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Ultimate Spider-man Season One |OT|: Because Being "Spectacular" is just not enough.

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Agent X is Marvel's social media guy.

I watched the first episode a few days ago. I don't think it's as bad as people say, but it's far from good. I'll probably watch a few more episodes.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
So it looks like steve blum is doing logan again. and other than the fact that he looks more like d man than wolverine, he's depressing as fuck.


I don't understand the hate, this just feels very Teen Titan-ish. Todays episode was great, with Wolverine and Sabertooth.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I love that they used sabertooths old costume. I hate that modern leather jacket bullshit.

The deadpool and timely comics mentioned were a nice touch.


So it looks like steve blum is doing logan again. and other than the fact that he looks more like d man than wolverine, he's depressing as fuck.

One of the better episodes of the series, and again the show seems to shine when they tend to focus solely on Spider-man.

Though Superhero Squad Show is on Netflix, and it shows me why I have beef with USM. You can do a kids friendly show with humor that doesn't think its audience are a bunch of idiots, who needs everything explained with an aside or a time out.


I don't understand the hate, this just feels very Teen Titan-ish.

Eh. Teen Titans had a lot of silly episodes, but knew when to take itself seriously. The Slade, Terra, Trigon, etc. episodes for instance. This show however hasn't had any serious consequences at all. Not to mention Teen Titans wasn't restricted to "one episode story" plots or constantly breaking the 4th wall either.

Ultimate Spider-Man has more in common with the chibi Teen Titans.


Eh. Teen Titans had a lot of silly episodes, but knew when to take itself seriously. The Slade, Terra, Trigon, etc. episodes for instance. This show however hasn't had any serious consequences at all. Not to mention Teen Titans wasn't restricted to "one episode story" plots or constantly breaking the 4th wall either.

Ultimate Spider-Man has more in common with the chibi Teen Titans.
When people say one episode plots what do they mean? Cause clearly there is a long game being played by Osborn and Doc Ock.


When people say one episode plots what do they mean? Cause clearly there is a long game being played by Osborn and Doc Ock.

Yes, but from episode to episode, there's no real advancement in that major plot.

Compared to like Young Justice season 1, in which the entire first season was built around the idea of The Light's ultimate plan with specific episodes dedicated to them getting stuff in place or outsmarting the heroes to further their agenda.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Yes, but from episode to episode, there's no real advancement in that major plot.

Compared to like Young Justice season 1, in which the entire first season was built around the idea of The Light's ultimate plan with specific episodes dedicated to them getting stuff in place or outsmarting the heroes to further their agenda.

the light with the xanatos gambits ill agree, but the titans were very episodic.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Definitely agree there. I was turned off by Spectacular's designs back before it came on, but the animation more than made up for it. The animation in Ultimate can even begin to compare to the fight with giant Sandman or Blacksuit Spidey vs Sinister Six.

Loved symbiote suit clowning on the Sinister Six. The Venom arc in Spectacular was the best portrayal of the character across of any medium it has appeared in so far, design aside.


Loved symbiote suit clowning on the Sinister Six. The Venom arc in Spectacular was the best portrayal of the character across of any medium it has appeared in so far, design aside.


When people say one episode plots what do they mean? Cause clearly there is a long game being played by Osborn and Doc Ock.

The show definitely has a sense of countinuity, yes. But based on what Loeb said, I doubt there will ever be any big arcs or 2/3 part episodes like Teen Titans had. Just a mix of Monster of the Week/ramdom Marvel guest character.


The show definitely has a sense of countinuity, yes. But based on what Loeb said, I doubt there will ever be any big arcs or 2/3 part episodes like Teen Titans had. Just a mix of Monster of the Week/ramdom Marvel guest character.

We are getting 2/3 part story arcs, or at least one so far. "Venom" --> "Back in Black" --> "Venomous" are all part of the Venom story arc. You have to watch all three in the correct order or else you'll be missing some crucial plot points.


I don't know if anyone is watching this but today's episode featured Dr. Strange. Didn't catch it myself.

Marvel is going to show off the Spider-Ham episode at comic con in its entirety.

If anyone makes it to the comic con panel and has issues with the show please let them (especially Loeb) know.
Recent episode was good. The show is SO much better when it's more Brave and the Bold teamups and less "Spider Team" Loved Strange's design.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Recent episode was good. The show is SO much better when it's more Brave and the Bold teamups and less "Spider Team" Loved Strange's design.

that and the heroes for hire arent as fucking irritating as white tiger and nova.


