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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Dude will probably do the same to me if we end up in the same bar again. I'v had it done to me once or twice its no big deal at all. (all you see is a few flashes of white while being punched) It also ruined a girls 21st birthday party due to me and dude going at each other outside the restroom later on. like i said folks i stopped drinking buckfast and i do what i can to improve my life.

anyone who goes out to bars/clubs all the time knows shit can go down on the scene.

I have never seen someone get punched in the back of the head, for no reason, at a urinal.


I'm not surprised people have a problem with it, but there's no point making a big deal out of it. there's no resolution to be made and this thread is literally on life support anyway.

all it's going to take is somebody to threaten the OP with axe murder and we'll be locked.

Mr. Sam

The Begbie comparison did get a good laugh out of me.



This thread inspired me to look for Trainspotting clips on youtube. I ended my search with this, er...gem.


I came Edinburgh because making my most favorite movie one scene.
I think now.
This movie can make everywhere.
and,Why didn't go sightseeing of Edinburgh!!

Some guy taking his fanboyism a bit far.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Bad man getting drunk whilst posting on GAF.

Who me ? I ended up clubbing bro I had a great day yesterday. Found a set of toilets and a seating area I had no idea existed next to one of the smaller dance floor rooms in my local club.
Fucking pissed. Fuckin shit refs piss me the fuck off. Fucking shiting bastarding bastard fuckface FA.

Also, lots of beer. It's been a shity day and I ave work in, oh abut 9 hours and I'm absolutely fckig wasted. Tomorrow is going t be a long fucjing day.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Fucking pissed. Fuckin shit refs piss me the fuck off. Fucking shiting bastarding bastard fuckface FA.

Also, lots of beer. It's been a shity day and I ave work in, oh abut 9 hours and I'm absolutely fckig wasted. Tomorrow is going t be a long fucjing day.

enjoy that hangover

I just done a 8 hour shift feeling like dehydrated ass.
I've had a pretty relaxed day. Breakfast at Mozzers, cinema for Cabin in the Woods and then to Brick Lane for a salt beef bagel and then on to Benets for coffee and ice cream.

Just been relaxing(!) playing Trials in prep for the new one on Wednesday.

Mr. Sam

I have ten pounds in the bank, ten in the wallet, and ten days until I get paid. Hmm. I can stretch that. Probably won't be buying Kid Icarus just yet, mind you.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
It's veggie week for you then, get the Smart Price beans/pasta/rice/curry in and get to the greengrocers.

Had a trundle out today up and down tracks I never knew were there.


It was very changeable weather. Sun, showers, hail, sun again. When you're riding it doesn't really matter.

Friendship is magic.

Here are some of my Pokémons:

I was riding from 8:30 to 6, needless to say I'm bloody knackered!


I hate this time of year with a passion. It's car insurance renewal time.

So currently I pay like £80 a month even though I've had 5 years no claims, held my license for 5 years. I guess it's my age, 23.

Anyway, Swift Cover offer me a renewal price of £129 A MONTH! Well they can sod off.


Virgin 4 life.

I felt the same way until I upgraded to 50MB and got the shitty 'Superhub'. Now I'm pissed off that I need to supply my own router if I want anything approaching a decent wireless connection.

Not surprised to see BT take a subtle dig at the superhub in their latest advert. Hopefully it will gee Virgin up so they sort it out.

(Missed you chaps over the weekend. I've been far too busy for my liking).
I felt the same way until I upgraded to 50MB and got the shitty 'Superhub'. Now I'm pissed off that I need to supply my own router if I want anything approaching a decent wireless connection.

Not surprised to see BT take a subtle dig at the superhub in their latest advert. Hopefully it will gee Virgin up so they sort it out.

(Missed you chaps over the weekend. I've been far too busy for my liking).

Dude, do the firmware upgrade on the superhub and just stick it into modem only mode, it will pass the ineternet connection through to a router then. I did that and stuck this badboy on, the wireless performance is about 1000x better now.


Dude, do the firmware upgrade on the superhub and just stick it into modem only mode, it will pass the ineternet connection through to a router then. I did that and stuck this badboy on, the wireless performance is about 1000x better now.

Yeah, I know, I'm just really salty about having to provide my own kit because theirs is sub-par. There's nothing wrong with the D-Link 510's that they send out on lower packages.

