UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay to single market exit


How are the opposition just as insane?

Corbyn is anti EU as it gets and his jobs first approach to an EU deal doesn't match what he actually says with regards to free movement and free trade with the EU. He wants to offer something different outside the EU like the current Tories but is walking a fantasy line and hopes remainers don't notice he wants out of the EU.


We live in the most prosperous era of human civilization. What are you even trying to say here.

To be fair, inequality has been rising and the current economy is a full-scale liquidation of environmental, mineral and agricultural resources. Feels great when you're blowing your life savings in Vegas


To the last point, no I don't. But I also don't think we'll be stuck with the current awful government for evermore, and am happy to have some short term, or even medium term pain to be away from the EU with at least a chance of a different way of structuring society, and one not based on purely free market economics.

Maybe I'll be proved wrong, possibly even. But I'm happy to take the chance personally.

If i'm understanding correctly you would make the UK worse right now (possibly permanently worse) for a small chance that the politicians that support brexit change your society for the better ?
From the outside you look like a gambling everything for an impossible future.


If i'm understanding correctly you would make the UK worse right now (possibly permanently worse) for a small chance that the politicians that support brexit change your society for the better ?
From the outside you look like a gambling everything for an impossible future.

I cast my vote hoping for a better longer term societal future in the UK at the expense of some short term economic pain, yes. I wasn't going to vote for more of the same, as more of the same was frankly appalling to me.

And I'm hardly gambling *everything* am I? It's never as absolute as that. I'm barely gambling much to be honest, truth be told.
To the last point, no I don't. But I also don't think we'll be stuck with the current awful government for evermore, and am happy to have some short term, or even medium term pain to be away from the EU with at least a chance of a different way of structuring society, and one not based on purely free market economics.

Maybe I'll be proved wrong, possibly even. But I'm happy to take the chance personally.

To think that the UK of all places is more likely to be less about free market economics driven by itself than the EU is just bonkers to me.


Has anyone else got constant Brexit anxiety? I think I need to stop looking at these threads it's just depressing. I can't do anything about it so I don't know why I'm worrying so much.


Michel Barnier, warned in a separate speech on Thursday in Brussels in which he claimed that Britain had yet to “face the facts” on Brexit.
And we simply won't face the facts as that means addressing all the lies told and admitting there is still no plan.

We'll wait until it is too late, then continue blaming the EU for their "revenge".
Has anyone else got constant Brexit anxiety? I think I need to stop looking at these threads it's just depressing. I can't do anything about it so I don't know why I'm worrying so much.

It does make me worry About my future both here in Engeland or back home in the Netherlands if we do decide to move back with my GF.




Why is everything that comes out of the UK total bonkers?

May's Brexit plan doesn't exist.

Corbyn's Brexit plan doesn't make sense.

This Brexit plan is nonsense.
Because the Remain/Leave division ripped across both parties, the coalition to do either requires actual bipartisanship and pissing off a lot of your own side.
I cast my vote hoping for a better longer term societal future in the UK at the expense of some short term economic pain, yes. I wasn't going to vote for more of the same, as more of the same was frankly appalling to me.

And I'm hardly gambling *everything* am I? It's never as absolute as that. I'm barely gambling much to be honest, truth be told.

You literally support a Tory pet project. Yeah, this is surely going to bring about socialism any day now


I cast my vote hoping for a better longer term societal future in the UK at the expense of some short term economic pain, yes. I wasn't going to vote for more of the same, as more of the same was frankly appalling to me.

And I'm hardly gambling *everything* am I? It's never as absolute as that. I'm barely gambling much to be honest, truth be told.

Everything? no; but in less than a year after the brexit vote as a Portuguese it is cheaper to buy from the UK then Portugal itself. Thanks to the decrease of the pound i managed to get a LOT more games and other entertainment products. I'll probably buy a few more items (thinking about a monitor, a smartphone, a big TV, a switch and a wheel) before the UK leaves because everything is so cheap there.

So you are gambling much if not all your purchasing power for a chance that is (currently) in very bad hands.

Best of luck to you!
I cast my vote hoping for a better longer term societal future in the UK at the expense of some short term economic pain, yes. I wasn't going to vote for more of the same, as more of the same was frankly appalling to me.

And I'm hardly gambling *everything* am I? It's never as absolute as that. I'm barely gambling much to be honest, truth be told.

Yes, you are gambling everything. Like seriously how the fuck can you people not see this? Have children or ever plan on having them? Well there's a good chance you fucked them royally so they can see how nice you had it half a century through their life. Great choice. Such a better future right?


How are the opposition just as insane?
Did you watch Question Time tonight? It was shockingly clear that Labour has no plan on Brexit either, they can't even state clearly whether they want to be in the single market or not. I was cringing. At least the Tories have made that part clear. Labour's policy is having their cake and eating it with the EU, which is definitely not facing the facts. And it's painful because we need Labour to be providing a proper and well structured opposition on Brexit policy.


As long as they can convince 27 other governments plus the EU parliament, sure, why not.

They won't convince 27 other governments and the EU parliament :D

This. This is what Remain folks don't get. France is jumping at the chance to end British soft power in the EU. As is Germany. They want British industry ans foreign industry in Britain to move to their countries. A lot of companies are in the UK solely due to their english speaking, cultural soft power, london as a financial hub etc. And the fact they are open to the EU while being in Britain. The EU is over this Brexit charade. They won't drag out talks or give more time when it is clear the majority of Britain wanted out. There is no 'taksies-backsies' now.


This. This is what Remain folks don't get. France is jumping at the chance to end British soft power in the EU. As is Germany. They want British industry ans foreign industry in Britain to move to their countries. A lot of companies are in the UK solely due to their english speaking, cultural soft power, london as a financial hub etc. And the fact they are open to the EU while being in Britain. The EU is over this Brexit charade. They won't drag out talks or give more time when it is clear the majority of Britain wanted out. There is no 'taksies-backsies' now.
It was only two weeks ago that Tusk said we could call the whole thing off if we wanted :p

I think Jacob Rees-Mogg would have a thing or two to say about that though, and Farage would be back in a jiffy. Not to mention that Brexiteers are likely the rioting types.
Oh look, liberal elites talking down the country again.


Theresa May needs to be left alone to get the job done now and use the will of the people to get the right deal for Britain.

She's incredibly strong and stable.

Don't worry about our weakened currency and political standing/ability to affect change in our own continent.

We're Britain ffs.

Shhhhhh. No more experts now. Only Boris Johnson.


I had to do it on reading that post


Has anyone else got constant Brexit anxiety? I think I need to stop looking at these threads it's just depressing. I can't do anything about it so I don't know why I'm worrying so much.

I initially did too, but if you take some time to get your own house in order, it becomes a lot easier to relax and allow this bullshit to ride out.

If you have any EU heritage, get another passport - I applied for an Irish one though my mother, it was an easy process. Whatever finances you have, try to minimise exposure - I don't have much but got a friend who does to help. Get a backup plan - do some research and exploring to find somewhere you could see yourself living that has a demand/industry suitable for your skillset (it's no use just saying "France!" - get specific - the more you know the better you'll feel, even if all you do is just start to learn a language).

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
As the old adage goes, "it's the economy, stupid". Recession is bad for the little man. See 2008.

Incidentally, please tell me if you think any of the following people have the interests of all aspects of society front and centre of their hearts:

Theresa May
Boris Johnson
Michael Gove
Iain Duncan Smith
Priti Patel
Andrea Leadsom
Jacob Rees-Mogg

Liam Fox
I can't believe those 6 are real people. Absolute nut jobs.
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