I'm gonna go ahead and predict that the movie is going to be entertaining and atleast above average, nowhere near as bad as most people seem to think its going to be.
90s fashion was weird. All the rangers' clothes are so big.
Is TJ the first ranger to volunteer to help Bulk & Skull?
Also as sexless and lacking in imagery is possible.
You know what, I'll say it, I'm down.
I want to see the fuckin movie.
This twitch shit worked as intended.
Everyone decided to watch the movie after seeing the travesty that was Power Rangers Turbo. No wonder they didn't "technical difficulties" their way through this one.
Eh, i'm fine with the sexless clothing, but doesn't that apply mainly for the dudes? The girls are over here wearing belly shirts.
B&S have definitely experimented in a hot tub by now
In my mind they were full on lovers before Rita ever got out.
I mean half the time they have Cassie dressed like an 8 year old. And I know tucked shirts were a thing in the 90's but jesus christ guys...
I'm gonna go ahead and predict that the movie is going to be entertaining and atleast above average, nowhere near as bad as most people seem to think its going to be.Plz.
Huh, I never noticed her attire...
What she's wearing now and what she wore when she was introduced were probably the most age-appropriate things she's ever worn on this show.
Alpha's voice what the hell. Did literally everyone get replaced after Zeo I only started tuning in 10 minutes ago.
I really want to like TJ, but damn they really did nothing with him. Does he get better next season? :\
I look forward to it because this:Now TJ's just having some fun.
I mean, he starts getting shit done next episode.
TJ's so hot ugh I can't believe I slept on him as a child... probably because I was a child... lmao.