Sweet, im a sucker for the whole era. Any other movies/documentary recommends?
watch the TV show The Americans, while it is a bit hyper surreal in some depictions it does a really great job in just day to day life. The whole USSR vs America thing comes out VERY well in the show too.
I grew up in the 80s, honestly it isn't that hugely different for most people. Its just that social issues were just not a thing at all, literally most Americans just saw only white people all the time and you never even thought about any other race, religion, or anything. Islam meant a saudi oil prince and you thought about Aladdin (book version, pre movie) basically. I don't think I even knew what gay meant until long after college. Asian meant kung fu movies or the single chinese restaurant in town.
You felt secure and safe in the idea that while the world may end in nuclear war, you had a pretty clear career path - you either didn't go to college and went to a 30 year career job, or you went to college and then went to a 30 year career white collar job. You ALWAYS went to one company and then stayed there...forever. They took care of everything - pension, health care, retirement, etc. The idea of someone changing jobs every few years would be incomprehensible.