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Ubisoft E3 Lineup - Rayman to be Wii launch title, first pic


HowardMoon said:

i suck at imageready


citrus lump said:
Quit being a whiny bitch. If you're gonna base the entire system around an early build of a launch title, that's also a 3rd party title, you just wanted a reason to not buy the Wii.

One of the other camps will gladly take you.

_leech_ said:
I've noticed that this seems to be the standard response over anything Nintendo related lately.

Because nintendo is stubborn but they still make good games. We've known about the potential graphical shortcomings for a while and its beating a dead horse at this point.


It's not THAT bad. I don't see why everyone is flipping out when we've known the games would look about like this for months now.

The thing that interests me is that it's in 16x9. Hopefully that's a standard with the Wii.


I am the kind of nintenfo fan that would defend any nintendo's new console name even if they decided to call it "wii".

But this thread is too much even for me.

I surrender to the joy.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Catchpenny said:
Because most third parties were likely using Gamecubes as dev kits a few months ago?

oh, is that the line then

well, it's better than just accepting the truth then i suppose
Rocked said:
A large number of X360 games could be mistaken for the previous generation.

As somebody who has spent the last five years playing PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube on a 53" HDTV (all with component cables and progressive scan when available), I can assure you that there is no mistaking a large number of 360 games for the previous generation when played on that exact same TV.

Rayman 2 looked poor compared to the exclusives.

IMO there's a very big difference between looking poor compared to the exclusives and looking past-gen.

My point was, that although I'm not expecting a major leap myself, it's retarded to judge a consoles graphical power on a multiplatform third party RAYMAN game.

Probably not. The timing isn't great. Nintendo should have paid Ubisoft to not release any screenshots or videos for the time being. :lol


*drowns in jizz*
moku said:

We Nintendard fans waited for a fucking YEAR for the first screenshots, and they turned out to be ass. Ass on a level that is beyond what I thought ass would look like.


Good god. Nintendo really screwed the puppy this time. Fucking Wii people. That's the name of a system that has a penis shape controller, and gamecube graphics!

GOOD GOD I AM GOING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can someone ban this moron? You may as well jump off a fucking bridge or slit your wrists as it sounds thats what you're tempted to do. How old are you?

Maybe you need to get laid to ease your nerves, but your emotional reaction is rather pitiful in any extent. Its your fault for, in your own words, being a Nintendard, and waiting 'a fucking year'. Get some other hobbies, you're not healthy. Just a suggestion.


Second-rate Anihawk
PhoenixDark said:
Wow, you guys...wow.

We already knew the graphics would be underwhelming, so don't act like this is some suprise.

Freaking Rayman will not be the best looking Revolution game at E3 anyway. -_-
:lol awesome avatar


Nebur said:

-- RLY?? ¬¬'



Make the left kid a owl too, and the right one facing the Tv. Put a older owl, a grey one in the back, and we will have "Oh wiilly?"
Amir0x said:
oh, is that the line then

well, it's better than just accepting the truth then i suppose

I thought they did though. I thought they had GCs with Wiimotes.

Most people accepted the truth when Nintendo said it wouldn't be uberpowerful.

Ah i said most. Should probably be a few.


This game still looks on par with some 360 games.. Red Steel looks much better than this, but this still looks ----comparably, juxtaposed with "current-gen" games of the same type---- as good as, say, top spin for 360 or the godfather... Both perfectly usable examples, 3rd party games, spanning platforms, etc etc. Some people see every screenshot as a chance to take a damaging shot. As part of a 1st wave of games from a 3rd party with limited hardware access, it does look good.

Serious talk aside, it's a horrible pr photo and some of the photoshops have been golden.


Come on you gotta pay some respect. We see Red Steel screens. Then we see a long time nothing. Then we see a Rayman screen with RABBITS CHASED BY A SPIDER-RIDING PINK-DRESSED RAYMNA WITH AN AFRO. That's just awesome.

And LOL @ at those who judge a game by ONE single screenshot.
Amir0x said:
oh, is that the line then

well, it's better than just accepting the truth then i suppose

Nah, living in a fantasy world is for drug addicts. I know the Rev's graphics are going to be a very minor boost over current gen stuff, and plenty of games will look like PS2/GC titles. I also can't think of a game that came close to pushing a system's capabilities six months before launch. Combine that with the rumors that Nintendo has been working more closely with Japanese companies, and the fact that this is a multiplatform game...well, it's not a surprise.

Were you expecting better? Or are you just here for lol lowercase hijinx?


Slurpy said:
Can someone ban this moron? You may as well jump off a fucking bridge or slit your wrists as it sounds thats what you're tempted to do. How old are you?

Maybe you need to get laid to ease your nerves, but your emotional reaction is rather pitiful in any extent. Its your fault for, in your own words, being a Nintendard, and waiting 'a fucking year'. Get some other hobbies, you're not healthy. Just a suggestion.

a.) Stop backseat modding
b.) Don't tell someone that they "may as well jump off a fucking bridge or slit [his] wrists."
c.) Come back after E3.

