Just to address the welfare comment, from wikipedia:
The Tories of course would have done EXACTLY the same. The re-writing of history to pretend New Labour didn't do fucking amazing things for the working class and the poorest in society is one of the most unpleasant aspects of the liberal left under Corbyn. Let's compare what Blair accomplished in his 8 yers to what Jeremy Corbyn has accomplished his entire life for the poorest people in society.
First of all, at no point have I claimed Blair's government was as bad as the Tory government before it.
That is not good enough. Looking after poor pensioners is indeed a great thing, and it is something that is extremely important to any party due to how much that group votes compared to other poor groups. Child poverty was always a big thing for Blair's government, and it did do many good things. I was raised on welfare during Blair's term and never remember any of the issues poor families face today with food banks and such.
Possibly the most important right for anybody, the right to housing was was a huge issue for poor people with Blair's government. Blair gave absolutely no fucks about social housing. He was happy to pass social housing into private hands. He was happy to sell social housing to more well off working class people and leave the less well off on the waiting list.
He fucked over people who were unable to work, and pretty much created the blueprint for how to fuck over disabled people for the future Tory government. Blair's government is actually responsible for arguably the most callous and controversial welfare policies of recent years. The 'work capability assessment', a policy in which the government pays a private company to ignore the advice of GPs and take disabled people off of disability benefits using a points system that trivialises the issues that disabled people face. And we are not talking about slowly taking them off of benefits and easing them into work with the support they need. We are talking about an unqualified private company telling disabled people to go to work and telling their GP to get fucked with actual medical advice. Throughout his whole term, he had a vendetta against disabled people and the benefits they received.
It's okay looking after pensioners because they vote. It's okay looking after children because they are the future. Looking after poor people who could not work was always a problem for Blair because they provided nothing in return.