I want to like this, but I can't. It's just so...annoying. It's some weird hybrid of Spiderman and Lizzie McGuire. It feels too kid friendly, where even little kids would think it is for babies.
that and the heroes for hire arent as fucking irritating as white tiger and nova.

It seems they're trying to get Spider-man to have some one-on-one time with the various heroes. We got the White Tiger episode (although IMO, didn't really help her appeal all that much), we now have a Iron Fist episode, and we're getting a Luke Cage episode with the two fighting Juggernaut. Maybe we'll have a Nova episode where they team up against a Cosmic Marvel baddie?

But as much as I'm enjoying the show, they really put no thought into the cast/team at all.


I wish they'd spend more time on Peter Parker's side of things. Like, Harry and MJ are essentially noncharacters at this point.
Loved symbiote suit clowning on the Sinister Six. The Venom arc in Spectacular was the best portrayal of the character across of any medium it has appeared in so far, design aside.

I'm still partial to the arc across ASM 374-375, when Venom goes ape shit on Peter, and basically kicks his ass all over the mall. My favorites Venom/Spiderman altercations have always been the ones where Spidey just looked hopelessly out-matched, and generally survived by getting out of fighting Venom altogether.

Spider-man is literally thrown OUT of the mall (like several hundred free), and Venom kidnaps his parents. Not to hurt them.... no no no, but to preserve their innocence in the face of the cruel, selfish Spider-Man, so that they aren't humiliated or disgusted by his foul deeds.

He takes them to the same Carnival the he and his former wife had been to, the last memories of happiness he had before his career was destroyed. Spidey tracks down Eddie's ex, asks a ton of questions, figures out at the Carnival is the best place to go looking.

His costume is torn, he's walking through the snow in this abandonned amusement park, and mid-internal-dialog, realizes that Venom is right behind him. Not in full costume. Just boots, jeans, and a leather jacket with the white-spider emblazened on it (would pay much moneyz for this jacket). This brings out one of the best lines in modern Spidey history.

"You usually run from us."

Yes he does. Immediately fans of spidey are reminded that this is an enemy that has had Spidey's number again and again, and only by running, tricking, or finding help has Spidey EVER managed to slow him down.

Venom explains why he took Parker's parents, Parker politely explains how fucking crazy he is, and the two go about tearing apart an amusement park.... well, Venom starts tearing it apart, generally using Spidermans limp, bruising body as his destructive tool of choice.

Mid way through the Wild Pack (Silver Sable) come down, hired by JJ to wrangle Venom for an exclusive interview, after JJ had seen the events at the mall from the day prior.

So Spiderman and Venom are both busy kicking the crap out of the Wild Pack with hilarious efficiency, until Venom has to stop for a minute to rescue Peter's parents from a fire unleashe by a flame-thrower. He had promised no harm would come to them at the beginning of the arc.

So finally, with the side-show taken care of, Venom and Spider-Man get back to fighting in the amusement park. Only there's an unintended guest in the form of Brock's ex-wife, who came to the same conclusion as Spidey after talking to him. Damage dealt over the course of the battle weakened a ferris wheel and it was about to fall on her. Eddie was weakened too and couldn't save her, and then Spider-man helped.

After that, Eddie comes to the grudging conclusion that despite how much of his innocence Spider-Man stole, he does a lot of good protecting other innocents. So they make a truce, and Venom is free to go somewhere else, and Spider-Man won't follow him. Spider-Man breaks his word (which he does a lot with Venom, actually), but they end up buddy buddy just in time for Maximum Carnage.

That arc pretty much turned me into a Venom and Spider-Man fan in one fell swoop.

Artwork by Bagley, with character positioning and abilities HEAVILY inspired my Mcfarlane's work, and we saw Venom as he was always supposed to be: The psychotic, conflicted, insanely powerful anti-spiderman. The opposite side of the same coin. No worries about world domination, or anything stupid like that. He want's to hurt one person very badly, and he will rationalize every terrible thing he does around that.

So good.

None of the other mediums have been daring enough to explore the psychosis or outward violence of the character enough.


