UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay to single market exit

So this is happening...

Business leaders are to demand that ministers agree an indefinite delay in Britain’s departure from the European single market and customs union to give more time for talks on a long-term trade deal.

In a dramatic escalation of the battle to soften the government’s Brexit strategy, groups representing thousands of UK employers aim to present a united front during a summit at Chevening country house hosted by the Brexit secretary, David Davis.

“This is a time to be realistic,” Carolyn Fairbairn, director general of the CBI, is due to say in a speech on Thursday outlining their demands. “Instead of a cliff edge, the UK needs a bridge to the new EU deal. Even with the greatest possible goodwill on both sides, it’s impossible to imagine the detail will be clear by the end of March 2019.”

“March 2019 is 20 months away. Time flies,” the chief EU negotiator, Michel Barnier, warned in a separate speech on Thursday in Brussels in which he claimed that Britain had yet to “face the facts” on Brexit. “Whatever the outcome of these negotiations, the message I would like you to convey on the ground is this: the real transition period began on 29 March 2017, the day on which the UK presented its [article 50] notification letter.”

“Regardless of how they voted in the referendum, our members want to see certainty now,” he said.

“Firms tell us this feels like common sense,” added Fairbairn. “But if others have alternatives that deliver equivalent economic benefits, now is the time to put them on the table.”

The Brexit department declined to comment before the summit, and no agenda had been shared with business attendees by Thursday afternoon.

There's more at the link.

Interesting turn of events, wonder how the government will respond.


I'm sure the business leaders have the interests of all aspects of society front and centre of their hearts.


You would be worried. The government have no idea what they are doing, the opposition are just as insane and it's come to a point were businesses can't just hope for the best while they plan ahead, they have probably been in a holding pattern for a while now to see if anything clearer was happening like sanity but it's just piles of shit heading for the fan. Nobody needs this Brexit shit and that's getting clearer every day. There is more important things to deal with and Brexit needs to be stopped.


Business leaders are to demand that ministers agree an indefinite delay in Britain’s departure from the European single market and customs union to give more time for talks on a long-term trade deal.
Do these people even know there is another faction in this negotiations which has ruled out a transitional deal longer than 3 years and threatened to veto anything longer?

This sounds like another fantasy idea that is not available.
As long as they can convince 27 other governments plus the EU parliament, sure, why not.

They won't convince 27 other governments and the EU parliament :D


Do these people even know there is another faction in this negotiations which has ruled out a transitional deal longer than 3 years and threatened to veto anything longer?

This sounds like another fantasy idea that is not available.

IIRC somebody said a transitional deal longer than years is likely illegal under WTO rules.


They have been saying this since before the vote. At one of Britain's bigger trade shows the suppliers have been apologising to customers on the vote.

This year the show was bigger but far quieter. A lot will be attending trade shows in Germany instead.
Speak for yourself.

I mean, you have electricity, you have access to the internet, you have access to clean water (hopefully) and you have ready and easy access to food and good healthcare.

You personally might not feel it because money is a bit tight, but you are living in one of the most prosperous eras in our history. It's only downhill from here.


We live in the most prosperous era of human civilization. What are you even trying to say here.

That the massive and rising inequality in a so-called-prosperous countries like the UK , driven by the dogma that what's good for business and the markets is good for society boils my piss.

I also think these 'business leaders' don't give much, if anything, of a shit about society.


I mean, you have electricity, you have access to the internet, you have access to clean water (hopefully) and you have ready and easy access to food and good healthcare.

You personally might not feel it because money is a bit tight, but you are living in one of the most prosperous eras in our history. It's only downhill from here.

My dog has a more lavish lifestyle than 99.9% of people on the planet.

If that's prosperity then the human race is in a bad way.


Do these people even know there is another faction in this negotiations which has ruled out a transitional deal longer than 3 years and threatened to veto anything longer?

This sounds like another fantasy idea that is not available.

Not only that but the WTO only allows transitional deals when there is clear and defined end point.

The provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent, as between the territories of contracting parties, the formation of a customs union or of a free-trade area or the adoption of an interim agreement necessary for the formation of a customs union or of a free-trade area […] Any interim agreement […] shall include a plan and schedule for the formation of such a customs union or of such a free-trade area within a reasonable length of time.

