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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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There were a lot of people that opposed the ban. (see)

It was a very contentious issue, with arguments of personal freedoms and many gun groups and manufacturers very much opposed to it, many people shared your own personal beliefs.

It also wasn't a sudden thing. that 1997 reference I gave was the final nail and was based around handguns, it took nearly a century to get to that point with;

6.2 1920 Firearms Act
6.3 1937 Firearms Act
6.4 1968 Firearms Act
6.5 The Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988
6.6 1997 Firearms (Amendment) Acts

Now I know America is not the UK, but over all i don't think we're all that different, it's not like say the US vs Saudi Arabia.

Would you be willing to support the US in taking the first steps down that long road, knowing that in the end; the facts have shown that for every other first world country it drastically reduces mass shootings?

no we cant because people can still get drunk and drive their cars itll never work


I want to replace the lives of innocents killed by a weapon with those that feel said weapon will protect them.

Sorry if you fall into the later category but perhaps you should think about what it is you are supporting.

Or perhaps you should take a break and think about what you are saying.


I want to replace the lives of innocents killed by a weapon with those that feel said weapon will protect them.

Sorry if you fall into the later category but perhaps you should think about what it is you are supporting.

Hardly necessary. The lack of humanity in this post actually belies that of an empathetic person interested in saving lives.


Gun laws should be tightened in the US for sure. It's too easy to get a damn gun in this country and there are not enough security measures in place. However, all out banning them will not stop bad/deranged people from using them. It will prevent the rest of us from protecting ourselves should we want/need to. I'm happy that the gun laws in place in Great Britain have worked out there, but I think the US is a different animal all together culturally.
I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.

You're an aweful person.


I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.

Differing opinions on subject matter is one thing but this is going a little too far.


You'd see opposition to this based on pricing a "right" out of the less wealthys hands.

That would be a huge irony, isn't that kind of a liberal idea, and gun support comes mostly from the conservative side? Maybe there could be an argument that gun ownership will "trickle down" or something.

I'm trying to be creative.

There is only one political party that would even consider that, and never on the national level as it would be political suicide.

Doing so at a state's level only drives purchases out of state and hampers your ability to control and manage gun ownership among your populace.

I live in Massachusetts. Should my state decide that the taxes for purchasing a $500 gun is $10,000 there is nothing stopping me from going to a gun show in New Hampshire, buying that same gun for $500 (probably tax free, almost certainly off the books) and bringing it back to Mass. Once I have the the gun in Mass the state is not aware of possession or ownership unless I notify them.

You can only make it so hard to a point before you totally lose control of the regulation part.

Welp I'm out of ideas.
So the question is again, why aren't more people outraged?

i posted a response earlier:

here's the thing: anytime you get behind the wheel of a car, there's an implicit understanding that things can go bad. everyone should be a defensive driver, you should be fully alert, etc. Why? Because we all know that, yes, you can die from driving a vehicle. There's a ton of things that can go wrong when behind the wheel of a car, the dangers of using one should be on the driver's mind at all times.

Now with guns, there's jack shit you can tell someone to prevent them from getting killed by another person with a gun who is intent on killing. There is no defensive driving equivalent, there isn't an implicit understanding every day that someone can just start going off. Ideally, i should feel safe in a developed society when walking around and not be concerned that a random shooting spree can erupt at any given moment. But as we saw today, gun violence is at a point in america where it seems like it can happen at any time, anywhere, for any reason, suddenly and swiftly.

so, again, the comparison is a bunch of bull
I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.
This is not good.


Just another day in the U. S. of A.

This country's complete lack of response to gun violence and gun crime is sickening. Get rid of the guns. If you are against this, you are an idiot and I wish I could replace you with any of the millions of gun victims.
Ok this is some disgusting shit. I'm for strict gun control as well, but that statement is gross.


Haven't seen the shooter's video, but how'd he do it? Was he walking with his gun in one hand and phone in the other, filming?


This constant shooting shit scares me to death about the world I'm leaving for my little girl. She's one year old. Even if she dodges every possible childhood disease/possible cancer, doesn't get into bad habits as a teen and doesn't OD or worse, isn't shot up at school, makes it past all the crazy drunk drivers and rapists of the world, and becomes the amazing, beautiful, independent, strong woman I know she will be, some asshole dud of a human being who isn't brave enough to just swallow a bullet in his dingy shithole apartment could decide to snuff out her life, totally at random, while she's at work, at home, or even while relaxing at a movie theater.

Fuck this country.
From his vantage and the cameraman vantage, he approached without a weapon. Leveled it at the reporter (which was in side view of the interviewee). Waited for the cameraman to face the reporter, and then started shooting.

It does not appear the handgun was revealed until he had reached the news crew.

That said, I'm surprised that a producer (or third party) was not on scene to secure the shot as the gunman and three victims were the only ones in the immediate area.


I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.

I mean, you are talking fantasy. In your fantasy, you want people to die.