Finally got a chance to watch this. So far I'm liking it. Saw the episode with the Hulk and MJ interviewing Spider-man. Was trying to watch the Spider-man/Wolverine one but there is a storm in my area now so the signal is gone. It was playing out just like every other Spider-man/Wolverine body switch story however I always find them funny so I'm not complaining. Think I'll pick up the season one box set once it's avalaible if it isn't already. Though I hope the new Avengers show is good. I was enjoying the current one that is going to be ending. Still want to pick that series up as well.

Edit: Watched the first two episodes on the official site. Enjoyed those as well.
Look at Young Justice and then look at the shit that Marvel is feeding its fans. A complete slap in the face. The funny thing is that Marvel has so many fucking great characters and they can't put anything decent in animation. It's embarrassing.
Look at Young Justice and then look at the shit that Marvel is feeding its fans. A complete slap in the face. The funny thing is that Marvel has so many fucking great characters and they can't put anything decent in animation. It's embarrassing.

Entirely off-topic, but how is it that DC can make so many animated Batman movies (including the glorious Under the Red Hood) and Superman movies, yet Marvel has yet to make a SINGLE animated feature for their posterboy, the "World's Greatest Superhero"?

Entirely off-topic, but how is it that DC can make so many animated Batman movies (including the glorious Under the Red Hood) and Superman movies, yet Marvel has yet to make a SINGLE animated feature for their posterboy, the "World's Greatest Superhero"?


I don't know WTF Marvel is thinking. I hate the idea of them tying in the movie universe to any animated series.
Look at Young Justice and then look at the shit that Marvel is feeding its fans. A complete slap in the face. The funny thing is that Marvel has so many fucking great characters and they can't put anything decent in animation. It's embarrassing.

I'd argue the X-Men anime was fanatastic, and I certainly want more like it.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
It is quite telling that no one has commented on this show's existence in over two months.
Got. Few minutes of this today and it was sickening to hear the Trickster askMJ when she was going to graduate. Fick Loeb And this piece of shit show this is not spider man


It is quite telling that no one has commented on this show's existence in over two months.

I was coming in to see if anyone still watched.

Sadly, once I ran through the Avengers cartoon.. I had no desire to watch the Marvel Universe
It is quite telling that no one has commented on this show's existence in over two months.

My sister and I still really enjoy watching the show and we're big Marvel fans. It's just a shame when the show really shows some potential, but it never pushes itself to be truly great. I'm still sticking with the idea that, while certainly disappointing in many aspects, so called "fans" can't wrap their heads around the idea of tongue-in-cheek comedy and comic book shows HAVE to be serious action dramas to enjoy. I mean seriously....

Got. Few minutes of this today and it was sickening to hear the Trickster askMJ when she was going to graduate. Fick Loeb And this piece of shit show this is not spider man


I mean all the problems with the show and you get offended by THAT? smh

I will say that it's quite sad that Marvel can run circles around DC with movies, but are still trailing behind them with Animation.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
My sister and I still really enjoy watching the show and we're big Marvel fans. It's just a shame when the show really shows some potential, but it never pushes itself to be truly great. I'm still sticking with the idea that, while certainly disappointing in many aspects, so called "fans" can't wrap their heads around the idea of tongue-in-cheek comedy and comic book shows HAVE to be serious action dramas to enjoy. I mean seriously....

Some of it is fine, but to me it's the cutaway segments that destroy any good things the show has. Spectacular Spider-Man was often wacky too, but it balanced it and managed to weave awesome story arcs throughout its episodes whereas USM so far is all villain of the week. Visually I prefer USM's art, but everything else is sadly inferior.


They had Taskmaster do some shit his Udon self would have said "goddamn" to. So the show is good with me. But then I liked Spiderman Unlimited. SpideyxLady Rat forever.
My sister and I still really enjoy watching the show and we're big Marvel fans. It's just a shame when the show really shows some potential, but it never pushes itself to be truly great. I'm still sticking with the idea that, while certainly disappointing in many aspects, so called "fans" can't wrap their heads around the idea of tongue-in-cheek comedy and comic book shows HAVE to be serious action dramas to enjoy. I mean seriously....


I mean all the problems with the show and you get offended by THAT? smh

I will say that it's quite sad that Marvel can run circles around DC with movies, but are still trailing behind them with Animation.
. I've posted many times why this show is complete shit.
Some of it is fine, but to me it's the cutaway segments that destroy any good things the show has. Spectacular Spider-Man was often wacky too, but it balanced it and managed to weave awesome story arcs throughout its episodes whereas USM so far is all villain of the week. Visually I prefer USM's art, but everything else is sadly inferior.

