Do you need a hand putting your toys back in your pram?Every time this subject comes up everyone gets in here and starts REEEEEEEEEEEE'ing and just sperging out, it's as bad as ResetEra. No one really provides any meaningful argument or counter-point just 'FUCK THIS GREEDY PIG', 'HOW BOUT NO ASSHOLE'.
He's 100% right, and the point that keeps getting missed is that just like the vast majority of media today that's available through streaming, YOU HAVE THE OPTION.
I love game pass, I don't care if games come and go, but if I did I could just buy them. Unless the argument is that eventually they will stop making physical copies, but that hasn't happened yet and isn't even being proposed?
You guys can cling to your physical media all you want but it's becoming an increasingly esoteric viewpoint that isn't rooted in reality with the mainstream consumer wants. Enjoy yelling into your echo chamber but that isn't going to stop the future.
No, the problem is people are ok spending money on digital subs, MTXs that have no real world value. I do not buy downloadable games, nor microtransactions because I do not own them and can be taken away.Gamers are funny in their ignorance and superiority complex.
Ubi games might be too casual for the self proclaimed pros but they are great with cloud saves, I think lately even cross platform. And also the quality of the games is actually high. Much filler maybe in their open world endeavors, but no true turd in the past years
The point is totally correct, people who like to own their games won't like subs but those who don't care about owning something that they usually play once and then be done with it can love subs, even when "losing" all the rented content at one point in the future. I can understand collecting stuff but in gaming I shifted almost entirely to a cinema like one time experience model. I guess it would be weird if Sony shuts down tomorrow, but I played what I wanted to play for less than if I had to pay physical. Also minus the plastic clutter and boxes.
Do you need a hand putting your toys back in your pram?
Anyway I thought the debate was more specific in sub vs buying, rather than digital vs physical... it'll be interesting to see where the sub model goes long term. With everywhere wanting more and more monthly subs, I think consumers are starting to get savvy and cautious with it all in general, beyond just gaming. I know I am. So maybe I'm and others just aren't your "mainstream consumer". Sorry.
You sound fun…No, the problem is people are ok spending money on digital subs, MTXs that have no real world value. I do not buy downloadable games, nor microtransactions because I do not own them and can be taken away.
I’m struggling to understand how folks can be ok with throwing money at these companies for absolutely nothing in return and the consumer has no recourse if it is taken away. I learned this in basic economics in school. I look around completely dumbfounded at people who want digital and buy these microtransactions like armor or haircuts, or swords and I feel sorry for them that they are a hostage to companies like that. I find it completely pathetic and embarrassing, but that is just me. I mean these bitches hire psychologists to make our dumbasses part from our money, that should tell us everything we need to know.
People are becoming idiot sheep that will do whatever they are told. Just like I said previously my youngest son’s nock name is half retard because he spent real money he worked for, for haircuts on a video game.
If this sounds harsh, sorry I just tell it straight forward.
Edit: I do not own subscription services like Netflix, Hulu, heck I won’t even get the subscription through jeep to unlock and start my Wrangler 4xe.
I certainly sometimes am, I just see no fun or intelligence in giving a company money and having no value in said product. I’m a pretty simple person, my idea of fun is not putting money I worked hard for in a blender and then trashing it.You sound fun…
Yep and basically anyone who's been buying games on any digital store front. You don't own the games, just the rights (licence) to access to them. Which is also why I don't understand why some people stan for digital only on consoles, when you have a choice.Every pc gamer for decades:
Alan Wake says “hi”.Unless the argument is that eventually they will stop making physical copies, but that hasn't happened yet and isn't even being proposed?
Yep, basically stanning against customer rights. It’s freaking mind boggling. Even if you don’t use it, it’s always good to have options and by it’s very presence physical games help curtail some of the otherwise inevitable digital shenanigans.The amount of users here who are defending and celebrating a future which embraces a non-ownership of media and culture is alarming. You think you're going to be better off by giving more power to publishers and media conglomerates?
Truly, you are useful idiots.
Once again, this is a false narrative. Even on Steam most non Denuvo games can either be easily cracked or they may not have DRM at all.Yep and basically anyone who's been buying games on any digital store front. You don't own the games, just the rights (licence) to access to them. Which is also why I don't understand why some people stan for digital only on consoles, when you have a choice.
There are outliers like GOG for DRM free content but thats pretty much it; though their library of games is quite limited.
Not really. And I'm pretty sure hacking, modifying to outskirt DRM and cracking them breaks TOS in more ways than one. And also sure that people who are doing that aren't buying them and would rather sail the high seas with their booty.Once again, this is a false narrative. Even on Steam most non Denuvo games can either be easily cracked or they may not have DRM at all.
Also with Steam and even other PC stores you can buy games in 3rd party shops. Yes, it’s possible that a game may get pulled completely but you have a lot of ways around things.
On consoles (and with some Denuvo titles), you are shit out of lock. To celebrate even further fuckery by corpos is jus idiotic.
Don't understand what you mean they already do a subscription service for both xbox and pc that allows you to play games early play all there latest games etc. Since there's no physical on pc it makes no sense not use this service.Please don't start with Star Wars Outlaws, the only Ubisoft title I'm interested in. But seriously, doesn't the consumer usually have some power to dictate the market and acceptence of changes? It come's accross as really aggressive and out of touch. I'm also not sure the music and movie industry comparrisons are the same thing either. Maybe Ubisoft is just a head of the curve, but they are also greedy and don't give two fucks.
Well I surelly dont want to own any ubisoft game for quite some time so .. mission accomplishedThis is coming from Philippe Tremblay, Director of Subscription at Ubisoft:
Full article available at GiBiz:
The new Ubisoft+ and getting gamers comfortable with not owning their games
Ubisoft has rebranded its subscription offering and introduced a new service for PC
Stop with this myth. Steam is NOT DRM but a distribution platform, store and so on. Valve does offer basic DRM services but those are optional. There are fully non DRM games distributed through Steam that you can subsequently launch without Steam launcher (and can fully backup).Not really. And I'm pretty sure hacking, modifying to outskirt DRM and cracking them breaks TOS in more ways than one. And also sure that people who are doing that aren't buying them and would rather sail the high seas with their booty.
But yeah you still don't own the games in any way, just the licence to use them just like buying a physical copy of a game. Only, with that.. you own a physical copy that can be cannot be removed/revoked from the publisher and can used to install and play any time a user wants (unless there's online DRM). I only brang up GOG because technically you can do what you want with your copy with an offline backup, well apart from reselling ofc.
That and Steam itself is DRM. Despite there being DRM free games on that platform. Consoles are another can of worms and with their completely closed walled gardens and lack of competition within their own ecosystem(s).
In my opinion...Getting more savvy and cautious how? What do you mean?
It is a form of DRM, not sure why you keep saying its not. Most games will require you to use the Steam client (launcher) and most people will use it. Anyway going way off topic, so cba to reply anymore on Valve/Steam.Stop with this myth. Steam is NOT DRM but a distribution platform, store and so on. Valve does offer basic DRM services but those are optional. There are fully non DRM games distributed through Steam that you can subsequently launch without Steam launcher (and can fully backup).
You are conflating Steam which is a platform with Steamworks which are a set of dev tools for said Steam platform.It is a form of DRM, not sure why you keep saying its not. Its written as DRM on their page. Anyway going way off topic, so cba to reply anymore on Valve/Steam.
Steamworks - Build & Distribute Your Games on Steam
Steamworks is a set of tools and services that help game developers and publishers build their games and get the most out of distributing on