You should seriously think about what you are saying.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
the problem is everyone arguing for the middle ground gets ignored because "ugh it'd be hard to refute their well-informed argument, better dogpile the guy saying he wants everyone who doesn't support a gun ban to die"

and yeah that guy should calm down and his inflammatory rhetoric is not helping anyone and should be addressed

but then we go back to ignoring the middle ground arguments and shouting over them "NO BUT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IS TO BAN ALL GUNS RIGHT??????"

90% of my middle ground arguments for mandatory psych evaluations and stricter penalties for possession of a gun not registered to you in a national federal database are either ignored or get thrown down the slippery slope of "yeah i agree with that BUT WHAT IF THEN YOU GO ON TO BAN ALL GUNS AFTER THAT?????" and then they still don't institute the policy they "agree" with

Stricter penalties, eh? I mean, it worked for our drug problem, right? Put more folks in jail. That will solve everything.

All for mental exams if that would help. I very much doubt that would move the gun violence needle, though, and it seems like it would be hard to prove.


Guns aren't the problem, people are the problem. We need to improve mental healthcare not ban gun sales.

If people are the problem, then wouldn't it make sense to control the flow of guns? As per your second point, why opt for a single-tiered, round-about solution instead of adopting a more multifaceted approach? Let's recognize and treat mental illness better, AND introduce gun control! It doesn't have to be an either/or thing, but I guess it depends on how you solve the tension between "safety and security" and "civil liberty"....

But even then... why do you feel you have a right to own a gun? "Cause the constitution!" is technically correct, but not any more helpful than "cause the bible!" The constitution ought to reflect living truths, and not dead dogma. Unless there are good reasons, don't you think it might be worth at least looking into a reinterpretation? Organizing militias and protecting ourselves from the Government both strike me as pretty dated ideas. Seems the amendment allows us to kill each other more than protect each other. Do we cling to the second amendment for reasons of self-defense? I suppose, but then again, fewer guns overall would mean fewer guns in the hands of criminals. Sounds like a pretty good collective self-defense to me. I look at countries like Canada and Australia, and it's a fairly self-evident sort of solution.

I guess I'm saying nothing new here.


Honestly would rather die by a gun then get beat/stabbed to death.
That has nothing to do with it. How many madmen have committed massacres with a knife? If this psycho had a knife instead of a gun, chances are at least 1 of the 2 victims survive. Maybe both. It takes a lot more willpower to stab someone than to shoot someone which means less people go through with their psycho plans, and it's a lot easier to run away or defend yourself against someone with a knife as opposed to a gunman.

The US is crazy right now. To not start taking small steps towards more gun control is just beyond insanity.


Just another day in the U. S. of A.

This country's complete lack of response to gun violence and gun crime is sickening. Get rid of the guns. If you are against this, you are an idiot and I wish I could replace you with any of the millions of gun victims.

Cool. Not every day someone wishes I were dead.


I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.

I think you need to take a few deep breaths before responding to people with political views that slightly differ from your own.
Haven't seen the shooter's video, but how'd he do it? Was he walking with his gun in one hand and phone in the other, filming?


It's eerie as fuck. They are filming and doing the interview and he is just standing behind them waiting. Even points the gun at the interviewer for a second and whispers, "you fucking bitch." Then you can see the camera man panning over slowly filming the scene, then bam. I guess he had a camera phone or something on his chest.
I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

"Why educate? Let's just kill everyone!"

I stopped here, dude. Get lost. Seriously. Go outside, drink some water, get some fresh air, walk it off. Seriously - step away from the keyboard, son. You're lost.


I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.

I do see that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far too readily available. But I guess you still want to "swap me out" for someone whose opinion more closely matches your own.
Banning semi-automatics is a reasonable goal. Why do the gun enthusiasts resist this so much?

I mean, even in this situation, there was no time to respond once he started.


I'm advocating their death in exchange for another individual who sees that guns are dangerous, deadly, and far to readily available.

I don't want any innocent to die, but if you willingly put yourself, and society at risk for some farcical "right" then I truly wish you would be swapped with the victims of said right.

So death to all those who you disagree? okie dokie.


I agree.

But look at all the fucks I give about the misinformed majority...

*sweeps his arms across a vast sea of zero fucks*

I share your disregard on a personal level, but on a pragmatic one, their opinions matter because we live in a democratic republic, in which those people not only vote, but tend to vote disproportionately.

As such, their preferences have to be taken in to account, just as we would have to take a group in to account if they demanded a shrine to the Blue Wizard of Antioch be installed in every Professional Sports Stadium because of reasons. If enough people want it, it must happen. Your alternative is quite literally revolution.

It doesn't mean you have to concede, of course. I think a pragmatic approach will just need to be long term; the first step is convincing enough people that guns suck. If lots of publicized killing sprees like this aren't doing it, find a different way to convince other people that guns suck. To do so, you will likely to have manipulate people.
Banning semi-automatics is a reasonable goal. Why do the gun enthusiasts resist this so much?

I mean, even in this situation, there was no time to respond once he started.

I own a semi-automatic shotgun that was made for bird hunting. It's got a long ass barrel to tighten the pattern and a plug in the chamber to prevent more than 3 shells from entering the gun at one time. Why the hell should this gun be banned?


Watching something like that is pretty horrific, and it makes me angry that some 'disgruntled' piece of shit can get a semi-automatic pistol.


