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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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I hate myself for posting here so much!

I'm also sick of Demi's online personality. When he's talking normally, he's not bad...but most of the time it just pisses me off. His schtick that is. I'm also tired of Magic Johnson jokes!


Wellington said:
I hate Mike_Works and I am glad his little game of Sim City with the forum is over. I want him to die. I want him to not be able to wake up. I honestly don't even know what has brought about such hatred of one screen name on IRC and on the forum, but everytime I think, "Damn, I wouldn't even submit my worst enemy to that" for any kind of cruel and unusual punishment, I also think "But I would put Mike Orlando through that." I haven't seen hide, hair, nor post of him since I've had him on ignore for so long, to the point that, like I mentioned above, I forget why I hate him, but damn if I were forced to choose one person on God's green Earth to die, it wouldn't be Osama, Saddam, or anyone like that. It'd be Mike Orlando. Oh well, just know that right now I am ten times the man you will ever be. Fuck, as a toddler I was ten times the man you'll ever be. Then again, 10 x 0 = 0 anyway.

I hate sporsk. I know he's a good guy deep down, but is there any reason to troll every Microsoft thread? By that same token I hate all Nintendo fans. Santacruzer, Gaimeguy, M3wthr33, jarrod, Dr Guru, et al. It's embarrassing to all gamers the lengths you guys go to to defend Nintendo. No other group of fanboys is as bad. If I could ban sporsk, I would. Along with Drinky. That kind of shit is unnecessary. Then again, at least when drinky does it he keeps it to his own self contained topic, Sporsk is all over the place.

I hate demi. You're not fuckin' funny. You're as annoying as a cyst on an asscheek. Shut the fuck up already.

I hate DMczaf. Not because he has always beaten me in NFL games, but because his post are completely devoid of original thought or content. Almost all of his posts are a picture followed by a one liner. Or a one liner. Or just the picture. Dude just don't post anything.

That's all I can think of for now.

yer a twat and your favorite sports team sucks


Nothing makes me hate Nintendo more than the stupid fucking idiots who post here. I've never seen such a group of insecure, pathetic sheep in my life.


I hate that certain people want to make me feel bad about myself for being who I am or doing what I do. Not really referring to GAF here.

And I hate making people feel bad about themselves or angry.


hi i'm the take out bandit

i'm so poor and stingy

nag nag nag


shantae rox


it sucks

shut up bitch


Mike Works isn't a mod anymore? Hmmm....in that case, there's only ONE mod that pisses me the fuck off.

Oh, and Tre`, all that trolling you did in my posts long ago, fuck you. Fuck you right up your mod dick sucking ass. You didn't/don't like me for some reason, and I don't like you for THIS reason. I've never made any attempts to talk to you because of this (by staying out of all of your threads), but this thread reminded me of who I didn't particularly like. I'm not trying to start anything...just following thread orders.


MIMIC said:
Mike Works isn't a mod anymore? Hmmm....in that case, there's only ONE mod that pisses me the fuck off.

Oh, and Tre`, all that trolling you did in my posts long ago, fuck you. Fuck you right up your mod dick sucking ass. You didn't/don't like me for some reason, and I don't like you for THIS reason. I've never made any attempts to talk to you because of this (by staying out of all of your threads), but this thread reminded me of who I didn't particularly like. I'm not trying to start anything...just following thread orders.

uh ohhh
EviLore said:
-No attacks on a person's race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
bishop, sporkx, and mike works are all little pissants who revel in the attention they receive here.

especially mikeworks, that punkass little bitch is SO insecure over being called OLIMARIO II he actually banned me for something i said at a SEPERATE forum.

plus, while coopting olimario's sanctimonious attitude he's assumed alphasnake's rail-thin identity.

fuck loser total.


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Man, that was some harsh shit, Wellington. On point but harsh.

Let me just echo the Nintendo fanboy hate. Odnetnin, SantaCruzr, woebewhatever, ARGH, those guys are fucking pathetic and annoying. They actually make me root for Nintendo to go under just so they'd finally cut their losses and commit suicide. It's not the industry that's fucked...you are.

Also, this thread is fucking awesome. There's nothing more satisfying that free-flowing hatred.



fuck all yall who think wearing boxers under swim trunks/board shorts/whatever is weird

and the same to those who think wearing clothes to bed is weird

And I don't even remember who does this but STFU to whoever says PEACE at the end of posts ASDGAWEDFG#$T@#$%@#$%


There are a lot of people on here who are irritating, but I don't think I hate anyone.

