They are just way out of touch with their fans and sooner are later its gonna bite them.
? Huh? Why did you change the subject? First they need new IP and then when its literally stated they always make new IP, now its "out of touch"?
We can talk about that, but its sounding like your comment before was to make a jab at the publisher, in an odd take mind you as if you closely look at what Ubisoft does every gen, they make new IP.....every gen, to then be like " out of TOUCH" sounds like you just wanted to bash the publisher and found a way to bash then when one didn't work or something lol
Thats just my take on it.
In terms of what Ubisoft has been doing lately, I can't really say they are "out of touch" tbh. Fans asked for many things and they did many of those things.
From new IP, to changing up AC as not to keep it about the same thing all the time and even that was argued against.
To do AC the same fucking way is to say "omgbbq wooooow THEY NEED TO STOP SAMIFY THINGZ"
Ubisoft- "ok...we'll make a new engine for AC and even make it open world RPG like to change things up"
Also you "wow, just wow out of touch"
I don't know what to say. I think the did a great job and don't get enough credit for what they did well last gen. Many seem to either be sleep to this or have completely forgot all those past criticism of AC. The ones I remember were like "its too short" , look up how people really felt about those original games from 2007-2013. I can't fault them for using a new engine, not being yearly and doing something different with the whole RPG open world thing, as I stated before you'd just argue that they need to "stop samify thingz". To change it is out of touch and to keep it the same is too samy lol
They had issues with AC Unity and shortly after stopped doing yearly AC titles and put it as a open world RPG.
They put out a new IP with The Division. Trailer was greatly downgraded so they apologize and put out a beta as to show people what the game actually looks like, moved record units.
New IP, after new IP, after new IP.
I agree with you on the DRM thing as they need to address this..
Ubisoft dropping DRM
So the still have work to do...
In terms of being out of touch, I don't know about all that now. The fact that they are remaking a AC title and the new one is not going to be open world and they still have a team to do the RPG ones shows they are catering to the old fans and established. The fact that out of the top 15 best selling Ubisoft games of all time, 10 of then are from last gen speaks volumes to this so called out of touch man...
Ubisoft is known for making some of the biggest titles in the industry. But which were the company's highest-selling games?
So sir...when I hear someone state stuff like "later its gonna bit them" I have to give the deep lolz. Like how its going to bite Activision with COD? They going to pay huh? Soon doe right? Or....or...maybe they are in touch with a base of fans that allowed them to move record units and you just happen to not be that fan. That makes more sense then some secret backlash that only you know about with no unit of measurement to even discuss this whole "gonna bit dem".
I can legit 100% see just how a lot of that is even going to go.
They make a AC with less 'bloat" and people will say "WOW the fucking game is INCOMPLETE, pay more for less? WOW Ubisoft". Come on now man, we've seen this before and you can't tell me folks would not be saying this, they say this now to many publishers and I feel Ubisoft are in a damned if you do and damned if you don't. Its why its a great idea to just split the AC base from linear old school to open world RPG and just have both.
As for this game, could be a new IP, could likely be Star Wars, but I thought for sure that was already a confirmed thing as I don't see why they'd need to code a job listing of a title already revealed or teased to some degree.
Massive Entertainment to lead development of a new story-driven, open-world Star Wars adventure.
ok so they did actually do a full confirmation type thing. So I don't think this is Star Was. They are saying to the moon. Star Wars to my understanding never references our universe and they wouldn't really need to be secret about it as its already known they are working on a Star Wars open world thing.
So Massive the team that worked on The Division series is doing it.... but.....ok they are in Sweden too along with Ubisoft Stockholm...plays X-files track lol hmmmmmm
Maybe its another Star Wars title, or maybe its a new IP and they are using some of the tech that is done in that Star Wars title at Massive as to why its the same country, different teams.....maybe.
sorry for the baby tree =(