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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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All the power is in the pro-gun camp currently, there is no power stuggle or 'inch giving'

Ban all high powered guns other than handguns and shotguns you have to load one shell at a time, now that would be a start.

So your idea of compromise is "ban 95% of all guns instead of 100% of all guns?" :p
I wasn't blaming the victim, i was explaining why there's a glaring difference in outrage. With cars, everyone knows the risks. It's a tragedy but we know the dangers of driving everyday and, unfortunately, drunk drivers are part of that. Everyone understands that driving brings a certain level of danger to it. It doesn't make drunk driving ok nor does it excuse the drunk driver and lay the fault on the victim. Every time you step into a huge metal machine going at a fast rate of speed you take the chance that you may die from doing so.

with guns, a killer can kill someone at any time or any place. It's much more senseless. When i walk in a mall or movie theater, the likelihood of a car bursting into there is extremely low. But there's nothing to stop a crazed person from using their gun and shooting it at everyone. So the outrage stems from killing someone in a circumstance where that person wasn't implicitly in danger, unlike when driving where everyone is fully aware of how dangerous that can be

i hope i did a better job explaining the difference

You did. I'm still trying to process it, but you definitely did explain it better.

I guess a part of the disconnect for me is I don't expect to get hit driving to work, or shot when I go out to eat yet in both cases, I know there is the possibility. Both are unexpected and unlikely scenarios, but I'm aware that they could both happen. So this unexpected versus possibility notion is being a bit hard for me to separate. Someone else pointing out intent versus unintended is much easier for me to accept as a reason rather than inherit danger versus unexpected danger. Maybe it just sucks that we've reached a point where it's at least on my mind that I could possibly be shot going out in public.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The barrier to entry to get a functional working gun would be higher both practically and financially.

I'm guessing that if the legal purchase and sale of guns were banned, the price to buy a gun on the black market would skyrocket. Supply and demand. A significant % of people wouldn't be able to afford those guns on the black market. And trying to find your way onto the black market to find a gun is probably harder than walking to the local walmart to buy a rifle.

And while some people will make their own guns, most people don't have the technical know-how.

It takes more effort to build your own bomb than it does to walk into a store and buy a gun over the counter. Make it harder for them to commit crimes and hopefully they blow themselves up by accident in the process.

Obviously eliminating violent crime is impossible, but reducing the likelihood and frequency at which it happens? Totally possible.



Prices of semi-automatic handguns, so-called weapons of choice of underworld characters, from a previous price tag of $2,000 to $4,000 have gone up to over $15,000 in the past two years.


See my edit. The problem lies on both sides. The side you're referring to isn't willing to compromise because all they hear is one side screaming BAN BAN BAN, which a) excites them, puts them on the defensive, and brings out their extremism, and b) drowns out more reasonable calls for simple regulations.

I feel like we could be making a lot more progress if people could just completely kill the idea of a ban for now. Stop talking about it, stop bringing it up, and stop giving the other side ammo to fuel their stubbornness.

The problem does not lie on "both sides". The problem is exclusive the domain of the pro-gun side. Almost nothing, not even a universal background check, has been allowed by the pro-gun side.

This is like a racist saying "we would make a lot more progress on race if only the blacks could just completely kill the idea of full equality for now." Seriously, stop peddling this bullshit on us. It's a complete cop-out on the issue.

Winter John

I do not wish to see any ban on guns. In fact I am firmly against it. America was built on individual freedoms and the right of the individual to defend themselves and their property. That said, I do believe there should be tougher sale restrictions and tougher sentences for those who are caught with guns without licenses
Just saw the video. Sure it sucks that they died, RIP, but there's nothing graphic about it. If anything, it looks fake. The woman just runs off, no blood.



The problem does not lie on "both sides". The problem is exclusive the domain of the pro-gun side. Almost nothing, not even a universal background check, has been allowed by the pro-gun side.

This is like a racist saying "we would make a lot more progress on race if only the blacks could just completely kill the idea of full equality for now." Seriously, stop peddling this bullshit on us. It's a complete cop-out on the issue.

You get on me for comparing guns to alcohol, yet hear you are comparing gun owners to racists.
They would have had a higher chance of survival had he used a knife or something like that.

I don't know how, but some people believe that mass shooters would have the same number of fatalities if they had been armed with just blades.

When did I ever say anything about knives or blades?


Come on, if this thread is any indication, neither side is.

i literally directed a middle ground post at you and you ignored it

commish seems to be one of the few who isn't actively trying to ignore reasonable debate in favor of engaging the most extreme arguments of both sides

you can't argue against sensible regulation by saying "yeah but other people have extreme opinions"


Just saw the video. Sure it sucks that they died, RIP, but there's nothing graphic about it. If anything, it looks fake. The woman just runs off, no blood.

you know that real life is not a Quentin Tarantino movie? Also your nickname in this context...


I know, guys. I'm just saying that if you want to see it, it's not as bad as you might think, besides the fact that yes, they died. Don't get the wrong idea. Didn't we have a thread recently of cops shooting a guy throwing rocks at them? Someone even gif'd it, and it was much worse.


America was built on individual freedoms and the right of the individual to defend themselves and their property.

In current day, defend themselves and their property from what? Are there any legit studies on the extreme benefit of gun ownership vs. what is obviously the extreme detriment?


Not a mod, just a bot.
Well, this has gotten well off subject. Feel free to start another thread when there's further news. In the interim, if you want to argue about gun control in detail, start a thread about gun control.
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