Now see that's fine. I actually agree for the most part (it just doesn't bother me so much) What I have a problem with is the ridiculously anal complaints people have.

"WTF! They ripped off Simpson's Spider-pig joke. Fuck Disney."
"WTF! It's supposed to be Eddie Brock. Venom is an Alien not some experiment. Fuck Disney!"
"WTF! Aunt May isn't supposed to be young."

It's downright embarrassing that this seems to make up the vast majority of the feedback for the show from so called fans. That's why I singled out that post complaining about such a small detail and proceeding to call it a shame to the Spiderman name. its absolutely ridiculous and appalling to me.
They had Taskmaster do some shit his Udon self would have said "goddamn" to. So the show is good with me. But then I liked Spiderman Unlimited. SpideyxLady Rat forever.

I liked Spider-Man Unlimited as well. All I want is a serviceable to good Spidey show. Ultimate falls short of that for me.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I liked Spider-Man Unlimited as well. All I want is a serviceable to good Spidey show. Ultimate falls short of that for me.

I almost sent a letter to the local channel that aired it complaining about why they were so cheap to not air the second season. That cliffhanger man. This was pre-internet for me so I had no idea it never got a second season and was wondering why they kept airing the same episodes. I liked the suit and the strange setting.


I kind of like this show. I think it got MUCH better in the second half of the season. I'm excited for the next season.

Also, I've been mainlining the 90s show. Man, it got so weird. I don't remember anything past the first season and shit got wacky. Alternate dimensions (including one where the actor who played Spidey/Peter is a real person who is an actor who plays Spidey/Peter), Stan Lane, CLONES of course. I don't remember any of it. It went so far off the rails. If you can get past the often dodgy animation, it actually holds up a lot better than I thought when I started to watch the first season a few months ago. Seasons 2 and 3 are pretty awesome, since they are season long arcs with every episode pretty much being a continuation of the last (crazy for a Saturday morning cartoon, even DCAU shows didn't go all in like that), TEAM UPS EVRRRYWHERE, pretty dark shit even with all the restrictions. I don't know how I don't remember any of this. I know I had to have seen all of it. I remembered most of the X-Men episodes by heart and I hadn't seen them in 15 years.

SHEILD (where every dude wore purple jump suits and had ponytails except for Nick Fury), Daredevil FUCKING dudes up which was hilarious since Spidey wasn't allowed to punch anyone, but DD could punch, kick and whack people in the face with his stick, X-Men being awesome with musical reprises, BLADE, Silver Sable, Black Cat, Cap, Iron Man and War Machine. Pretty boss. I do remember the X-Men cross over, but not the rest. And Uncle Phil was War Machine? I'll have to watch the Iron Man show from the same period next.
I kind of like this show. I think it got MUCH better in the second half of the season. I'm excited for the next season.

Also, I've been mainlining the 90s show. Man, it got so weird. I don't remember anything past the first season and shit got wacky. Alternate dimensions (including one where the actor who played Spidey/Peter is a real person who is an actor who plays Spidey/Peter), Stan Lane, CLONES of course. I don't remember any of it. It went so far off the rails. If you can get past the often dodgy animation, it actually holds up a lot better than I thought when I started to watch the first season a few months ago. Seasons 2 and 3 are pretty awesome, since they are season long arcs with every episode pretty much being a continuation of the last (crazy for a Saturday morning cartoon, even DCAU shows didn't go all in like that), TEAM UPS EVRRRYWHERE, pretty dark shit even with all the restrictions. I don't know how I don't remember any of this. I know I had to have seen all of it. I remembered most of the X-Men episodes by heart and I hadn't seen them in 15 years.

SHEILD (where every dude wore purple jump suits and had ponytails except for Nick Fury), Daredevil FUCKING dudes up which was hilarious since Spidey wasn't allowed to punch anyone, but DD could punch, kick and whack people in the face with his stick, X-Men being awesome with musical reprises, BLADE, Silver Sable, Black Cat, Cap, Iron Man and War Machine. Pretty boss. I do remember the X-Men cross over, but not the rest. And Uncle Phil was War Machine? I'll have to watch the Iron Man show from the same period next.

