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Ubisoft E3 Lineup - Rayman to be Wii launch title, first pic


don't ask me for codes
The one thing that worries me the most isn't the poly count, but the blurry textures. I would have thought that despite being less powerful the Wii would at least have more texture memory available to it.

Those who think that shot comes close to what high-end XBOX games have shown us are out of touch with reality I'm afraid.

Those who are still hopeful and aren't dumb enough to write off the whole console based on just screenshot can hope that this shot came from their gamecube devkit, rather than whatever final Wii devkit they should've gotten.

Personally I don't have a high opinion of the Rayman franchise (on a technical level as well as gameplay-wise), so I also highly doubt that this is the limit of what the Wii can do.
I don't see what's so dissapointing about that screenshot, we already know Wii's specs are a disgrace. Wii is basically the Triforce Arcade hardware, meaning GameCube with more memory. Anyone expecting anything besides shit graphics is out of his/her mind.
All this fuss, over a fairly decent screenshot.
Seems Microsoft and Sony fans needed anything to revenge the Wallguy and Box-Guy threads.
I'm tagging this thread, as i expect Metroid 3 (MattIGN "3rd parties are just starting to do now what Retro have been doing since October on Wii") and Mario to kill it with one hand behind their backs and a hotdog in the other.
we all know Nintendo aren't going for power, we've known it for a year or so almost. We know they are going for gameplay and dev costs. Screw graphics DS prives to me graphics mean shit if the gameplay wins out. Let it go Sony/Microsoft fans, we know we won't have the best graphics, and pointing out the obvious really isn't befitting most of you, fight with each other over your graphical prowess. Let us deal with our so called crap graphics, and Wiimotes.
Catchpenny said:
Truth. The level of hyperbole on all sides gets cranked up around E3, and it's getting on my nerves. Not just here, the Too Human thread was similar. The picture is far from great but I don't find it to be horribly ugly either. There's little room for moderate opinions anymore and everyone is lollerskates or omgz about everything.

It's no different now than it was well before E3. Fact is, moderate is boring and not as exciting. Obviously screen looks OK, hard to say much definitively about it. I'm honestly more concerned with the direction the Rayman series has been going in since Rayman 2, and I'm just hoping this can recapture some of what made that game great, whatever system I end up playing it on. The early PR text and the shot (theme wise, not technically) don't inspire me with confidence, but again it's early.


VultureDude said:
it should be a bad thing when i see crappy screenshots on a system I'm going to plunk down $300 (CND) on...

Especially since you're like overpaying by $50+! If the Rev...Wii launches at $200 USD, it'll be $250 MAX CDN.
Memles said:
Especially since you're like overpaying by $50+! If the Rev...Wii launches at $200 USD, it'll be $250 MAX CDN.

I'm just highballing the number - although I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to ignore the rising exchange rate (can dollar is 90 cents US) - so I have 300 bucks put away for November, if i don't use it all i'll just get another game :)


Gahiggidy said:

That promo shot of the two kids is all kinds of amesome. In a wierd way, it kinda sums up that spirit of Wii. Don't take videogames so seriousy... loosen up!

I think they want show wii like a machine of games not like a machine of videogames.

Gahiggidy said:

That promo shot of the two kids is all kinds of amesome. In a wierd way, it kinda sums up that spirit of Wii. Don't take videogames so seriousy... loosen up!

But ... but teh textures on the pebbles in the far corner of the screen shot! I can't play a game system without adaquate pebble-rendering power -- and that would be true even if I DID know what I was talking about.


Seems Microsoft and Sony fans needed anything to revenge the Wallguy and Box-Guy threads.

At least those games were exclusives and not ports!

God I hate this in between generations time.


Huh. I actually think it looks pretty all right. I kinda like the goofy art style, too. And in the end, it's an Ancel-directed Rayman game, which means I'll buy the shit out of it.

Maybe I just don't belong here.


What are you expecting from a shot taken from a devkit that's is basically a Gamecube with a wired revmote control attached on it?

Almost every third-party software right now is gonna have GameCube-like graphics and this must change only in the next 2 months when they receive the final devkits.


Tempy said:
Those who think that shot comes close to what high-end XBOX games have shown us are out of touch with reality I'm afraid.

it looks very comparable to high end xbox games





some of these may look a little better, some may look a little worse, but it's obviously the same league. It may not be next gen quality, but let's not go overboard and claim it's ugly for current gen. It's very nice for current gen.


:lol @ That picture.

This game is going to be a 'hoot'. Though, as a previous poster mentioned, these development kits they have right now are likely just modified GC dev kits. I hope. Oh god.

EDIT: My grammar fails.
Okay, I'm completely late to join in the shenanigans, but Christ, what the fuck is up with the Sodomizer (the punk kid)?

The screenshot? Looks like an XBox1 game. I personally have no problem with that, but if the Wiitards (I love this phrase now!) expected 360-level graphics, they may have that remote a bit too high up the ass.

Red Steel looks more interesting, to be honest.
typo said:
Okay, I'm completely late to join in the shenanigans, but Christ, what the fuck is up with the Sodomizer (the punk kid)?

The screenshot? Looks like an XBox1 game. I personally have no problem with that, but if the Wiitards (I love this phrase now!) expected 360-level graphics, they may have that remote a bit too high up the ass.

