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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!

Plus don't ghost moves not affect normal pokemon? I know the reverse is true but I kinda remember this being true too...

It's true. Will a ghost have any damaging moves besides night shade and lick? With that + the gen 1 psychic vs ghost bug, drowzee and jay leno can level at will IF ONLY THEY HAD THE SILPH SCOPE.

Do people not realize they lost all the pokedolls? Or are people just pumped to sick BasedPidgeot on Gary?


Since we used the last doll, let's just get the drink to the guard and then go to the rocket base and grind the shit out of Drowzee and Eevee (As long as it doesn't reach level 31, we're fine).

Flareon's not any worse than Jolteon for this run. Both are worse than Vaporeon because they don't learn Surf.

Drowzee is literally the only Pokemon on our team that can fight Gastly currently. Pokemon Tower (A mandatory area) is filled with trainers who own Gastly and Haunter. The only way we're going to avoid using Drowzee is if we evolve Eevee and grind it up to level 31 to learn a special attack.

No, Vaporeon is the best because it knows Surf and we don't have to deal with box shenanigans. That's the entire reason why Eeevee's been a trainwreck. Any Pokemon can be decent when we're using an overleveled Pidgeot with Gust and Quick Attack, but not every Pokemon can learn Surf.
No. Jolteon only has ground weakness and covers water flying which we don't have. He also covers psychic with pin missile, granted, we have to stop being dumbasses for like 5 mins to do all of that.


Based Bird is faking sick to get a break from all these fools.

He'll come back once we decide to get our shit together.

Mory Dunz

Ha, gotta get Pidgeot to the Center.

So some people are really staying up to 1 AM or 12 AM on a work/school night to type "Start".

I still can't-


Ha, gotta get Pidgeot to the Center.

So some people are really staying up to 1 AM or 12 AM on a work/school night to type "Start".

I still can't-

I've gotten nothing done all weekend, this playthrough is wrecking me.

I regret nothing. My life for Helix.


No. Jolteon only has ground weakness and covers water flying which we don't have. He also covers psychic with pin missile, granted, we have to stop being dumbasses for like 5 mins to do all of that.


vaporeon with surf is a lot easier to attain. in an ideal world, we'd have a jolteon with thunder/pin missile... in this world, we would probably not teach it either move because lol b button


Unconfirmed Member

Then one of the eight leaders who had the eight badges came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of DeviantArt have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on Twitch have become drunk.” And he carried me away in the Pidgeot into a wilderness, and I saw a Pokemon sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had eight forms and nine entries. The Pokemon was arrayed in blue and scarlet, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of its sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Eevee the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations.”


Y'all need to just settle down...

I love replies like this that infer more than what was originally said.

I sat through the entirety of the ledge saga while doing my write ups, I have witnessed much worse than this. What i'm saying is, seeing everything go completely wrong when you know the optimal route is like trying to resist correcting someone when they're telling others complete falsities.

It's a bit of a downer, especially when you're invested.


No, Vaporeon is the best because it knows Surf and we don't have to deal with box shenanigans. That's the entire reason why Eeevee's been a trainwreck. Any Pokemon can be decent when we're using an overleveled Pidgeot with Gust and Quick Attack, but not every Pokemon can learn Surf.

There are going to be PC shenanigans anyways when our false hero Pidgeot becomes haughty and wishes to Fly to the sun. But like Icarus he will fail and take us only to the land of the trolls. At that point he will be a pale shadow of the champion he once was and we'll be forced to box him. Then who will we turn to? The idle Charmeleon who only bides and leers? No. The lowly Rattatas who are like babes in the woods? No. There will then be only one hero who will arise and save us, the people who hated and feared him.

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