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Um... since when did Sega Superstars have NiGHTS in it?


Knows the Score
It's always been in it, although it was only mentioned in passing. There's 12 games, IIRC.





Super Monkey Ball, Virtua Fighter, Sonic, Samba de Amigo, Nights, Puyo Pop Fever, Virtua Striker, Billy Hatcher, Chu Chu Rocket, Space Channel 5, House of the Dead and Crazy Taxi


Didn't Yuji Naka say something like "We won't make a sequel to Nights because the original is something special that we don't want to debase" ?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Trying to play Chu Chu Rocket with an EyeToy could cause a brain-seizure.

Monkey Ball could work really well though. Might actually get it now!
Acrylamid said:
Didn't Yuji Naka say something like "We won't make a sequel to Nights because the original is something special that we don't want to debase" ?

It was special until 10 mins ago, Nights for Eye Toy (which I don't like in the first place) is the dumbest move Sega has made since, well, last week with the Monkey Ball fiasco.

If it's sacred, don't throw a cheap Eye Toy version of it into an already cheesy game. Now Naka has no excuse for a sequel.

He really pisses me off, I'll be surprised when he releases a good game, because everything has been down hill as of late when it comes to his studio.


The Amiga Brotherhood
You've already had NiGHTS quests in PSO, and the downloadable GBA game that didn't play that well.

I think the only thing that's stopping a NiGHTS sequel was the amount of work that would have to go into it when the amount of sales it would get is a complete unknown. Maybe if people go bonkers over the EyeToy mini-game they will consider it.

I really have no confidence in Sega anymore though. It's like the Black Knight sketch in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If Sega had it's arms cut off when they went 3rd party, Sammy have cut their legs off ...


Nash said:
I really have no confidence in Sega anymore though. It's like the Black Knight sketch in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If Sega had it's arms cut off when they went 3rd party, Sammy have cut their legs off ...
:D That screams for a photoshopped pic.
SuperStars was always gonna have NiGHTS in it.

I have played it. It is awesome.

Following OutRun2, this is the next thing I'm going to start hyping on here as being big Kikizo videos. So be prepared! ;-)
kitchenmotors said:
It was special until 10 mins ago, Nights for Eye Toy (which I don't like in the first place) is the dumbest move Sega has made since, well, last week with the Monkey Ball fiasco.

If it's sacred, don't throw a cheap Eye Toy version of it into an already cheesy game. Now Naka has no excuse for a sequel.

He really pisses me off, I'll be surprised when he releases a good game, because everything has been down hill as of late when it comes to his studio.

It's not like its the first time they've done a NiGHTS mini game. Remember the NiGHTS mini game in PSO? The lack of a NiGHTS sequel likely has alot more to do with Naka not having the confidence that it can be done right than Naka really feeling its sacred. One of the directors of the game for example isn't even at Sega anymore.


KyotoMecca said:
SuperStars was always gonna have NiGHTS in it.
I have played it. It is awesome.

You know it.

SuperStars is worth it for Samba alone: the other games are the 100% sugar icing on the 20-layer cake.

Agent X

The new screens look great. My interest in this product is rapidly increasing.

By the way, anyone who has a PS2 and loves fun video games should have an EyeToy, especially when deals such as the one on this page are happening.


Acrylamid said:
Didn't Yuji Naka say something like "We won't make a sequel to Nights because the original is something special that we don't want to debase" ?
It's just a stupid minigame you know...


KyotoMecca said:
SuperStars was always gonna have NiGHTS in it.

I have played it. It is awesome.

Following OutRun2, this is the next thing I'm going to start hyping on here as being big Kikizo videos. So be prepared! ;-)
It's an EyeToy game, therefore it can't be awesome by definition ...

Agent X

segasonic said:
It's an EyeToy game, therefore it can't be awesome by definition ...

EyeToy: Play is awesome. I haven't played any of the other EyeToy games, so I can't comment on them, but EyeToy: Play certainly rocks the house.


Gold Member
kitchenmotors said:
It was special until 10 mins ago, Nights for Eye Toy (which I don't like in the first place) is the dumbest move Sega has made since, well, last week with the Monkey Ball fiasco.

What "Monkey Ball fiasco"?


How the fuck can you not like EyeToy? What's wrong with you (two) people? That's like not liking candy or ice cream!


Gold Member
Agent X said:
The one where Sega decided that PS2 and X-Box deserved some Super Monkey Ball lovin' too.

You're kidding right? The fact that more people will be able to play one of Sega's best games is a fiasco? Where's the giant rolleyes gif when you need it...
I'm for Monkey Ball love all around, but to ignore the Gamecube user base is fucking stupid. It's a dumb move that they plan on releasing PSO PLUS on Gamecube, which adds very little to the original game, but not SMB Deluxe.
ManaByte said:
What "Monkey Ball fiasco"?