Red Steel looks more interesting, to be honest.

I honestly don't think its the Wiitards, I think its the trolls.


Ante Up
With graphics like these, why not just release the Revmote peripheral for Gamecube? I'm sure all will be revealed next week, but as of now, there's no real justification for the new box.


mashoutposse said:
With graphics like these, why not just release the Revmote peripheral for Gamecube? I'm sure all will be revealed next week, but as of now, there's no real justification for the new box.

As someone said: It is gamecube redesign :p


mashoutposse said:
With graphics like these, why not just release the Revmote peripheral for Gamecube? I'm sure all will be revealed next week, but as of now, there's no real justification for the new box.


TheKingsCrown said:
I honestly don't think its the Wiitards, I think its the trolls.

Bingo. Any Nintendo fan who's been keeping up with the news would know not to expect a huge leap in graphics and that most 3rd parties were still using GC dev kits until recently.


mashoutposse said:
With graphics like these, why not just release the Revmote peripheral for Gamecube? I'm sure all will be revealed next week, but as of now, there's no real justification for the new box.

on Gamecube, the peripheral would not be adopted as the standard.

With Wii, it will be. Then every game must be dev'ed with it in mind.


stephenjames said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I am dying laughing for the third time. :lol

typo said:
Okay, I'm completely late to join in the shenanigans, but Christ, what the fuck is up with the Sodomizer (the punk kid)?

The screenshot? Looks like an XBox1 game. I personally have no problem with that, but if the Wiitards (I love this phrase now!) expected 360-level graphics, they may have that remote a bit too high up the ass.




This looks awesome! Hope it's not a little kid game, as I am led to believe by the picture of those two little kids
We all knew the Wiinis was going to be Xbox-level. I suppose some Nintards are in denial, hoping it would be on par with PS3 or Xbox 360. It isn't. So it looks nice for its technology.

As for the gameplay, we'll see.


The Experiment said:
We all knew the Wiinis was going to be Xbox-level. I suppose some Nintards are in denial, hoping it would be on par with PS3 or Xbox 360. It isn't. So it looks nice for its technology.

As for the gameplay, we'll see.



The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
someone needs to combine all the photoshops of that main image into one uber-shop

and :lol @ "xbox level" comments


It's not on xbox level you absolute muppets. Did the xbox launch games look like these? No. Did conker bad fur day look as sharp? No. Is this indicative of how, say, metroid prime will look like? No, in fact those in denial are those underestimating the power of the wii. But whatever, go back to pretending you are "nintards" and have suddenly seen the light and realized nintendo sucks.

"I love nintendo and I've followed them blindly, but now that the multiplatform rayman 4 looks like that I don't know anymore :'(. Why it's just like a gamecube :\".


Peru said:
"I love nintendo and I've followed them blindly, but now that the multiplatform rayman 4 looks like that I don't know anymore :'(. Why it's just like a gamecube :\".

:lol Gotta love trolls who pose as disappointed fanboys.


Ante Up
Amir0x said:
on Gamecube, the peripheral would not be adopted as the standard.

With Wii, it will be. Then every game must be dev'ed with it in mind.

Yes, this part of the situation is clear. It's easier to get 20 million people to buy into a completely new platform than it is to convince those people to purchase a new controller for a (more or less) dead system. It will work if it's $199 or less.


Eh, you could've told me that was from the 360 version and I'd put it right in with the "crappy not next-gen" list, of which there are alot. Honestly with those graphics are on par with King Kong 360 (just in SD). Certainly not impressive for the most part, but it could just be "early in development", "launch game rush", or more likely, "shitty PS2 port-up" like KK was.

Not saying Rev software will by and large end up looking much better, I have no expectations for it to look the slightest bit better than Xbox, but this isn't indicative of much.


Peru said:
It's not on xbox level you absolute muppets. Did the xbox launch games look like these? No. Did conker bad fur day look as sharp? No. Is this indicative of how, say, metroid prime will look like? No, in fact those in denial are those underestimating the power of the wii. But whatever, go back to pretending you are "nintards" and have suddenly seen the light and realized nintendo sucks.

"I love nintendo and I've followed them blindly, but now that the multiplatform rayman 4 looks like that I don't know anymore :'(. Why it's just like a gamecube :\".

you really think the game will looks as sharp as this PR screenshot on your SDTV? Ha! You need to accept the fact that the system will not produce garphics on par with 360/PS3. that's not it's purpose.


MrSardonic said:
I think this might be the greatest gif of all time. I'm still cant help laughing when I see it

I've been sitting here the past 15 minutes reading this thread and everytime I see it I burst out laughing... oh man :lol


I'm just surprised Nintendo let (?) Red Steel and now Rayman release screenshots before any of their 1st party offerings. I know they are waiting for E3 to unload all of it, but the very first pics will always be more scrutinized and judged, and they don't seem to be the best choices to me to release first.


I also believe that they said in a interview that the controller wouldn't work on gamecube (something about latency). This may be a false statement but I think I saw it in one interview.

Musashi Wins!

Batongen said:
I also believe that they said in a interview that the controller wouldn't work on gamecube (something about latency). This may be a false statement but I think I saw it in one interview.

Like any company is going to let you buy the last gen console for $50 when they can sell you a lightly updated version with new peripherals.
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