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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!



I'm crying, we fell, we failed, we have run out, we are whiped out.

Now for another 8 hours of cliffside, atleast we know we can do it. BELIEVE
Too bad the streamer doesn't reset and load from our last save, although I guess now that they've shown they can do it once they can do it again, lol..


That was intense. Hopefully it doesn't take the same amount of time to get back there. But it least it's far less likely to end in the same way now, so that's something, at least.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Saving has no effect on anything. In Pokemon, you just go backwards a ways and lose some money when you wipe. Trainers stay beaten and so on. But even if we were losing progress, there's no way for us to load saves anyway.

Oh, I forgot that they couldn't reload a save. I didn't know that they wouldn't be teleported back to the Pokecenter by the cave.
“Dear oak, Its been 3 days since i started this journey. And you know what *** becoming a pokemon master. I am going to be ledge jumping master. I been training 8 hour a day. send my love to mom. signed Red Ledge jumper.”


I'd rather see a game where the person samples the chat at second intervals or whatever and executes the most popular choice then.

If I were designing it, after having watched this, I'd work on a frame-length timestep (presumably 17ms). I'd go on a three-frame cycle.

Frame 1: Accumulate inputs
Frame 2: Average inputs. Each up counters a down. Each left counters a right. The direction with the most keypresses wins out, or A/B if either has more presses than a direction.
Frame 3: For the duration of this frame, send those inputs to the emulator.
Frame 4: Begin accumulating inputs again.

I'd have three such processes operating independently of one another, so each frame is covered (When one process is accumulating inputs, a second is calculating the outcome of the previous set and the third is outputting the results from two sets ago)

I think that might be fairly effective. I'm slightly banking on the idea that each frame can determine a result in the milliseconds available, which would ordinarily be easy but could in theory be overwhelmed by Twitch spam.

(Speaking of the Twitch spam, I wonder if the convertor is smart enough to quick-reject certain entries rather than parse them *entirely* even if they're just general chat)


"Amazing progress, better save" :D

Couple of hours ago someone got really pissed and yelled in the chat: "Who the fuck keeps pressing DOWN?!" Then million command replies, and then some asshole replies "It was meeeee". XD Oh god, why can't I stop watching this.
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