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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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sputum-flecked apoplexy
Use the iphone app, your entire posts highlights green. I had the same problem when i moved away from my buckfast picture. Nightshift in 2 hours folks. Shit is about to get REAL.

Tomorrow folks I'l be hitting the Guinness and drunk posting in this thread!, Its going to be good cause i ain't really been drinking much since i started posting in this thread.

in regard to BF3, add me guys. i just took this screeny, check the awesome graphics!


never has an oil container in the middle of the desert been rendered in such exquisite detail


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
never has an oil container in the middle of the desert been rendered in such exquisite detail

the game just keep on giving. Every few seconds you will be blown away with its greatness. I had to turn the shadows off due to my older card (new card will be here Monday) but man buy it if you enjoy FPS. I Will be playing for years. I have settled down. The game is pretty much Next gen, i remember getting this same feeling years ago with cod 2/3 after being used to ps2 graphics.


Pizza Dog
Anyone watching Take Me Out? Magnificent moustache just got completely rejected just now. Those girls don't know what they're missing!
BF3 :D
It's all I can play currently, and I have a massive backlog I want to start on! Playing multiple games on a console I don't find an issue, but goddamn when a PC game sucks me in, it is the ONLY thing I'll play. I remember playing Guild Wars and CSS zombie escape for months each.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
BF3 :D
It's all I can play currently, and I have a massive backlog I want to start on! Playing multiple games on a console I don't find an issue, but goddamn when a PC game sucks me in, it is the ONLY thing I'll play. I remember playing Guild Wars and CSS zombie escape for months each.

fuck all that console shit bro, get into BF3!

right guys till another time! nightshift awaits


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Are you stoned about to head into work?
I said it's all I'm playing currently :p

Ain't stoned lol my awesome dealer is away camping so I ain't scored since Friday! Im still wide awake 2.5 hours into the mighty shift of nights!

Lol guys loving the Irish jokes! Reminds me there's a place worse than Wales within the uk!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Cold, tired and bored. Life can be tough at times.

2 hours to go. Light at the end of the tunnel appears. This is some unsainly shit


The shift from hell is over. Hell is an understatement. Goodnight cruel world.


Those goddamn yanks got Toonami for April Fool's! What do we get? Nothing.

I miss that segment. We stopped getting subscription TV just before it become a TV channel in its own right.
Woke up and had ice cream for breakfast on a rather sunny morning. I can just hear my mum telling me that ice cream is an inappropriate meal. I'm an adult!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Fucking hell I have no idea what happened last night, went to the pub for a gig, saw skaters there, withdrew the rest of my money and ended up going to this shitty club in Huddersfield. Fucking head's everywhere right now. HNNNNNG.

Also I've been playing a shitlot of CS:GO this weeked, soogooood.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I too have found myself in a shitty club in Huddersfield once. All I remember about it is someone chucked a cig at me. Great times.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I too have found myself in a shitty club in Huddersfield once. All I remember about it is someone chucked a cig at me. Great times.

did it burn your designer clothing ? Shit would fucking suck if that happened.

anyway guys lets get drunk


Maturity, bitches.
Those goddamn yanks got Toonami for April Fool's! What do we get? Nothing.

I miss that segment. We stopped getting subscription TV just before it become a TV channel in its own right.

I only ever watched it at a friend's house. It was cool when it hardly had any adverts. Why they thought kids wanted to know that they've had an accident and are entitled to compensation I have no idea. Hardly watched any "children's" television during my teenage years since I got home from school so late that I just managed to catch Newsround, the final show of CBBC.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Nah it was the 90's and I had my hilarious EU/gange leaf tee on.


I wish you could get away with that kinda clothing in clubs these days.

Chav's driving around on tacky motorcycles with no helmets! the Scottish summer is approaching


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I too have found myself in a shitty club in Huddersfield once. All I remember about it is someone chucked a cig at me. Great times.

Haha, sounds about right for us, but being me home town I find myself in shitty Huddersfield clubs way too much, a mate of mine from the skatepark was pelting chips at homeless people. God I feel bad today, may well still be pissed but I'ma go skate and hope the outdoors clears me up.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Haha, sounds about right for us, but being me home town I find myself in shitty Huddersfield clubs way too much, a mate of mine from the skatepark was pelting chips at homeless people. God I feel bad today, may well still be pissed but I'ma go skate and hope the outdoors clears me up.

welp... That has topped the worse thing I've ever done. I'm usually so drunk i just scoop my hand my wallets coin section and give the drunken bums a good few coin (around 11pm or so when i'm drinking making my way from a bar to a club)

edit guys

few beers down. I forgot how alcohol can turn a good day into the best day ever. Love it. always will.
Shitty clubs in Huddersfield? Which one? I find it hard to differentiate between them. >_>

Seriously though I desperately need friends there who aren't so tight they won't go up to Leeds. Ugh.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
define shitty clubs..

once you get fucked enough its all good.

arms wide out like jesus on the cross in the middle of the dance floor..

party vibes


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Anyone tried this coffee:


my current instant of choice, it's really good.

i got the same thing but my jar was silver and was strength 4!(maybe not may have been 3) got that last night.

get drunk bro its fucking amazing.
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