teH mEDiA ELiTeS aRE oUT to gET mE
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verified checkmarks are blue everywhere now. only a few hours ago they were white when viewing the timeline.
edit: wtf is happening? twitter blue gone now?
Elon is clicking 'Feature on/off' buttons on the Twitter Control Panel, anything may happen at any time!
same but seen some news places saying it's gone...It's still available for me?
The truth is that the people crowing about how Twitter is going down the tubes are the people who want it to be so, i.e. the people who are upset that it will be in the hands of someone who will let people on the right and center speak more freely. Twitter was vastly overvalued before the buyout, and Elon is merely exposing how poor the fundamentals were to begin with and taking rapid corrective action to shift Twitter into something new. There will be growing pains, and Elon's critics will exaggerate and selectively attack those growing pains as they are exposed, but they are necessary and will pay off in the long run.
The brand and user base. That is where all twitters value is.if he is going to turn it into something new what do you think he paid for?
teH mEDiA ELiTeS aRE oUT to gET mE
The brand and user base. That is where all twitters value is.
if he is going to turn it into something new what do you think he paid for?
"Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2)."what?
"Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2)."
i.e., this probably speeds up his timeline by 3-5 years.
Not too bright, are ya?no idea what you’re talking about or how that answers my question, he didn’t buy metcalfe’s law
Not too bright, are ya?
See my edit, I thought it would be self-explanatory but apparently not. That said, my ad hominem was uncalled for. I will now exit this discussion.I asked what he paid for, you replied with a wiki article on metcalfes law snd then talking about timelines
but you are obviously rattled enough to dive into ad hominems so quickly, so I will join you in your new playground
you’ve already admitted you have nothing to contribute here except your blind faith in Musk, any discussion with you is equivalent to having one with any religious fanatic…so before accusing others of being “not too bright “ it might be prudent to educate yourself in absolutely any aspect that lets you discuss this topic other than “it bring Musk”
Yes, there could actually be not a lot there, when all is said and done, but I still feel like Twitter is very secure in their niche, considering the pathetic attempts at alternatives. The groupthink circlejerk (I'm exaggerating for comedy but I'm also not sure what else to describe it as lol) around the platform has reached a kind of critical mass of user inertia.Twitter's relatively entrenched position and the public's extensive conditioning to Elon's erratic behavior will insulate it to an extent, but when you're a huge, established platform, stability and steady growth are far preferable to memelord chaos. Social media moats can be deceptively shallow under the right circumstances, history has proven.
So this man turned out to be massive fucking fool.
They hardly trend, don't notice any fakes in my usual twitter search.How do these fake accounts even get noticed? Wouldn't they have zero followers? Seems like that stuff would have to be a dead giveaway that this wasn't Lockheed, a Senator, or Elon himself. Who could even see that stuff other than folks trolling Twitter by using their legit account to signal boost a rando troll tweet?
Omg is Elon pwning noobs on Quake?
I'm pretty sure Elon didn't even make paypal but he did get booted out by the boardSo this man turned out to be massive fucking fool. Gotta love billionares exposing themselves as absolute morons.
As soon as I saw that he wanted these guys to roll out a new feature in 5 days or risk getting fired, I knew that it would a disastrous roll out and two, this man has no idea how to run a software development firm. Cant believe he made paypal. You simply cannot roll out features that fast without proper QA, beta testing, and in some cases focus testing. Anyone can code a feature in a day. The real time is spent on design, testing and iteration. lots of it.
Returning to this point later in the article, the journalists repeated, "One engineering manager was approached by Mr. Musk’s advisers — or ‘goons,’ as Twitter employees called them — with a list of hundreds of people he had to let go. He vomited into a trash can near his feet."
Regarding potential layoffs, Conger, Isaac, Mac and Hsu noted that the tech executive refused to factor "diversity and inclusion" into his actions: "Twitter executives also suggested assessing the lists for diversity and inclusion issues so the cuts would not hit people of color disproportionately and to avoid legal trouble. Mr. Musk’s team brushed aside the suggestion, two people said."
The writers also explained that lunch at the company would no longer be free: "Mr. Musk plans to begin making employees pay for lunch — which had been free — at the company cafeteria, two people said."
My company orders lunch 2x a week. It's pretty chill, but I gained some weight so I started cutting back.Some beauty lines.
Fuck, I'm doing it wrong. I've never worked at a place with free food. The best I did was working at one place that had subsidized lunches, which was still $5 per plate (drink extra) and that was 20 years ago.
People dont realize cafes run by third party places (like Sodexho) cost a lot. And if it's free, that's costing Twitter millions per year.
Welcome to Babylon Bee 24/7.I can't tell what is real and what is parody anymore, ironically enough.
If you could harness the energy from the triggering that will cause we’d have a warp drive tomorrow.Welcome to Babylon Bee 24/7.
Twitter is best used as entertainment. Too bad many of the tweeters dont realize this and treat the site as serious business as if their life existence depends on it. Amazing since it's a free tool, has a character limit, and any idiot can sign up for it (along with the millions of bots).I swear Twitter makes your brain rot. Folks say the stupidest shit there and even if they know they are making shit up they some how end up believing it. I singularly believe stupid troll wars in Twitter convinced Russia it could actually manage a victory in Ukraine - and convinced Musk he could spend $44B and make it "just work".
Sadly real life is hard, and not just solved 80 characters at a time.
I have no proof of this, but I'm just going on gut feeling and what I see.I'm assuming the people sending out these HR emails are people that were already at Twitter before Elon took over. I know it's funny, but how is it a strike against him? If anything it just proves that he's right to fire the majority of this staff and probably should fire more of them.