Can you show me a case where that actually happened?
How about.... every single successful political leader in human history?
Can you show me a case where that actually happened?
When you say hasn't shown any leadership, what you mean Is hasn't made any bullshit sound bites for the media, yeah?
Can you show me a case where that actually happened?
How about.... every single successful political leader in human history?
So by lying to the electorate rather than actually challenging anything in the arena of discourse?
This isn't a university debate. You play the game however you need to.
If you have to show a willingless to follow a current government policy, until you are in a position to show the populace that actually it's a stupid idea, then so be it.
250k are the people?
He has no strategy, no plan, no objectives. He preaches to the same choir with the same song, week in, week out. He has no instinct for when to be quiet (talking about shoot to kill during the horrors of Paris) and gets massively bogged down in minor arguments.
The SNP request was given proper consideration (apparently genuinely) but not approved. It was a bit of a cheeky move, to be fair.
Eagle polling at 1% of Labour voters.
Also, unsourced story doing the rounds on my Facebook about Eagle and Benn conspiring with BBC journalist Laura Kuenssberg to unseat Corbyn for as long as he's been in post.
When you say hasn't shown any leadership, what you mean Is hasn't made any bullshit sound bites for the media, yeah?
The most prominent politician in the world, Barack Obama, in fact campaigned and won two elections on an idealistic message.
I apologize, didn't know it's was only that. Obviously 172 rich career politicians are way more than the 250 thousand people who voted.
No. He won his first campaign simplifying his message to two words.
He was also the most compromising politicians in recent memory. It was never about an idological message, it was about getting shit done.
His second campaign was won on the back that his opponent was still not up to that challenge.
Besides, Barack Obama has more charmisa in a late night eggy fart than Corybn has had in his entire career.
Okay, so when the PLP vote to cut benefits, is that part of the deception too? Is it like some long-term con where you just pretend to not care about erasing your party's greatest achievements until you get into power and then reveal that you were actually a social democrat all along?
Okay, so when the PLP vote to cut benefits, is that part of the deception too? Is it like some long-term con where you just pretend to not care about erasing your party's greatest achievements until you get into power and then reveal that you were actually a social democrat all along?
I wish some politician's spoke up about shoot to kill after the London bombings, Jean Charles de Menezes might still be alive if they did.
The minor arguments are created by the media (didn't bow his head enough) not him
I apologize, didn't know it's was only that. Obviously 172 rich career politicians are way more than the 250 thousand people who voted.
When the alternative is irrelevancy, you have to make hard choices. I don't know how this isn't clear to you.
So we let the media decide who we should like?It isn't his opinions about shoot to kill that matter, just the timing. He believes what he believes and says it regardless of context.
He was victim to some slurs and smears. Of that there is no doubt. But every political leader has to face the media. That is the reality. He can't operate in a modern political media landscape.
He compromised once he was in power. I thought that's precisely when you reveal the con?
Also, we hate soundbites but you admit that Obama reduced his campaign to two words, and you think you have to pretend to support what your opponent is doing, and I don't recall Obama doing that in his campaign(s).
So we let the media decide who we should like?
So we should only like people who dress in a good suit? GotchaNo but image management is a vital part of modern politics. It allows you to avoid all distractions and focus on the message. Corbyn's lack of charisma and refusal to abide by modern image standards gets him bogged down in silly discussions over how he is dressed and so forth rather than policy.
He compromised once he was in power. I thought that's precisely when you reveal the con?
Also, we hate soundbites but you admit that Obama reduced his campaign to two words, and you think you have to pretend to support what your opponent is doing, and I don't recall Obama doing that in his campaign(s).
Some of Obama's tentpole policies in 2008 (universal healthcare, withdrawal of troops from Iraq) couldn't have been less bi-partisan.Obama's entire first campaign was about bi-partianship.
For gods sake he put his most vocal opponents in the primaries in the VP and SOS positions.
So we should only like people who dress in a good suit? Gotcha
The problem is that just about every party in Europe is either populist or offering the politics of no choice. No choice but austerity, no choice but to keep going the same as before.
Rich career politicians? Is this a fucking joke? Do you have any concept about who or what you are talking about in the slightest?
save us Chuka
It's simply mind-boggling to me that you believe the alternative to supporting the Tories dismantling the welfare state is irrelevancy.
Or perhaps I should have an even lower opinion of politics in this country than I already do, which is very low indeed.
I am talking about the Labour party, the neoliberal abomination that pretends to be left just like most socialist/labour parties in Europe. They're all the same shit really, using leftist rhetoric while passing neoliberal legislation or forcing other weaker nations within the EU to pass neoliberal legislation.
Your opinion doesn't matter. Especially when you are coming from such an idealistic point of reference.
Serious question. Do you honestly think a labour party in power, would continue the Tories program of Austerity and cuts to the welfare state? Do you feel they would be starving the NHS of funds and what little money they do give, going to private companies?
Do you think they would be looking to do with the human rights act/workers rights?
Do you think they would allow the proliferation of zero hour contracts?
Do you think they would be working to sell off all social housing?
Do you think they would cut all programs to the homeless and the working poor?
And if you do, based on what?
Your opinion doesn't matter. Especially when you are coming from such an idealistic point of reference.
Serious question. Do you honestly think a labour party in power, would continue the Tories program of Austerity and cuts to the welfare state?
Do you feel they would be starving the NHS of funds and what little money they do give, going to private companies?
Do you think they would be looking to do with the human rights act/workers rights, including the right to fight unfair dismissal?
Do you think they would be tabling the snoopers charter?
Do you think they would allow the proliferation of zero hour contracts?
Do you think they would be working to sell off all social housing?
Do you think they would cut all programs to the homeless and the working poor?
And if you do, based on what?
Tony Blair.
The most prominent politician in the world, Barack Obama, in fact campaigned and won two elections on an idealistic message.
I apologize, didn't know it's was only that. Obviously 172 rich career politicians are way more than the 250 thousand people who voted.
The guy who hasn't been in power for nearly 10 years. Great.
And where is this revisionist history coming from where Blairs polices hurt the welfare state, housing and workers rights?
That's certainly and idealistic message and did not pan out at all, but the message is a whole hell of a lot different than an ideologue who demands things be done his/her way and refuses to compromise because he/she knows he/she is right.
Some of Obama's tentpole policies in 2008 (universal healthcare, withdrawal of troops from Iraq) couldn't have been less bi-partisan.
Yes, and it's a shame that Corbyn didn't have that option, since all of his opponents announced that they would refuse to be in his cabinet before the vote even took place.
Is Corbyn's leadership opponents refusal to work with him also his fault? Since we're blaming the EU referendum on him, I don't think it's too much of a stretch
save us Chuka
Do I think they would be literally as bad as the Tories? No.
He didn't do great.
A man who quit the last leadership election (after 3 days) because of press scrutiny.
The guy who hasn't been in power for nearly 10 years. Great.
And where is this revisionist history coming from where Blairs polices hurt the welfare state, housing and workers rights?