I do hate getting caught up in some kind of logical debate with people when I'm unprepared. If I'm wrong I won't admit it, and even when I'm sure I'm right I have trouble forming cohesive arguments.

Edit: Also, Nintendo haters are annoying. Why do so many people hate the Nintendo fanboys, when the other ones are just as stupid/annoying? Weak.

I think Gahiggidy is my favorite fanboy.


MIMIC said:
As far as I know, he isn't gay. That wasn't an attack on anybody's sexual orientation.
you're attacking a heterosexual by calling him gay. that's an attack on his sexual orientation, doofus.

MIMIC said:
demi: unless you're kidding most of the time, you are extremely annoying.
Does it honestly matter if he's kidding or not? He's either extremely annoying or he constantly pretends to be extremely annoying. I'm not seeing much a difference there.

Wellington said:
I hate Mike_Works and I am glad his little game of Sim City with the forum is over. I want him to die. I want him to not be able to wake up.
No matter how much I dislike you or anyone else, I'd never wish that they'd die or turn into a vegetable. I mean, I may not like your posts on the internet, but it'd be pretty selfish of me to dream about you slipping into a coma considering it'd be some doctor and not me that'd be forced to remove the cock from your mouth in order to insert the feeding tube.

I honestly don't even know what has brought about such hatred of one screen name on IRC and on the forum
It was that time in the mod forum when I created a thread asking if it would be a good idea to implement something, I don't remember what (it was a while ago). I think it could've been the first acronym banning or something else. Anyway, after a day or two or three of light discussion and allowing the time for any objections to be noted, it got implemented, and you stormed into the thread rambling iconicly like a drunk that you thought it was a bad idea and stupid and so forth. It was then pointed out that the thread was made days ago and you had lots of time to discuss or bitch about it before, but you didn't. We got into a fight, and you've been a prissy little bitch about it ever since!

but everytime I think, "Damn, I wouldn't even submit my worst enemy to that" for any kind of cruel and unusual punishment, I also think "But I would put Mike Orlando through that."
I thought I was your worst enemy? Or would consistency be your worst enemy?

I haven't seen hide, hair, nor post of him since I've had him on ignore for so long, to the point that, like I mentioned above, I forget why I hate him, but damn
You don't remember why you hate me, and you haven't seen me post in ages, thus I haven't given you any other reason to hate me since the incident which you can't remember. This isn't really strengthening the aptitude of your convictions.

if I were forced to choose one person on God's green Earth to die, it wouldn't be Osama, Saddam, or anyone like that. It'd be Mike Orlando.
I'd choose Osama, because he missed your house.

Oh well, just know that right now I am ten times the man you will ever be.
So that makes me, what, 12 pounds?

Fuck, as a toddler I was ten times the man you'll ever be.
So you're as much as a man now as you were as a toddler?

Then again, 10 x 0 = 0 anyway.
You guys, I think we've got to give ol bucktooth a rousing golf clap (that one goes out to you, msanti) for his brilliant display in combining both mathematics and dialect. It's unfortunate that he apparently won't even be able to read my reply, but just in case he does, I'll leave some parting words of wisdom.

This is the internet. I'm pretty sure it's technically impossible for you to proclaim you're a bigger man than me, or most anyone else on this forum, when you're wishing death on someone you haven't spoken to even a dozen times in your life, for a reason you can't remember, because he did something that annoyed you.... on the internet.

That doesn't make you a man at all. It just makes you a little bitch. A little bitch that needs to put the guy he hates the most in the entire world on ignore because my posts just makes oo so vewy mad!

Grow up, grow into your clothes, and shut the fuck up.

And welcome to the internet!

All you guys posting the dad phrases in the other thread made me sad because my dad was never around and even up to this day he only calls me once every 3-5 years. Fuck you all for reminding me my dad was never around but is now a good daddy to his two other kids.

seriously fuck you guys with cool dads.


Days like these... said:
For some reason its only annoying when pimpwrex does it.

I think that's because you know he's being serious about it, and thinks it's a good idea. Everyone else is just doing it to make fun of him.


I've come to the thread to complain about Blackace's tightwad modding of the gaming forum.

WTF bitch, leave our foreign magazine scans and links to emulation sites (not rom sites, or links for the purpose of roms!).