Still, the internet is blazing fast when it is working, so that's nice.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'v always thought fast internet benefited the pirates the most.

That was before HD streaming of course.


Maturity, bitches.
Haven't popped into this thread for a while and what do I see at the top, people glorifying violence. Keep it to the films and games, it has no place in the real world.


Guys seriously I haven't been in work an hour and already all I can think about is going home and using the internet. And I have the privilege of logging an interview of the writer of one of my all-time favourite TV sitcoms ever!

Also I missed you, Dave. We need your influence around here.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
just dropped a 6 core cpu into my mobo! this time last year i had a single core 1.8ghz.

Life is good.
Morning UK Gaf!

So I'm only 2 hours in and the bitch boss is already giving me grief, this time saying I'm not 'communicating' with her properly. I don't think she'd appreciate me properly communicating with her.


Woah, what a fantastic weekend that was! went to see Andrew WK on Saturday evening and then Meshuggah on Sunday. Left ear is ringing and all muffled, legs are buckled and head feels weird after repeatedly kicked from crowdsurfers. spent most of the weekend trekking the streets of Glasgow at 3am and buying overpriced kebabs from shady-looking kebab shops. seriously! walked into one after midnight on Saturday and there were a group of black-suited business men crowded around a table with no food on it and they were all dead silent (no laughter, drunken antics etc) while staring at a banged-up CRT television that was playing 90s rap videos. My friends and I laughed the second we got out.

I kinda missed all the shenanigans and banter :( never had so much fun like that in a LONG time.

I don't think she'd appreciate me properly communicating with her.

I don't why but that quote reminded me of Breaking Bad when Walter White quit the car wash place.



When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
love the streets of Glasgow. Spent many a time on that bench outside the greggs in the middle of the night waiting on our booked mini van taxi coming.

solid rock cafe is the best bar in glasgow.
Morning UK Gaf!

So I'm only 2 hours in and the bitch boss is already giving me grief, this time saying I'm not 'communicating' with her properly. I don't think she'd appreciate me properly communicating with her.

When I had trouble with someone complaining of bollocks stuff like that, I cc'd them into every email that I sent and I also emailed them every time I completed a piece of work. They soon got bored. It depends if you can be arsed to play the game.
Fucking hell GAF, for the love of God, don't ever lose your wedding ring. Never seen the wife so pissed off. Not rage pissed off either. I can handle that. The silent/disappointed pissed off kind of pissed off. I can't handle that shit.

Managed to find it though, somehow wedged in the laptop. Don't even remember taking it off.


guys still wear wedding rings? My dad used to when I was a kid but not anymore. He did spend a lot of time outside the house working....
Well I have no reason not to wear it until now (I've lost 2 stone since Jan so it's a little loose on me now so I'm going to take it off). It's a nice looking ring too, I reckon, but I'm not a jewellery wearing person tbh.

I have my watch and a leather Police wrist thing, and my ring. I can't stand anything else.


Fucking hell GAF, for the love of God, don't ever lose your wedding ring. Never seen the wife so pissed off. Not rage pissed off either. I can handle that. The silent/disappointed pissed off kind of pissed off. I can't handle that shit.

Managed to find it though, somehow wedged in the laptop. Don't even remember taking it off.

I admitted that I won't wear a wedding ring to the missus the other week. Didn't go down well at all. Thing is, I don't wear jewellery, I've never worn jewellery and I'm not going to start with a wedding ring.

Fuck wedding rings. Grrr.

(Except my watch. I don't count that as jewellery though, it's more of a necessity).
I admitted that I won't wear a wedding ring to the missus the other week. Didn't go down well at all. Thing is, I don't wear jewellery, I've never worn jewellery and I'm not going to start with a wedding ring.

Fuck wedding rings. Grrr.

(Except my watch. I don't count that as jewellery though, it's more of a necessity).

I take it you got the inevitable "why don't you want to wear a wedding ring? are you keeping your options open or something".

Seriously, just wear the ring!


I dont see the point in getting married. Its lose-lose as far as Im concerned.

Another day in April. You know what that means for me? More revision :/ I revise best when I am away from the Laptop and as far away from home as possible. I plan to "commute" to Starbucks soon.
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