So much shit in 90s Spider-Man made zero sense. Been watching it lately, it's pretty bad. Like it or not, Ultimate Spider-Man is pretty much the second best Spider-Man show by default.

Also ran through Spectacular. I get why everyone was so mad when this was announced, lol.

Show's not terrible, but they can do better. Hope they see that. Animation's awesome in this, though. Taskmaster and Doom episodes give me hope.


The weirdest thing I think I've seen (I'm up to I think ep 3 of the 5th season) was when Mary Jane gets sucked into limbo along with the Green Goblin. Then she just reappears with no explanation with some amnesia. Spidey saves her and she says she's in love with Peter Parker, which makes Peter unmask. Now, he had told MJ that he was Spiderman before she got sucked into another dimension and they even discussed the consequences that would have on their relationship. Well, this is part of her amnesia, I guess, but Peter never mentions even in his internal monologue that he had told MJ this before. Whatever. He zips her up to his perch where he talks to Bruce the gargoyle (which has to be a shout out to Batman and/or Gargoyles) and proposes to her. How does she react? By DIVING OFF THE FUCKING BUILDING. Spidey swoops down and saves her and asks her why the fuck she did that.

Her reason for JUMPING OFF A BUILDING AFTER THE LOVE OF HER LIFE ASKED HER TO MARRY HIM was because she had to make sure he'd save her. WHAT THE FUCK? On a Saturday morning kids show? Jesus fuck. Of all the wacky, nonsensical stuff that happened on that show, that has been the most wtf moment by a long shot. I can't believe Fox wouldn't allow Spiderman to even punch people, but they didn't have a problem with that.
The weirdest thing I think I've seen (I'm up to I think ep 3 of the 5th season) was when Mary Jane gets sucked into limbo along with the Green Goblin. Then she just reappears with no explanation with some amnesia. Spidey saves her and she says she's in love with Peter Parker, which makes Peter unmask. Now, he had told MJ that he was Spiderman before she got sucked into another dimension and they even discussed the consequences that would have on their relationship. Well, this is part of her amnesia, I guess, but Peter never mentions even in his internal monologue that he had told MJ this before. Whatever. He zips her up to his perch where he talks to Bruce the gargoyle (which has to be a shout out to Batman and/or Gargoyles) and proposes to her. How does she react? By DIVING OFF THE FUCKING BUILDING. Spidey swoops down and saves her and asks her why the fuck she did that.

Her reason for JUMPING OFF A BUILDING AFTER THE LOVE OF HER LIFE ASKED HER TO MARRY HIM was because she had to make sure he'd save her. WHAT THE FUCK? On a Saturday morning kids show? Jesus fuck. Of all the wacky, nonsensical stuff that happened on that show, that has been the most wtf moment by a long shot. I can't believe Fox wouldn't allow Spiderman to even punch people, but they didn't have a problem with that.

Yea, the show didn't age well at all.


Super Member
The weirdest thing I think I've seen (I'm up to I think ep 3 of the 5th season) was when Mary Jane gets sucked into limbo along with the Green Goblin. Then she just reappears with no explanation with some amnesia. Spidey saves her and she says she's in love with Peter Parker, which makes Peter unmask. Now, he had told MJ that he was Spiderman before she got sucked into another dimension and they even discussed the consequences that would have on their relationship. Well, this is part of her amnesia, I guess, but Peter never mentions even in his internal monologue that he had told MJ this before. Whatever. He zips her up to his perch where he talks to Bruce the gargoyle (which has to be a shout out to Batman and/or Gargoyles) and proposes to her. How does she react? By DIVING OFF THE FUCKING BUILDING. Spidey swoops down and saves her and asks her why the fuck she did that.

Her reason for JUMPING OFF A BUILDING AFTER THE LOVE OF HER LIFE ASKED HER TO MARRY HIM was because she had to make sure he'd save her. WHAT THE FUCK? On a Saturday morning kids show? Jesus fuck. Of all the wacky, nonsensical stuff that happened on that show, that has been the most wtf moment by a long shot. I can't believe Fox wouldn't allow Spiderman to even punch people, but they didn't have a problem with that.
This post feels like you didn't see the end of that saga yet. Mary Jane jumping off the building was weird, but wanting to make sure Peter would save her is actually very very important. I'm not going to even type the plot in spoiler tags because the twist is pretty crazy.

