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Uh oh...Infinium having more financial problems!


works for Gamestop (lol)

In that filing, a 10-Q dated August 23, 2004, Infinium had exactly $134,226 in its bank account, with "a working capital deficiency of $3,962,226." That second amount equals the difference between the company's accounts payable (what it owes) and its accounts receivable (what it's owed). In other words: At present, Infinium can't pay its bills.

lol. More in the article


It launches November 18, in time to get murdered by Grand Theft Auto and Halo 2 like every other game coming out this fall.

If anyone thought that they actually had a chance in hell to release any kind of product, then... ah forget it.

This long-running drama = teh entertainment.


works for Gamestop (lol)
And they have... ""plans to sell $34,971,000 in product during the next 12-month period.""

Good luck to them


Wario64 said:
And they have... ""plans to sell $34,971,000 in product during the next 12-month period.""

That's kind of hard to do when you're giving your hardware away for free.

What was that I just heard? I do believe that'd be a golden parachute for the upper echelon before spiralling into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy!


Hang out with Steve.
They should license out that cool lapboard idea. It looks zany but it actually works really well.



Those are some really big numbers.

the Company estimates based on its current business strategy that [it] will have operating cash requirements over the next twelve months of approximately $68,846,000
Might want to rethink that "business strategy." No way is anyone handing them that kind of cash.


One of the most horribly managed companies in recent history. Obviously you need to shell out money up front for this sort of project to put it into motion, but it seems like these people are just making it up as they go, with no true plan... and if they do have a plan, nobody of importance seems to have been told about it. What fools signed their names to this and gave their blessing that this was a good idea?

"Hey guys, we just spent a shitload of money. Can we have more, cause we're out and stuff."


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
There has never been a console more aptly named on the face of this planet than The Phantom...


Unconfirmed Member
SteveMeister said:
They should license out that cool lapboard idea. It looks zany but it actually works really well.


Agreed. When we saw it at E3, we laughed, then used it, then felt stupid for laughing. On to the point at hand, I wonder how much Infinium's directors managed to stea...*cough* earn from investors for their scammi... *cough* innovation.

Also, wonder what Bachus is thinking now?


Will start substantiating his hate

> Also, wonder what Bachus is thinking now?

Bachus should be used to failing by now. I'm sure he's already thinking about new ways to ruin the console industry which is his one goal in life.
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