Gun ban ain't' happening.

It's not realistic. More than half of the country won't allow it and we live in a representative democratic republic.

The focus should be on mental health checks and tighter regulations overall.

Baby steps.

Let's just ban ammunition, then.

Doesn't contradict the 2nd amendment!

Problem solved. :)

edit: I'm joking of course. I agree with baby steps, and over time - and i mean, a lot of time - after this country adopts more socialist practices and universal healthcare etc etc and it becomes the norm, an actual ban might be possible.
Banning semi-automatics is a reasonable goal. Why do the gun enthusiasts resist this so much?

I mean, even in this situation, there was no time to respond once he started.

Because they live in a fantasy world that having access to these weapons will prevent america from being taken over by a totalitarian government.

Caja 117

So the question is again, why aren't more people outraged?
oh Sorry, I thought you were just asking why people still do drunk driving.

Anyways, in my opinion, I think people dont get outrage by someone driving drunk is because the consequences are considered accidents and not Intentional.

With gun Homicides and Mass Shooting are different, they are not made by accident, those are in the most part premeditated or out of the heat of the moment, in any case, If you are going to compare Drinking and Driving with Gun killing, IMO it should be compared with how many people have been killed with guns by a drunk person.


I own a semi-automatic shotgun that was made for bird hunting. It's got a long ass barrel to tighten the pattern and a plug in the chamber to prevent more than 3 shells from entering the gun at one time. Why the hell should this gun be banned?

Because it's evil and its only purpose is for murdering people!
i posted a response earlier:

Man that almost sounds like you're blaming the victim of the car accident for not being fully alert. I'd have to guess by no means are you trying to imply such a thing, but the text sure comes off that way to me. I'd have to think both events should be considered unexpected events. They aren't of the same weight because usually one tends to be intentional, while the other isn't intentional. I'm not trying to suggest that at all. I still think it's interesting that the amount of outrage over alcohol is minuscule by comparison despite the number of deaths it causes per year and I have to think to some degree, it's because a lot of people enjoy alcohol where as it's clear a lot of people who are outraged and wanting to ban guns, have no enjoyment or love for guns. But again, I think this should be a different topic about why the outrage is so drastically different. By no means should it hold back from something being done about guns.
I share your disregard on a personal level, but on a pragmatic one, their opinions matter because we live in a democratic republic, in which those people not only vote, but tend to vote disproportionately.

As such, their preferences have to be taken in to account, just as we would have to take a group in to account if they demanded a shrine to the Blue Wizard of Antioch be installed in every Professional Sports Stadium because of reasons. If enough people want it, it must happen. Your alternative is quite literally revolution.

It doesn't mean you have to concede, of course. I think a pragmatic approach will just need to be long term; the first step is convincing enough people that guns suck. If lots of publicized killing sprees like this aren't doing it, find a different way to convince other people that guns suck. To do so, you will likely to have manipulate people.

Right, baby steps. First some sensible regulations. Examine the sociological impact over 10-20 years. Maybe some more sensible regulations after that. This is the kind of thing that requires a cultural shift and a change in core values. It's not going to happen right away, it will take at least 50 years, mabye 100. The only way forward is through baby steps.

I almost wish we could stop talking about a ban because, while I want it, it brings out the extremism in both sides and detracts from finding a real solution.


If someone wants to kill me with a gun and you take away their gun, they're going want to kill me with something else.

Can you see the mafia and gang members and shit talking like this after guns are banned?:

"Well guys, time to turn in our guns. Phooey! Guess we'll have to stop killing people too, you know, since, guns are the only way to do that."


no we cant because people can still get drunk and drive their cars itll never work

It's truly soul crushing to see these responses, because I know the US isn't some nation full of uneducated tribesmen.

History and fact show that a reduction in guns will reduce mass shootings in all first world counties (no duh). I even get a staunch pro-gun advocate to agree it was the smart thing for britain to do.

With all that evidence and precedent, I just think that if you oppose gun laws in the US you're a cruel, selfish and horrendously unpatriotic person.

Because what's more unpatriotic then condemning thousands of your countrymen to death because you enjoy going down the range?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack - 10 people with knives kill 33.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_attacks_in_China_(2010–12) - One guy kills 8 kids.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33847070 - Man with knife kills 2 and injures 1

If someone wants to kill, they'll find a way.

If you can find me one person that is capable of killing 20+ people in a matter of a few seconds with a knife, then maybe you would have a point.

Yeah, people will find a way to kill, doesn't mean we shouldn't make it harder for them to do so.


Anyways back on topic. Man the shooter is cray. He commended the va tech and columbian shooting?

Edit: apparently Walmart going to stop selling semi autos?


Let me ask you a question and put you in a theoretical situation, and please give us an honest answer.

I have just transported you to 1997 Britain, and you're the sole person deciding if guns should be banned.

You have all the facts from the future, you know gun crime in Britain will be near-completely eradicated and thousands of lives will be saved if you ban them.

Do you do it?

This is an amazing post. Where are the answers ?

I swear you have to be a psychopath to refuse banning guns when you KNOW it's going to save hundreds of thousands of lives in the long run.
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