It was fine and dandy, and unless you're gonna tell us that some company has complained to GAF and/or are threatening legal action, over stuff like that, you need to pick up a peace pipe and chill the fuck out.

Also, I never did like Mike Works as a mod, always modding in a pretty egotistical fashion, holding his mod powers over people's heads like the sword of damocles, and just been a general assish mod. I mean, attention whoring's one thing, but been a prick is another! YA CAN STILL BE FUNNY AND COCKY WITHOUT BEEN A PRICK!

That goes for most of GAF.
Zaptruder said:
Also, I never did like Mike Works as a mod, always modding in a pretty egotistical fashion, holding his mod powers over people's heads like the sword of damocles, and just been a general assish mod. I mean, attention whoring's one thing, but been a prick is another! YA CAN STILL BE FUNNY AND COCKY WITHOUT BEEN A PRICK!

That's exactly why he was so great. I want vague acts of super villiany from my MODs.


Forgotten_Taco said:
That's exactly why he was so great. I want vague acts of super villiany from my MODs.

Nah, even though I never rubbed mike the wrong way, I just found that his behaviour perpetuated alot of inane sophmoric comedy on the message boards.


I hated this one douche fuck who kept saying **lurk**lurk** after every post, this was a long time ago but I wanted to sock this guy right in the face and then kick him the balls.


... sorry.

as long as we're being brutally honest, demi's schtick really gets on my nerves; he never posts anything of substance anymore, just carriage-return-heavy stream-of-consciousness nonsense. He's not a poster, he's an archetype, and that archetype is "glib and annoying."

MAF had the same problem as demi, but he got sent to the time-out chair, so that's good; hopefully he stops being such a tool and posting four IRC-related threads a day once he gets back. he seems like a nice guy, but he needs to add some substance to his trolling (like Drinky, who doesn't get on my nerves at all because he actually adds amusing anecdotes and one-liners to his (obvious) baiting).

And while I generally agree with enjoy bell woods' taste in music, his trolling of every single OT music thread has gotten a bit out of hand.
Zaptruder said:
WTF bitch, leave our foreign magazine scans and links to emulation sites (not rom sites, or links for the purpose of roms!).

A lot of Japanese publishers are coming after U.S. sites for reposting of copyrighted material, recently. I don't think there's anything wrong with being proactive about not getting your ass sued.
Nothing annoys the fuck out of me more when Enjoy Bell Woods and Diablos ruin threads with their stupid music rants. We get it! You don't like [insert band], that doesn't mean you have to act like a fucking cunt rag about it. Both of your musical tastes suck ass anyway, you're not fucking special!

I also HATE when Wilco ruins threads. He tends to do that a lot.

It also gets on my nerves when 14 year old attention whores go into the Post Your Pic thread and ruin it with a couple of pages of nonsense. It brings out all the weirdos and totally ruins any actual photo posting or conversation.


Wrestling is fake.
And all the guys posting in the wrestling threads, pretending to have accepted it, still believe that their favourite wrestler tries his best to win every fight.

I hate the fact that the forum clock shows 12 PM when it's actually 12:17 PM.


I hate the OT forum, and its elitist attitude towards the gaming forum. I mean, how fucking retarded is that anyway? Two sub-forums on the same website hating each other (or actually, the gaming side doesn't care about the OT side so it's just one side hating the other). Seriously, anyone who whines about the retardation of the gaming forum is who's retarded. If you know a smarter gaming forum, that is as active and large, please post a link or shut the fuck up already. Hint: They don't exist! Every gaming forum on the internet is stupid -- GAF even happens to be among the less dumb. Also, your political threads, Cruise fetish and undying adoration for any teen actress with a boob job is more retarded than our sales threads.

And TToB and Sea Manky should just be put out of their misery. They're clearly asking to be shot in the neck with every word they say, so I don't see why some kind soul doesn't just help them out.

Oh, and I feel sorry for Diablos and Eminem. I don't hate them and they seem like nice guys, but I just pity them because they so desperately want to know music but they just don't seem to get it.

Here I was thinking I had nothing to post! Oh, wait, I also hate demi's "jokes". He's a good poster when he wants to be but the funny just ain't fucking funny.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I know the rules state no attacks on a persons sexuality.

I would like to hear from a mod as to whether that rule encompasses peoples sexuality when it centers around having sexual intercourse with animals.

