Super Member
Marvel's mistake is thinking their source material could even be work as a kid show. If they really wanted these to work, they'd have to be way more creative with violence and character drama in the comics. 90s Spider-Man did just that in many aspects.I've read the twist and how the series ended, but that happening on a Saturday morning super hero show for 7 year olds was pretty fucking nutty. Especially considering how the show was just brutalized with restrictions. I mean, Morbius the fucking vampire couldn't even say blood.
They couldn't translate everything from the comics, but they did have some great ideas. For example, how Peter manages to redeem Spider-Carnage. Madame Webb spends 1-2 seasons training Peter to fight with his mind and heart. This creates scenarios where Peter can actually struggle but not have the kind of darkness featured in the comics.
It is kind of hokey after so many years, but the voice acting really sold me on it and X-Men.