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Two hardware peripheral designs that I recently noticed that look similar



Perhaps there are clues to what is on the horizon for the Revolution if you take a look at previous systems (boxy NES/SNES designs, curvy N64 designs).
SantaCruZer said:
And you don't understand why you are accused of trolling? You love it, don't you.

Um, I'm trying to make a serious post about what the next Nintendo console will look like. I noticed the U-Force had some similarities with DS aesthetically and wanted to spark discussion on what people thought Nintendo would do for the design of the Revolution, perhaps giving a nod to older NES/SNES/N64 designs.

Really guys, you need to relax.

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
Um, I'm trying to make a serious post about what the next Nintendo console will look like. I noticed the U-Force had some similarities with DS aesthetically and wanted to spark discussion on what people thought Nintendo would do for the design of the Revolution, perhaps giving a nod to older NES/SNES/N64 designs.

Really guys, you need to relax.

How are people to know? I mean you taking interest in a new Nintendo console is sorta hard to swallow.
Those two look nothing alike to me except for general shape and set up.

sim·i·lar ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sm-lr)
Related in appearance or nature; alike though not identical.
Mathematics. Having corresponding angles equal and corresponding line segments proportional. Used of geometric figures: similar triangles.

2. Nearly corresponding; resembling in many respects; somewhat like; having a general likeness.
Society said:
How are people to know? I mean you taking interest in a new Nintendo console is sorta hard to swallow.

I can't have curiousity about what the next (and possibly last, if my old tag would be true) Nintendo platform would look like?


DJ Demon J said:
Um, I'm trying to make a serious post about what the next Nintendo console will look like. I noticed the U-Force had some similarities with DS aesthetically and wanted to spark discussion on what people thought Nintendo would do for the design of the Revolution, perhaps giving a nod to older NES/SNES/N64 designs.

Really guys, you need to relax.

ok, I just thought it was one of your normal posts. Well I guess we have to wait for E3, I have no idea.

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
I can't have curiousity about what the next (and possibly last, if my old tag would be true) Nintendo platform would look like?
If your old tag were true, then GCN would be. I am not saying you do not like Nintendo games, just Nintendo hardware.

On topic, some kind of touch screen controller (that still mainstain current control standards) would be a great idea. One step closer to keyboard/mouse controls without the bulk.


Before, we would just get trolling.

Now after every comment even mentioning Nintendo we get an accusation of trolling and then either a weasely plead of innocence or a whiny excuse.

I'm not sure which one to prefer.
SantaCruZer said:
ok, I just thought it was one of your normal posts. Well I guess we have to wait for E3, I have no idea.

Was that an apology? No?

I think it depends on whether or not MS/Sony reveal console prototypes.


DJ Demon J said:
sim·i·lar ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sm-lr)
Related in appearance or nature; alike though not identical.
Mathematics. Having corresponding angles equal and corresponding line segments proportional. Used of geometric figures: similar triangles.

2. Nearly corresponding; resembling in many respects; somewhat like; having a general likeness.

I guess I look similar to you then! :D

Still, the connection is haphazard at best, and you'd better off comparing the DS to that two-screened Game and Watch thingy.


DJ Demon J said:
Was that an apology? No?

Something in between. The comparision is weird, and with your nintendo trackrecord no one knows. If you take interest in the revolution you might even buy one? Or is it strecthing it :p


The only thing worse at this forum than Sega-hate circle jerk topics are "he's not a Nintendo loyalist let's get him" witch hunts

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
DJ Demon J said:


Perhaps there are clues to what is on the horizon for the Revolution if you take a look at previous systems (boxy NES/SNES designs, curvy N64 designs).

Are you seriously fucking serious?
The U-Force was made by Broderbund, not Nintendo. If anything, I might say it was inspired by the Game and Watch, but even then, since we're talking about the most vague similarirties, it's not a unique setup really. I mean you can pretty much make as much of a case for any item with a hinged top that folds down like the GPA SP, laptop computers, and waffle irons.

And BTW Nintendo didn't make the Power Glove either, even though that always seems to be attributed to them also.

Edit: Anyway, to seriously respond to your question. Aren't the designs of the NDS and the revoultion done by two separate teams at Nintendo? Are the hardware teams the ones who design the aesthetics of the system?
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