Well, this is exciting. We're a proper community now.
I vote we string someone up on the doorway as a warning to the rest of 'Community'.
What about a few heads on stakes?
I'm more partial to a wicker man.
R.I.P KentPaul.
UK-GAF never knew a more unique ambassador.
Don't you worry, he'll be back here talking about MDMA and how shit his work is in no time.
meadows it makes no difference you just wanted to feel more special than the other community threadsfucks sake
we don't get new users anyway it's pretty much been the same people posting since foreverthe worse of it is new posters don't browse the community section. This thread is just going to be more dry than England (LOL NO RAIN FUCKING DESERT)
nobody that's the beauty we don't have to stay on topic anymore we can talk about WHATEVER! i mean we always did anyway but now we don't have to be looking over our backs anymorealso who is going to police these threads ?
meadows it makes no difference you just wanted to feel more special than the other community threads
the worse of it is new posters don't browse the community section. This thread is just going to be more dry than England (LOL NO RAIN FUCKING DESERT)
We don't go to the party, the party comes to us.
I can't see looser moderation as a bad thing (although this thread is pretty drama-free anyway).
Don't you worry, he'll be back here talking about MDMA and how shit his work is in no time.
meadows it makes no difference you just wanted to feel more special than the other community threads
we don't get new users anyway it's pretty much been the same people posting since forever
nobody that's the beauty we don't have to stay on topic anymore we can talk about WHATEVER! i mean we always did anyway but now we don't have to be looking over our backs anymore
i'm actually in talks to start a radio drama series about kentpaul's life right now hopefully it'll get on radio four or something
Can we rename the thread 'Kentpaul's Facebook Timeline' now?
yeah, you're right you are a cunt
Hmm, I browsed Community shortly before my account got approved but there was nothing in there note-worthy to me. Now there is!
UK-Gaf is truly my spiritual-home of all the Gaf threads... because you are a community I ("worryingly") identify with, more-so than a LOT of the other threads.
What's the best thing about GT: PSP?
It manages to make GT5 look like a decent game.
See, this shit right here.I'm a nerd who spents all my time on the PC. Nothing interesting.
See, this shit right here.
You talk about popping x and y drug and hitting the clubs and arm wrestling Vikings and being a janitor and getting into fights and shit and listening to The Streets, all the while dramatising everything with a FUK MA LYFE (e.g. "the final of X-Factor over-ran so now Question Time will be shown twenty minutes later than normal FUK MA LYFE")
And then anyone calls you on it you're all "no not me im a boring internet nerd i just play go on gaf"
You can't have it both ways, kent.
Got a healthy heart you don't want? Try mkat. Clinically proven to shave years off your heart's lifespan in three easy steps.
Step 1: Try it, love it
Step 2: Keep loving it
Step 3: Enjoy dem palpitations, sucker
Woo, top 6!
Unlucky Smokey.
Wait, is that a shame list?
it could be worse, we could be Real-GAF
the fuck is that all about
by the way:
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 5,836
User Name Posts
Meadows 431
Kentpaul 423
Suairyu 374
J Tourettes 249
daviyoung 202
SmokyDave 184
Chinner 175
Green Scar 155
BGBW 124
Jedeye Sniv 112
Woo, top 6!
Unlucky Smokey.
Wait, is that a shame list?
I tried it, loved it and stopped. Your theory is flawed.
I saw this before the ninja edit :lol
Got a healthy heart you don't want? Try mkat. Clinically proven to shave years off your heart's lifespan in three easy steps.
Step 1: Try it, love it
Step 2: Keep loving it
Step 3: Enjoy dem palpitations, sucker
what's super depressing about that figure is that i wasn't even involved in the first half of this thread.
same shit happens with pokéGAF - I don't post there for months, I then get the Pokémon itch and post for a while, bam, one of the top posters.
Pokemon is like that for me in general. I forget about it then a new game comes out and I'm all "OMG I'LL GO ON BULBAPEDIA AND SEREBII AND DO EV TRAINING AND CATCH ALL THE MON OMG"
That lasts for a few months then it fizzles out.
Just one? My mate does it occasionally and from our conversations, it always sounded like the more tempting choice if I was ever to be swayed from my 'weed-only' path. Looks like it's a no-go hearing that!Your heart is a shadow of its former self after one go I'm afraid.
what's super depressing about that figure is that i wasn't even involved in the first half of this thread.
same shit happens with pokéGAF - I don't post there for months, I then get the Pokémon itch and post for a while, bam, one of the top posters.
I'm pretty new to this thread.
I don't think i really conversed with you much before this thread.
waiting on the mail man coming and its fucking wasting my free time FML
Exciting delivery?