You can't have a transitional deal on the never never, there needs to be a plan and schedule the subsequent deal.
That the massive and rising inequality in a so-called-prosperous countries like the UK , driven by the dogma that what's good for business and the markets is good for society boils my piss.

I also think these 'business leaders' don't give much, if anything, of a shit about society.

Quite the sweeping statement


I'm sure the business leaders have the interests of all aspects of society front and centre of their hearts.

As the old adage goes, "it's the economy, stupid". Recession is bad for the little man. See 2008.

Incidentally, please tell me if you think any of the following people have the interests of all aspects of society front and centre of their hearts:

Theresa May
Boris Johnson
Michael Gove
Iain Duncan Smith
Priti Patel
Andrea Leadsom
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Liam Fox


That the massive and rising inequality in a so-called-prosperous countries like the UK , driven by the dogma that what's good for business and the markets is good for society boils my piss.

I also think these 'business leaders' don't give much, if anything, of a shit about society.

Keep in mind the 'massive rising inequality' is a matter of perspective. Go tell the literal billions that were lifted out of poverty that inequality is rising. If we look at it from a global scale, you can see that only the middle class of the most highly developed nations (350M people AT MOST) didn't benefit massively from globalisation and capitalism in recent years. And even that wouldn't be accounting for the technological progress we've seen.

Also, we really shouldn't focus so much on income inequality. This isn't a rhetorical question: if everyone else is better off too, why should you care the richer have become richer? If the price to pay for the bottom 50% having their life improved in an almost incomprehensible manner, is that the top .0001% become 100X richer, I'm taking that deal. Caring about the poor is different from caring about inequality; I do about the former, but not really about the latter).
That the massive and rising inequality in a so-called-prosperous countries like the UK , driven by the dogma that what's good for business and the markets is good for society boils my piss.

I also think these 'business leaders' don't give much, if anything, of a shit about society.
Well, it's not like the UK government gives a shit about society lately by pushing this Brexit through, so don't know who would be worse. The one that will make a country fall into a recession or the one saying: let's not do that.

My dog has a more lavish lifestyle than 99.9% of people on the planet.

If that's prosperity then the human race is in a bad way.
What do you want exactly? Is there suffering in the world, and are people having a terrible life? Sure. And in large numbers also. But when we compare that to what it was even a few decades ago, it suddenly looks a lot better.


It's almost like leaving the EU was a bad idea...
It was. But we still could have seen Brexit not being a complete shitshow, if there had been a plan. But no plan, still no plan, still no consensus, disaster.
My dog has a more lavish lifestyle than 99.9% of people on the planet.

If that's prosperity then the human race is in a bad way.
To be fair, my dog gets far better healthcare than anyone gets from their local GP or on the NHS. Same day appointments, short waits for a referral.


It was. But we still could have seen Brexit not being a complete shitshow, if there had been a plan. But no plan, still no plan, still no consensus, disaster.

The only way Brexit could have not been a complete shit show is if the Government had decided one of two things

1. That five years before the referendum it would invest and put in place all the mechanisms, systems, departments and personnel needed to handle the stuff the EU does, and all the extra stuff we'll need to do. Build massive truck parks in Kent, hire thousands of extra custom agents, new IT systems etc

2. Or if May's government post referendum had parked the A50 notification for a couple of years until all the stuff in 1 is done.

As it is we're stuck with the decision without the time to put all the stuff we'd need to function if we get turfed out without a transitional deal, which makes what was an already weak negotiating position even more feeble.

You can leave the EU, but it'd probably take close to a decade to do a half decent job of it due to how interconnected everything is. Doing it in two years is madness and always has been. What we're seeing at the moment is the cold hard slap of reality as the practicalities are starting to hit home.


As the old adage goes, "it's the economy, stupid". Recession is bad for the little man. See 2008.

Incidentally, please tell me if you think any of the following people have the interests of all aspects of society front and centre of their hearts:

Theresa May
Boris Johnson
Michael Gove
Iain Duncan Smith
Priti Patel
Andrea Leadsom
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Liam Fox

I don't think any of them do. They're Conservative politicians. Not sure what your point is though?


I don't think any of them do. They're Conservative politicians. Not sure what your point is though?

I'm an outsider (i'm from Portugal) but aren't those the politicians that would gain power if you voted for brexit.
No matter what meaning brexit is for you it was those people that would lead the UK


I'm an outsider (i'm from Portugal) but aren't those the politicians that would gain power if you voted for brexit.
No matter what meaning brexit is for you it was those people that would lead the UK

Them, or similarly awful right wing variants would have been in power immediately after the vote either way. I also think our obsession with equating societal good with pro business free market economic policies needs to end, which is why I think these business leaders should be viewed with massive suspicion.




