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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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When I had trouble with someone complaining of bollocks stuff like that, I cc'd them into every email that I sent and I also emailed them every time I completed a piece of work. They soon got bored. It depends if you can be arsed to play the game.

Fucking this. When I started at the bank we were still carrying a lot of dross in the HR department who were desperately trying to hold onto their jobs despite headhunting and approving some of the worst employees and contracts in the history of the bank. They would send out warnings and emails to staff all the time trying to make themselves useful. In the end I just added my HR manager in on every single email and IM conversation I had so that the charge of "I don't communicate properly" was done. Eventually they all got sacked or didn't have their contracts renewed.

I found that as long as I produced the goods I was unsackable while those good for nothing HR idiots eventually got fucked.

I would like to propose a new law, the government ban all companies from having HR departments all they do is get in the way of real work.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
My wedding ring cost £5 from Half Price Jewellers! It rusted to buggery in months unsurprisingly and I hated wearing it so never had it on.
I'm like Dave, I don't like any adornments, even watches. Don't see the point of it.
I admitted that I won't wear a wedding ring to the missus the other week. Didn't go down well at all. Thing is, I don't wear jewellery, I've never worn jewellery and I'm not going to start with a wedding ring.

Fuck wedding rings. Grrr.

(Except my watch. I don't count that as jewellery though, it's more of a necessity).

Yeah that's how I feel. I got a few pieces of jewellery stored away somewhere, but I can't stand wearing it. And I actually lost my wedding ring very briefly on the wedding day as well!


I take it you got the inevitable "why don't you want to wear a wedding ring? are you keeping your options open or something".

Seriously, just wear the ring!
Nah, she's really good like that. She understands that I have a total aversion to jewellery but she hoped I'd make an exception for the wedding ring. I still might, but there won't be a day go by where I don't get irritated by having a pointless piece of metal bound around my finger.

Yeah that's how I feel. I got a few pieces of jewellery stored away somewhere, but I can't stand wearing it. And I actually lost my wedding ring very briefly on the wedding day as well!
Ah, that's a point. I have a 'trinket box' and in that box is a ring that came to me from my Dad, handed to him from his dad, handed to him from his dad etc..

Maybe she'd be OK if I put it in that box and considered it very precious. Maybe.
Oof, we've got the Daily Politics on the big screen in the office and the Tory council candidate for Bradford, Andrea Taylor, the Con candidate is top totty (especially for a politician)! I'll try and get a screencap from iPlayer later!


Woah, what a fantastic weekend that was! went to see Andrew WK on Saturday evening and then Meshuggah on Sunday. Left ear is ringing and all muffled
Get yourself some fucking earplugs, man. Musician ones - they lower the volume without distorting or muffling the sound. Look after your ears. Tinnitus is no joke.


Maturity, bitches.
My dad didn't even bother getting a ring. Don't think my mum minded, probably meant more budget went towards hers.


I'm hoping to be all Solidus Snake and leave on memetic legacies by getting published/commisioned. Can't stand kids and I reckon I'd be a terrible father anyway.
Oh I don't know, there's the company and the knowledge you've passed on your genes so your descendants can suffer horrors we can't imagine yet. Plus arguments.

May as well leave this here.

I made out that I didn't want kids to my gf as a joke last year. After about 6 months i finally got my desired reaction as she went fucking nuts on me. 'You can't change your mind now, I'm thirty I need to know if there's a future in this relationship!' etc etc

Admittedly six months was a bit long to keep it going but it would've been a throw away joke if she'd bit on the first instance.


Get yourself some fucking earplugs, man. Musician ones - they lower the volume without distorting or muffling the sound. Look after your ears. Tinnitus is no joke.

Funny you should mention that because I did have a box of normal foamy ear plugs at my parent's house but I forgot to take them along after I visited them last week. Will investigate these musician ear plugs for the next gig in June.
I felt the same way until I upgraded to 50MB and got the shitty 'Superhub'. Now I'm pissed off that I need to supply my own router if I want anything approaching a decent wireless connection.