If so, fine, if not, I really need to get something off my chest.


catfish said:
I know the rules state no attacks on a persons sexuality.

I would like to hear from a mod as to whether that rule encompasses peoples sexuality when it centers around having sexual intercourse with animals.

If so, fine, if not, I really need to get something off my chest.
Hitokage said:
Sonarrat: Go rape a stuffed animal. :p

I guess it's considered a fetish like Waychel's azn infatuation.
4 pages later I don't get any fucking hate?!? What about all the years of my hard work sowing the hate seeds here at GAF! You people fucking suck!

May all of you suffer from chronic gonorrhea.


Can I hop on the "can't stand Mike Works" train too? He was a petty motherfucker when he was a mod ("let's tell people about major rules for a week and then not actually add them to the Terms of Service afterwards!") , although he gets some respect from me for that MS drive thing.

Tired of the same gaming forum idiots trolling every Sega, Nintendo and Rare thread. Even Drinky's shtick is getting pretty old even I though I know what he's doing so I get all crazy when he does it.

I also don't like it when Amirox comes shitting up threads by making page long posts arguing with people. Some of us actually come here to get information on games, guy; condense that shit a bit, please.

I don't like it when Jinx punishes us for having an opinion (normal opinions, not anything outlandish like displayed in this thread.) You can't get people to agree with you all of the time, so you can't get pissed when things don't go your way


force push the doodoo rock
to answer ck, yes i have to troll every microsoft thread.

But I only do it because xbots annoy me to no end, it has nothing to do with xbox or games.

I make it perfectly known who i dont like around here, so i wont say anything other than that.

Oh, and i dont like stupid fucks who come into threads with comments like "OH, JUST ANOTHER DAY ON THE GAMING AGE FORUM ROLLEYES THIS IS MUCH TOO LAME FOR ME!" have a fucking real discussion you twats, you do not add anything to the argument no matter how silly it is and you just come off looking like a jerk, for no reason. If you have nothing to say except how amazing you are compared to what you are reading then please and politely fuck off.


belgurdo said:
I also don't like it when Amirox comes shitting up threads by making page long posts arguing with people. Some of us actually come here to get information on games, guy; condense that shit a bit, please.
Don't read it...you say you come here for news and not opinions...so just read the news, asshole.

On the topic of belgurdo's extremely annoying ass, one of the things that annoys me (this applies to other posters, but since belgurdo is here, I'll use him as an example) is people who do nothing but bash GAF all day long as they post here. And it would be fine if they were trying to add to the forum, but they're just a waste of bandwidth. And another thing, I hate when belgurdo, darien and a few other posters always come into threads thinking they're here to blow our minds with their MINDBLOWING comments OMG I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY OMG YOU'RE SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!! But what if the glass is half empty and you guys are all looking at it wrong!? OMG REALLY FUCKING EH! Just stfu already.

belgurdo said:
GAF rule of thumb: Anything under a 9 sucks

belgurdo said:
You mean you've never used the "base your purchasing decisions on the opposite of the GAF majority opinion" method at least once before?

belgurdo said:
You ask this of the forum whose members made a big deal about a guy losing Halo matches and a game about training animals selling over 100,000 units?

belgurdo said:
I never follow the forum's opinion on buying/selling games, and I think I'm better for it. I loved it too

belgurdo said:
Logic has no place on GAF

belgurdo said:
16 bit era=golden age? What fucking ever.

belgurdo said:

and on and on...

[edit] just saw sp0rsk's edit...guess belgurdo reminded him about the same thing


force push the doodoo rock
Rorschach said:
Don't read it...you say you come here for news and not opinions...so just read the news, asshole.

On the topic of belgurdo's extremely annoying ass, one of the things that annoys me (this applies to other posters, but since belgurdo is here, I'll use him as an example) is people who do nothing but bash GAF all day long as they post here. And it would be fine if they were trying to add to the forum, but they're just a waste of bandwidth. And another thing, I hate when belgurdo, darien and a few other posters always come into threads thinking they're here to blow our minds with their MINDBLOWING comments OMG I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY OMG YOU'RE SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!! But what if the glass is half empty and you guys are all looking at it wrong!? OMG REALLY FUCKING EH! Just stfu already.

and on and on...

I like you :)


belgurdo said:
Who said I was innocent of my own stupid quirks?
OMG I TOTALLY thought you were being so innocent about the whole thing! Thanks for clearing that up...you've just blown my mind!!!
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