People are pissed that the next game is coming out for Xbox (and PS2 as well I think) and not for GameCube. It's one thing to feel disappointed, but some are acting like Sega sexually assaulted their mom.
FortNinety said:
People are pissed that the next game is coming out for Xbox (and PS2 as well I think) and not for GameCube. It's one thing to feel disappointed, but some are acting like Sega sexually assaulted their sisters.

Oh get off it, nothing is worse than a Sega fan who refuses to see the faults in Sega's business decisions.

Agent X

ManaByte said:
You're kidding right? The fact that more people will be able to play one of Sega's best games is a fiasco? Where's the giant rolleyes gif when you need it...

Yes, I was being sarcastic. I think Super Monkey Ball is cool. The remark was aimed at Nintendo hornblowers who have voiced opposition to Sega's decision to port one of their best games in recent years to the GameCube's direct competitors.


Acrylamid said:
Didn't Yuji Naka say something like "We won't make a sequel to Nights because the original is something special that we don't want to debase" ?

Translation: I realize that Nights being awesome was a total fluke, and I don't want to fuck it up like I did Sonic with sequels.
ALL OF YOU Sega SuperStars doubters / haters are going to be FORCED TO EAT YOUR WORDS when you see how good it actually is. EyeToy has a bad rap in America but games like this will convince people like you (Sega admirers). There is no question you will all love SSS version of NiGHTS, Monkey Ball and more. As always... there will be videos soon... then you will see...


Oh boy! Blind hype! Cause that always turns out well. "Don't worry, you guys'll love it! Really! Trust me!"

I'm willing to look past the horrible E3 showing of SSS. It's just that, most of the impressions thus far have pegged Stars as mostly generic, and these are coming from Sega fans. Yea, NiGHTS and MB have been the two highlights in most of the hands-on stuff, but I don't know if they're good enough to convince the haters. I mean, even Jungle Beat has haters. I'd love for SSS to be awesome, but truthfully, I'll be pleased if it's anything above mediocre.

That said, it's an EyeToy game, and that means for better or worse I'll be picking it up.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The lack of a NiGHTS sequel likely has alot more to do with Naka not having the confidence that it can be done right than Naka really feeling its sacred. One of the directors of the game for example isn't even at Sega anymore.
Games are developed on the basis of their expected profitability, first and foremost. To justify the large development needed for a NiGHTS 2, SEGA just hasn't felt that NiGHTS has proved to have mainstream appeal or that the game fits in with their plans of sequels for successful franchises, new franchises, or online/peripheral growth markets. For mascot-type games, they're either milking what's already proved to have mass market popularity, Sonic, or trying to create another, new franchise that could get mass market popularity. The last thing Naka worries about is the doubts of internet pundits that his team isn't good enough to do justice to one of their own franchises (and a game concept that Naka himself was key to creating and delivering), despite changes in some of the other key staff (big staff changes being a very common occurence in the development of sequels anyway).
BuddyChrist83 said:
Oh boy! Blind hype! Cause that always turns out well. "Don't worry, you guys'll love it! Really! Trust me!"

I'm willing to look past the horrible E3 showing of SSS. It's just that, most of the impressions thus far have pegged Stars as mostly generic, and these are coming from Sega fans. Yea, NiGHTS and MB have been the two highlights in most of the hands-on stuff, but I don't know if they're good enough to convince the haters. I mean, even Jungle Beat has haters. I'd love for SSS to be awesome, but truthfully, I'll be pleased if it's anything above mediocre.

That said, it's an EyeToy game, and that means for better or worse I'll be picking it up.

It would be blind if I hadn't played all twelve games in Superstars. Which I have.


KyotoMecca said:
It would be blind if I hadn't played all twelve games in Superstars. Which I have.
I think you misunderstood. I consider it to be blind hype when someone goes "you guys are gonna eat your words" without any further explanation as to why.
BuddyChrist83 said:
I think you misunderstood. I consider it to be blind hype when someone goes "you guys are gonna eat your words" without any further explanation as to why.

Fair enough. The answer is partly because it's "embargoed" (sigh) and partly because it will all going to an article with direct videos on a site you can probablyguess quite soon. And that includes NiGHTS. :)

White Man

When first announced, and even for the first couple months after release, I thought EyeToy would be a cheap, unsupported peripheral. After playing with the two games currently available, I'm very glad other companies are supporting it. Eyetoy games aren't really meant to be played alone. . .they're party games, and damn fine ones. I hope the home version of DDR Extreme makes good use of it.
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