Not surprised to see BT take a subtle dig at the superhub in their latest advert. Hopefully it will gee Virgin up so they sort it out.

(Missed you chaps over the weekend. I've been far too busy for my liking).
Superhub is the biggest piece of shit I ever did see. I have to use it in modem mode in connection'my old router. Doesn't bother me though since they were both provided by Virgin for free. Not so super though.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
watches suck. I prefer to just check my cell phone for the time (and catch a glimpse of recent Facebook notifications ,Emails ect.

My point is there's no place for watches in 2012.


I have a soft spot for Casio G-Shock watches. My first one was given to me when I was in Primary 5 (around the beginning of 1998) and its still working today. After all the stuff it's been through, I'm quite surprised. I picked up another one when I left high school in 2005 and that one is still going. In fact, I'm wearing it right now. Sadly, most g-shock watches today are quite ugly compared to how they looked in the late 90s.


watches suck. I prefer to just check my cell phone for the time (and catch a glimpse of recent Facebook notifications ,Emails ect.

My point is there's no place for watches in 2012.

Any lad can check his phone for the time but a gentleman slides up his sleeve to glance at his timepiece.

I have one of these, so I'm not sure I'm a gentleman.


Maturity, bitches.
watches suck. I prefer to just check my cell phone for the time (and catch a glimpse of recent Facebook notifications ,Emails ect.

My point is there's no place for watches in 2012.

Pretty sure I had this conversation of GAF the other day. If I were to ask you the time I would know all about the WiiU by the time you could tell me. On the other hand with a watch I'd be able to tell you the time before you even finished reading this post.

Also battery life.
Also always with you.


Oof, we've got the Daily Politics on the big screen in the office and the Tory council candidate for Bradford, Andrea Taylor, the Con candidate is top totty (especially for a politician)! I'll try and get a screencap from iPlayer later!

I'm still waiting for this btw.


Always happens. You find the perfect 'stopping' point in the work you're doing, but you've still got to act busy for fifteen minutes before home time.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Pretty sure I had this conversation of GAF the other day. If I were to ask you the time I would know all about the WiiU by the time you could tell me. On the other hand with a watch I'd be able to tell you the time before you even finished reading this post.

Also battery life.
Also always with you.

I'm never in that sort of a hurry to know the time.


Always happens. You find the perfect 'stopping' point in the work you're doing, but you've still got to act busy for fifteen minutes before home time.

Clock watcher...

I'm never in that sort of a hurry to know the time.

And neither's anyone else these days, I haven't been asked for the time in a very long time.




Oh god you guys fibre-optic is amazing 1080p videos are fully buffering in seconds.

Clock watcher...
Absolutely not. If frequently stay past the time. It's just in transcribing work, there are good stopping points. 15 minutes of talk time can take an hour or more to log, and these interviews usually have the people rabitting off their answer for tens of minutes. You want to stop as a new question is being asked.


You guys calling her hot and all are the reason why America thinks all British birds are sub-par compared to international standards.


You guys calling her hot and all are the reason why America thinks all British birds are sub-par compared to international standards.

America doesn't know anything about international standards. Anyway, she's blonde and a republican. Perfect woman for most of them.


I'm not saying she's ugly, guys; more that she's just... Well, your average looking person, where average isn't the negative meaning of the word but the proper. I just don't see why she warrants the attention for her looks.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'm not saying she's ugly, guys; more that she's just... Well, your average looking person, where average isn't the negative meaning of the word but the proper. I just don't see why she warrants the attention for her looks.

Because of not being:



I found out my placement could have a job offer attached for after another year at Uni, for the students they think are suitable (I think I've made a good impression, would be awful if I hadn't). I don't know if it's an offer I have to lock myself into yet, but I really don't know if I would accept it or not if it was. I enjoy the work environment, and in the 9 months I've worked there haven't had a day I really didn't want to go in (hard times getting out of bed but that's laziness) but I'm not particularly attached to working at a bank and think I could maybe do better after Uni with my grades + new experience. It's a good problem to have though I guess.
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