Anyways, I really liked Ultimate a few episodes in, but the "adapted" plots are trash. Inaccuracy wouldn't matter if this show wasn't called Ultimate Spider-Man, but it is. I wish Avengers EMH was drawn like this show. They really skimped on this show's backgrounds too.

Aunt May x Agent Coulson is pretty funny at least.
I'm still partial to the arc across ASM 374-375, when Venom goes ape shit on Peter, and basically kicks his ass all over the mall. My favorites Venom/Spiderman altercations have always been the ones where Spidey just looked hopelessly out-matched, and generally survived by getting out of fighting Venom altogether.

Spider-man is literally thrown OUT of the mall (like several hundred free), and Venom kidnaps his parents. Not to hurt them.... no no no, but to preserve their innocence in the face of the cruel, selfish Spider-Man, so that they aren't humiliated or disgusted by his foul deeds.

He takes them to the same Carnival the he and his former wife had been to, the last memories of happiness he had before his career was destroyed. Spidey tracks down Eddie's ex, asks a ton of questions, figures out at the Carnival is the best place to go looking.

His costume is torn, he's walking through the snow in this abandonned amusement park, and mid-internal-dialog, realizes that Venom is right behind him. Not in full costume. Just boots, jeans, and a leather jacket with the white-spider emblazened on it (would pay much moneyz for this jacket). This brings out one of the best lines in modern Spidey history.

"You usually run from us."

Yes he does. Immediately fans of spidey are reminded that this is an enemy that has had Spidey's number again and again, and only by running, tricking, or finding help has Spidey EVER managed to slow him down.

Venom explains why he took Parker's parents, Parker politely explains how fucking crazy he is, and the two go about tearing apart an amusement park.... well, Venom starts tearing it apart, generally using Spidermans limp, bruising body as his destructive tool of choice.

Mid way through the Wild Pack (Silver Sable) come down, hired by JJ to wrangle Venom for an exclusive interview, after JJ had seen the events at the mall from the day prior.

So Spiderman and Venom are both busy kicking the crap out of the Wild Pack with hilarious efficiency, until Venom has to stop for a minute to rescue Peter's parents from a fire unleashe by a flame-thrower. He had promised no harm would come to them at the beginning of the arc.

So finally, with the side-show taken care of, Venom and Spider-Man get back to fighting in the amusement park. Only there's an unintended guest in the form of Brock's ex-wife, who came to the same conclusion as Spidey after talking to him. Damage dealt over the course of the battle weakened a ferris wheel and it was about to fall on her. Eddie was weakened too and couldn't save her, and then Spider-man helped.

After that, Eddie comes to the grudging conclusion that despite how much of his innocence Spider-Man stole, he does a lot of good protecting other innocents. So they make a truce, and Venom is free to go somewhere else, and Spider-Man won't follow him. Spider-Man breaks his word (which he does a lot with Venom, actually), but they end up buddy buddy just in time for Maximum Carnage.

That arc pretty much turned me into a Venom and Spider-Man fan in one fell swoop.

Artwork by Bagley, with character positioning and abilities HEAVILY inspired my Mcfarlane's work, and we saw Venom as he was always supposed to be: The psychotic, conflicted, insanely powerful anti-spiderman. The opposite side of the same coin. No worries about world domination, or anything stupid like that. He want's to hurt one person very badly, and he will rationalize every terrible thing he does around that.

So good.

None of the other mediums have been daring enough to explore the psychosis or outward violence of the character enough.
God damn that sounds amazing, I've never actually read that. Gonna go look for it right away.


I've read the twist and how the series ended, but that happening on a Saturday morning super hero show for 7 year olds was pretty fucking nutty. Especially considering how the show was just brutalized with restrictions. I mean, Morbius the fucking vampire couldn't even say blood.


There was nothing on the other day and saw an episode of this. Think Spidey was fighting Green Goblin and Venom at same time in a sinking helicarrier or something. Anyways there was some banter and Spider-man told Green Goblin he would rue doing something bad if he did it. He then did that dumbass Ultimate Spiderman shtick and turn to the camera breaking the fourth wall and said "As soon as I get home I will look up what rue means" I had to facepalm at that reminding me how bad this show is. Why the fuck would Peter "boy genius" Parker need to look up the word rue.
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