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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Maturity, bitches.
That's why an image upload plugin in is so useful. Right click and upload. No need to worry whether they allow for hotlinking or not.


I think that's twice I've made you 'sadface' recently. I'm starting to feel genuinely guilty.

Here is the first picture that came up when I did a GIS for 'Sorry Mike':


All for you. Or not apparently as it doesn't seem to show up. Boo.

I don't even remember the first time.

I'm sure that given enough time, I'll eventually get over it and we can start to rebuild our relationship from the ground up with a nice, friendly game of XCOM or something

I've just scrolled up and read the whole thing, even though I don't really have an interest in Borderlands.

That's just the kind of guy I am.

You're good people, Juicy. They'll try to change you. Don't let them.

Jedeye Sniv

To be honest, I don't read most of what Mike posts. Far too long and boring for a quick peruse of the forum at lunchtime.

No offense Mike.

lmao daggers through his heart :p I'll read your post Mike! Later. I'm busy now haha

Feeling very stressed today, lots of last minute jobs with tight deadlines today :( on the plus side, I am repeatedly listening to the new Titus Andronicus album and it's aces.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Waiting around for this play audition, there are some seriously serious people here. A lot of real fit girls though, this could work out!

Juicy Bob

Waiting around for this play audition, there are some seriously serious people here. A lot of real fit girls though, this could work out!
I was part of a youth drama club during my teenage years. It turned out to be an excellent way to meet girls. Fun times.
I miss Suairyu. He'd help me get through all the NiGHTS bashing in Gaming side.

Waiting around for this play audition, there are some seriously serious people here. A lot of real fit girls though, this could work out!

This is going to play out like the episode of Fresh Meat where Simon from Inbetweeners drops out of Geology to do Drama


I was part of a youth drama club during my teenage years. It turned out to be an excellent way to meet girls. Fun times.

I had similar a experience doing a Religious Studies GCSE. The plan was to get the opportunity to wax lyrical about religion, philosophy and morality in a room full of girls and have them falling over themselves for me.

What actually happened was that I'd wax lyrical abuot religion, philosophy and morality in a room full of girls. Most of them totally ignored me and a few of them friend-zoned me to uncharted levels. I did enjoy the subject, though.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I miss Suairyu. He'd help me get through all the NiGHTS bashing in Gaming side.

This is going to play out like the episode of Fresh Meat where Simon from Inbetweeners drops out of Geology to do Drama

If I get the part i'm gonna drop out of 3rd year CS and switch to Drama.

Dropping my BSc for a BA? *shudders*


I too may have studied drama although I'll never admit to it outside of this thread. I thought it was going to be a lark. It wasn't.


I think we've said it before but UK GAF generally seems pretty socially sorted.

Yeah, there seems to be a large percentage of people who seem fairly normal.
I mean, it's nice that you guys let Kentpaul and me join in the fun too, but other than that.


Maturity, bitches.
I should note I didn't do it as a subject but as a weekend thing. Started as a wee lad for confident issues mostly.


I love when f0rk posts, simply because I get to stare at that gorgeous xx album cover.

So nice. I want a wallpaper for my phone in that style, but not with an X



The skinny:

Day Tuesday:
Sunny, easy-going walking around Paris. Didn't actually go inside many places, as the pace of just walking from place to place was much better than stressing in queues and parting with money. Did go inside Notre Dame, though, and that was something else. Also ascended to the top of the Eiffel Tower at 10pm, indulging in champagne at the summit. Many shady Mediterranean immigrants kept trying to get us with the old political petition scam. Luckily, I got to bust out a skit from Big Train I'd been wanting to use for years:
Shady petition person: "Excuse me, do you speak English?"
Me: "Sorry, love, not a word. It's a difficult language."

Day Wednesday:
Disneyland Paris. Magical. The parade and firework/3D projection displays were the highlights, as was just the general being surrounded by Disney stuff. Rides were a fun bonus.

Day Thursday:
Long lay in, getting the last "sex in Paris" in while we could. Then did some more wandering. Climbed all those stairs in the Sacre Coeur for a spectacular view. Many shady African immigrants kept trying to get us with the old friendship-bracelet scam. One of them even touched me at one point. I wish I knew the French for "go fuck yourself", but had to settle with stern looks instead.

I miss Suairyu. He'd help me get through all the NiGHTS bashing in Gaming side.
Point the fuckers out to me and I'll execute them for crimes against taste.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Shoulda went to amsterdam for the few days and chilled in teh coffee shops.

Amsterdam > Paris.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Smoking a spliff in a chilled out coffee shop with amazing paintings and dodgy music then emerging into the streets > kiddy land.



Note it was 100 times more interesting/intense stoned out of my mind.

Disney > Drugs, so Paris won out.

Need to watch season 5 of Breaking Bad soon, somehow, not in an illegal way.....

Just had a lovely dinner in Prezzo. Stuffed. Now drinking Desperados and about to munch down some Cherry Garcia Ben & Jerrys while selecting a film to watch from Netflix.

Life is good.


Musha, the flirt wars are beginning!

I think TV shows and movies are a bit of a grey area on GAF, but admitting to pirating games is always a ban.
Bull. Mods link to pirated stuff themselves.

If it isn't games, they don't give a shit.

That said, I wouldn't broadcast my torrent statistics to the world. UK-GAF OT is a bit cloistered and thus gets away with a bit more stuff than the mods would publicly admit, but you never know...
Had no idea... still, edited to be on the safe side, thanks for the heads up guys.

Aww Chinner, would you miss me?

So just to remind everyone that we are planning the 4th London Gaf meet up. Still need to know who's coming and what dates you can do out of 24th Nov, 1st Dec and 8th Dec.

Out of towners as always are more than welcome, and as always I have space to put people up.

We'll be putting the official thread up soon.


Had no idea... still, edited to be on the safe side, thanks for the heads up guys.

Aww Chinner, would you miss me?

So just to remind everyone that we are planning the 4th London Gaf meet up. Still need to know who's coming and what dates you can do out of 24th Nov, 1st Dec and 8th Dec.

Out of towners as always are more than welcome, and as always I have space to put people up.

We'll be putting the official thread up soon.

The quickest legal way I imagine would be Netflix US. Even then it's probably a long way off :(


okay so im planning to like in a year or two go travellign around the world and shit and im basically a scrub. anyone got any good resources/websites for shit for anything remotely related to that?


okay so im planning to like in a year or two go travellign around the world and shit and im basically a scrub. anyone got any good resources/websites for shit for anything remotely related to that?
Seriously, just read Evilore's thread.

Just google hostels ahead of time.

Do Europe to start out with as the Euro will make that easy.

After that, go for Asia. It's cheap.


Seriously, just read Evilore's thread.

Just google hostels ahead of time.

Do Europe to start out with as the Euro will make that easy.

After that, go for Asia. It's cheap.

not doing europe initially. just wanting to know good places to book and stuff, im sure evillores thraed is good but dont want to read like a million posts of people sucking up, no mattter how much fun hes having thats not a diss to him jus a diss to the scrubs


not doing europe initially. just wanting to know good places to book and stuff, im sure evillores thraed is good but dont want to read like a million posts of people sucking up, no mattter how much fun hes having thats not a diss to him jus a diss to the scrubs
You just need to read the prep thread, not the 50 Shades Of Grey play-by-play.
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