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Two lions killed after they maul suicidal man

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A zoo killed two lions to save a man who jumped into the big cats' enclosure in the Chilean capital.

SANTIAGO, Chile — Two lions were killed after they severely mauled a man who stripped naked and entered their enclosure in an apparent suicide attempt early Saturday, authorities said.

The man was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and was said to be in grave condition.

Director Alejandra Montalba of Santiago’s Metropolitan Zoo told local media the park was crowded with visitors at the time of the incident.

The 20-year-old man broke into the enclosure, took off his clothes and jumped into the middle, horrifying other visitors who witnessed the attack.

“The zoo has an established protocol because people’s lives are very important to us,” said Montalba, adding that there were no fast-acting tranquilizers available to stop the lions from mauling the man.

Pics below




Dead lion


Very sad they had to shoot them, I do believe it was the right thing to do.


The Guardian
Two lions shot dead and man gravely injured after getting into animals’ enclosure at Santiago zoo, stripping naked and taunting them into attacking him


The Zookeepers did attempt to tranquilize the lions but shot the man in the neck by accident.
[man] was shot with a tranquiliser dart by zookeepers trying to save him from a near-fatal mauling.
I am pretty sure the lions didn't do anything super outside of what one would normally expect when confronted with this situation.


I mean, the guy was suicidal. He tried to kill himself with lions, and the lions were just doing what lions do.

Not sure killing them was he right thing to do.
Why on Earth would you choose such a agonizing way to end yourself? Now he's either going to die a very slow and painful death or survive and deal with severe complications that will no doubt be far worse than whatever made him want to kill himself. And two animals had to die for this. What an awful story.
Person willingly enters enclosure and they still killed the lions.

I'm fully aboard the human life is more important than animals, but come on...this guy made a choice to die by lions, killing them for what comes naturally is extremely fucked up. Tranq them and take out the body, but kill them?



Do animals actually develop a taste for human blood or is it a myth?

The taste for human blood is built in, we are a prey for them they just never get the chance to do it usually.

These animals are raised without ever getting a chance to hurt humans, so they sort of "fear" us. Once they get a chance to attack us, they realize how easy it is and no matter how much "education" you put into these animals they can do it again at any time after that.
Why on Earth would you choose such a agonizing way to end yourself? Now he's either going to die a very slow and painful death or survive and deal with severe complications that will no doubt be far worse than whatever made him want to kill himself. And two animals had to die for this. What an awful story.

Severe mental health issues probably, I'm wondering why it is so easy to get into a Lion enclosure. He jumped in through the roof quite quickly if Zookeepers didn't spot him doing it.


That dead lion pic is so depressing. Poor thing :(

They do kill lions that have tasted human flesh though. It will increase attacks on humans or so they say.


Person willingly enters enclosure and they still killed the lions.

I'm fully aboard the human life is more important than animals, but come on...this guy made a choice to die by lions, killing them for what comes naturally is extremely fucked up. Tranq them and take out the body, but kill them?


The man was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and was said to be in grave condition.

“The zoo has an established protocol because people’s lives are very important to us,” said Montalba, adding that there were no fast-acting tranquilizers available to stop the lions from mauling the man.
In the op.
Person willingly enters enclosure and they still killed the lions.

I'm fully aboard the human life is more important than animals, but come on...this guy made a choice to die by lions, killing them for what comes naturally is extremely fucked up. Tranq them and take out the body, but kill them?


So they should have made no attempt to save him because 'poor animals'

That is bullshit


What a shame that they were killed because of this guy. Sad irony is that the lions actually wanted to live. Why weren't fast acting tranquillisers available?
Maybe they can like the meat of a human Im not saying either way but I would assume after they had one the next few would come much much easier and that isn't something you want around you and enclosed. not that the animals should be enclosed anyways. So I disagree with what some of you are saying.
I guess add "being surrounded by food you can't eat" to the list of bad things about zoos. Are zoo animals born in captivity, or are we still capturing them from the wild? It seems like being surrounded by people their entire lives would impart some inedible familiarity. Some of my fondest memories as a kid are going to the National Zoo in DC. They do a better job than most in having a more-natural environment, but it's still too damn small and concrete. It's mainly the big cats, elephants, giraffes, etc. that are most inhibited by enclosure.
I mean, the guy was suicidal. He tried to kill himself with lions, and the lions were just doing what lions do.

Not sure killing them was he right thing to do.
It absolutely was not the right thing to do. I really hope that zoo is blocked from receiving replacement lions. Fuck them.


Junior Member
Killed the lions for doing a very lion like thing in a place where they are allowed to somewhat live like lions. Interesting.


What a terrible situation all around. The zoo did what they had to do, but it's just unfortunate that the thing even happened in the first place.

Killed the lions for doing a very lion like thing in a place where they are allowed to somewhat live like lions. Interesting.

They have to protect the life of the person over the lives of the animals. It's very unfortunate what happened, obviously, but I am shocked that you wouldn't understand that it had to happen.
So some in this thread feels the zoo should have set camp and watched the lions kill him and then clean up after and go back to business like normal.

I guess it's one way


Gemüsepizza;204344982 said:
"Poor lions"? And what about the animals they get fed with? Somehow it seems to be ok to kill probably thousands of animals to feed them, but when they get killed it is "sad"? Makes no sense.

Can't tell if sarcasm


Junior Member
What a terrible situation all around. The zoo did what they had to do, but it's just unfortunate that the thing even happened in the first place.

They have to protect the life of the person over the lives of the animals. It's very unfortunate what happened, obviously, but I am shocked that you wouldn't understand that it had to happen.

I get why they did it, I simply don't agree with it. This of course becomes a question of ethics and the value of human life. Is it fair to kill a lion for simply acting of its nature when a suicidal individual flings themselves at them in an attempt to get themselves mauled to death? Do we honor the life of the suicidal man more than the lion? These are not easy questions, but it's what my mind is questioning.


What's the prognosis of someone who survives an attack like that? Is this man now destined to be incredibly debilitated for the rest of his life?
I've read somewhere that the Lions initially ignored the man until he started shouting at them and further provoking the group according to witnesses. just trying to find the quote right now.


The Guardian
Two lions shot dead and man gravely injured after getting into animals’ enclosure at Santiago zoo, stripping naked and taunting them into attacking him


The Zookeepers did attempt to tranquilize the lions but shot the man in the neck by accident.
[man] was shot with a tranquiliser dart by zookeepers trying to save him from a near-fatal mauling.
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