Why is everything that comes out of the UK total bonkers?

May's Brexit plan doesn't exist.

Corbyn's Brexit plan doesn't make sense.

This Brexit plan is nonsense.
Them, or similarly awful right wing variants would have been in power immediately after the vote either way. I also think our obsession with equating societal good with pro business free market economic policies needs to end, which is why I think these business leaders should be viewed with massive suspicion.
If only there was a large organisation with a lot of power and a history of fining big business when they cross the line. Oh... the UK has chosen to exit that one.



Why is everything that comes out of the UK total bonkers?

May's Brexit plan doesn't exist.

Corbyn's Brexit plan doesn't make sense.

This Brexit plan is nonsense.
It's amazing really. Decades of anti-EU parties, calling a vote about the issue, and then.... nobody has a clue what to do. It was all a political show. Even UKIP didn't really want to exit the EU. They all just used it to get votes.


I don't think any of them do. They're Conservative politicians. Not sure what your point is though?

My point is that they're among the most prominent Brexiteers, and not one of them to a man is operating in the best interests of society. It's a big fat naked con. None of the benefits they espouse for Brexit are real.

That they happen to be Conservative isn't important. Chuck Farage and all of UKIP in for good measure if you like. You're quick to question the motivations of others when it clashes with your own view, but well and truly have the blinkers on when it comes to the world salad vomited out by the merry band of Brexiteers. Unless you genuinely think turning the UK into a deregulated tax haven is actually a good thing to address inequality and other societal issues?
Oh look, liberal elites talking down the country again.


Theresa May needs to be left alone to get the job done now and use the will of the people to get the right deal for Britain.

She's incredibly strong and stable.

Don't worry about our weakened currency and political standing/ability to affect change in our own continent.

We're Britain ffs.

Shhhhhh. No more experts now. Only Boris Johnson.
At what point does Britain basically say 'we're sorry, please have us back!!!! We'll do almost anything!! We'll even use yur weird money now!' ?


My point is that they're among the most prominent Brexiteers, and not one of them to a man is operating in the best interests of society. It's a big fat naked con. None of the benefits they espouse for Brexit are real.

That they happen to be Conservative isn't important. Chuck Farage and all of UKIP in for good measure if you like. You're quick to question the motivations of others when it clashes with your own view, but well and truly have the blinkers on when it comes to the world salad vomited out by the merry band of Brexiteers. Unless you genuinely think turning the UK into a deregulated tax haven is actually a good thing to address inequality and other societal issues?

To the last point, no I don't. But I also don't think we'll be stuck with the current awful government for evermore, and am happy to have some short term, or even medium term pain to be away from the EU with at least a chance of a different way of structuring society, and one not based on purely free market economics.

Maybe I'll be proved wrong, possibly even. But I'm happy to take the chance personally.



fuck the business owners and experts, they have money, they don't know what's best for this country



When it's the CBI telling you to sort out the impending fuckery of our economy then you know things will be pretty bad. That lot are about as Tory as it gets as well.
You would be worried. The government have no idea what they are doing, the opposition are just as insane and it's come to a point were businesses can't just hope for the best while they plan ahead, they have probably been in a holding pattern for a while now to see if anything clearer was happening like sanity but it's just piles of shit heading for the fan. Nobody needs this Brexit shit and that's getting clearer every day. There is more important things to deal with and Brexit needs to be stopped.

How are the opposition just as insane?


Yeah democracy is just going to have to take a back seat here because some business leaders feel really strongly about this. Like really really strong.


How are the opposition just as insane?

On brexit, their publicly stated positions are just as much a fairytale as the one proposed by the conservatives.

Truth is that nobody in the UK is actually attached to reality, not the conservatives, not labour and not these business leaders.


Oh look, liberal elites talking down the country again.


Theresa May needs to be left alone to get the job done now and use the will of the people to get the right deal for Britain.

She's incredibly strong and stable.

Don't worry about our weakened currency and political standing/ability to affect change in our own continent.

We're Britain ffs.

Shhhhhh. No more experts now. Only Boris Johnson.

I... I can't tell if this is a joke post or not :/
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