Finally got around to watching this and it was excellent.
I'm unsure about the cultural impact of Parapa the rapper. I don't think it influenced Guitar/Rockstar series directly but I'll do some light research to see what rythm games predate it if any at all.
Twitter is bollocks. I don't get why they are trying to anticipate that or even "Last of Us" for that matter as highly influential.
Twitter is an actual valid form of communication and it has gotten too many people fired from jobs to view it as just a game. On top of it all, MMOs are essentially gaming's contribution to the world of how social media works.
Since they already mentioned WoW there was no reason to give credit to twitter which has inferior tools to WoW, just better accessibility. Facebook otoh was more cutting edge and would've made more sense as meta commentary on the gamification of society.
Heavy Rain should've taken the place of "Last of Us." There have been many games I grew up with that I would consider to be high quality cinematic work but none of them would have the depth of reactive decision making while still maintaining cinematic fluidity like "Heavy Rain." Last of Us, would never have been picked as the PS3 swan song if it wasn't for Walking Dead and Heavy Rain.
This show has made me want to play a whole bunch of games for the first time or again.
I never noticed that the Ghosts in pacman had different playstyles as well as personalities. It would be interesting to see if I can formulate strategies based on the position of the ghosts.
Doom was creepy as fuck. I wonder if it will still impact me now considering how terrible the controls are compared to games that soon came after it.
Now I have to play Monkey Island.
I don't know if I could tolerate Elite but I might give it a shot.
I was going to go on tirade about Pong not being the first videogame but they acknowledged that.
I feel like they could have mentioned RPGs more, both Western and Japanese - it seemed like sandbox got way more focus.
I can't believe you thought this was appropriate to say. The majority of sandbox games are RPGs.
Thank you
Meh. As a generic clip show it was a bit better than average but as a historical overview it was criminally terrible. Omitting the entire ST/Amiga era is an enormous slap in the face to an entire generation of British gamers and game creators.
The biggest irony is that as a show it was guilty of the exact same "gamification" bs it levelled at Twitter. Basically impact was measured in terms of sales not actual influence or innovation, (think number of twitter followers denoting significance) I'm sorry but you cant mention The Sims without at least referencing David Cranes "Little Computer People", or cherry-picking Street Fighter 2 despite one-on-one fighting games being around since the early 80's...
Parapa the Rapper.
Shadow of Colossus.
Besides, you are making the mistake of not realizing that for anything to have impact it has to have a large amount of exposure to begin with. The only exception are pieces of work so influential that they are imitated by the people in charge and their works become popular even though the original source is lost on the general audience.
Don't make such a disingenuous and snobbish argument next time.
And I've got to say, cherry-picking a female fighter to be the victim of that Kung Lao fatality was as cheap and tawdry bit of deliberate provocation as it gets.
Do a search on Kung Lao fatality. It's stock footage.