coming up w/ plans unlike all the other red rangers
She really did.Divatox's actress had an absolute blast on this show. You can tell. Homegirl is chewing the fuck out of that scenery.
I guess Z and Rita didn't like Divatox, so she didn't bother asking?That always got me. How did she not know where the Power Chamber was.
evil stay winning. Why do these new rangers care about zordon, its not like they know who the fuck he is