Catchpenny said:
Were you expecting better? Or are you just here for lol lowercase hijinx?

Was I expected better? Not really, this is in line with my lower expectations. Does that somehow make it less ugly? No.


Rayman 4. Fuck yes. And it's being by Ancel. Platformer of the motherfucking year.
Okay, 3D platformer of the motherfucking year.

Unless Mawiio comes out and is wiilly good.


Second-rate Anihawk
AniHawk said:
Rayman 4. Fuck yes. And it's being by Ancel. Platformer of the motherfucking year.
Okay, 3D platformer of the motherfucking year.

Unless Mawiio comes out and is wiilly good.
How can you play something with such ugly graphics? :(

wait you are a DS fan, nevermind :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
has anyone shopped a speech bubble of that kid saying "Don't grandand! :(" yet?
You know, I first thought it was the same kid in both pictures (normal look and wig&makeup). It would fit with the whole "Customize and disguise Rayman" thing. But maybe not then, it would have been too clever.
Amir0x said:
Was I expected better? Not really, this is in line with my lower expectations. Does that somehow make it less ugly? No.

Cool. So do you think that western third parties have had final dev kits for a long time, and have maxed out what the Wii can do? Or were you just being rude and dismissive in your original reply to me?

If this meets your "lower expectations" then there will be better-looking games that meet the expectations of what we saw on the spec sheet. So I don't see what everyone is so hysterical over, other than the kid photoshops.

Anyhow, now that I've talked about "maxing out the Wii" in a public forum I can't take this too seriously!


WordAssassin said:
The only thing holding that Rayman picture back from looking like it was made out of clay is the poly edges. :( Otherwise the texture work is insane.

The texture work is insanely horrible alright.


Second-rate Anihawk
citrus lump said:
I take it you never played a video game until the 360 came out.......
I'm sorry, but now and days I expect more from my video game systems. High resolution, increased texture quality, and hair are essential for my gaming enjoyment.
The level of over-reaction from both sides (pro- and anti-) on GAF never fails to amaze me. Thought this time, it's barely funny, in my honest opinion...
Fucks sake you guys, don't you remember Boxguy etc.?

Yeah the screenshot is pure last gen shit, but it's only 1 shot, what's with these stupid fanboys "handing in their jackets" (which is a fucking stupid term as it is).

Man! GAF likes to make mountains out of molehills sometimes.


Catchpenny said:
Cool. So do you think that western third parties have had final dev kits for a long time, and have maxed out what the Wii can do? Or were you just being rude and dismissive in your original reply to me?

Well I mean it's not hard to approximate gamecube turbo specs, but uh i mean the "truth" is that most games are just gonna look like Xbox titles with better particles or better lighting.

I'm sure there will be stand outs that make one say "I can't believe they're doing it on this technology", but Ancel makes some pretty games so I hope this is just for PS2/Wii versions. I doubt it though, 360/PS3 up-porting ftl.

Catchpenny said:
If this meets your "lower expectations" then there will be better-looking games that meet the expectations of what we saw on the spec sheet. So I don't see what everyone is so hysterical over, other than the kid photoshops.

I'm not hysterical over it. People like moku are, I just think it's fucking ugly.


Fallofmart said:
Fucks sake you guys, don't you remember Boxguy etc.?

Yeah the screenshot is pure last gen shit, but it's only 1 shot, what's with these stupid fanboys "handing in their jackets" (which is a fucking stupid term as it is).

Man! GAF likes to make mountains out of molehills sometimes.

Well said. Chances are if someone was gonna "hand in their Rev jacket" because a friggin multiplatform RAYMAN game has some blurry textures and low polygon models they were never gonna buy one in the first place. Either that, or they're simpletons.
Stormbringer said:
The level of over-reaction from both sides (pro- and anti-) on GAF never fails to amaze me. Thought this time, it's barely funny, in my honest opinion...

Truth. The level of hyperbole on all sides gets cranked up around E3, and it's getting on my nerves. Not just here, the Too Human thread was similar. The picture is far from great but I don't find it to be horribly ugly either. There's little room for moderate opinions anymore and everyone is lollerskates or omgz about everything.
it should be a bad thing when i see crappy screenshots on a system I'm going to plunk down $300 (CND) on - but for some reason I just don't care anymore (although last E3 I would have been furious). I want to move my arms and hands in harmony with the game, and masterfully direct a symphony of evil rabbids to their doom.

Ok, I've always been strange, in fact, the stranger the game, the greater my fun (Darkened Skye anyone? that game looked like ass). Only one next-gen console is gonna keep it "wiird." I want in. NOW.

I think i've snapped.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

That promo shot of the two kids is all kinds of amesome. In a wierd way, it kinda sums up that spirit of Wii. Don't take videogames so seriousy... loosen up!
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