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(Unanimous) Texas Supreme Court: No inherent right to gay marriage benefits


Roberts was counted on on the exact same question literally this week

I know but all I've been reading about is what this would mean if Kennedy leaves. It seems some think it protects gay marriage and some don't. I'm not sure what to believe TBQH. I just hate the thought of waiting another couple of years for an outcome.
Crapbaskets. This is fucking ridiculous. I need to stop watching the news and get out of the OT for a few weeks because my blood keeps boiling.
Yes, Texas has the potential to go blue sooner than anyone thinks, but we have to find ways to increase Latino turnout. Black and white people vote at roughly the same rate (of course white people have more voters in absolute terms, but same percentage), while Latino turnout lags sharply. Getting that group to the polls would solidify our hold in Nevada, probably turn Arizona, and get Texas very close.

Isn't Texas also gerrymanded as well? I can imagine there are issues with voting anyway, since 4 of 5 Texas's biggest cities are said to be liberal.
Isn't Texas also gerrymanded as well? I can imagine there are issues with voting anyway, since 4 of 5 Texas's biggest cities are said to be liberal.

Yes. Texas' lines were drawn to create 24 safe Republican districts; 11 safe Democratic districts; and one swing district, TX-23, which has had Democratic and Republican representatives in recent years (currently a Republican who won very narrowly). Higher Latino turnout statewide could help to overcome the gerrymandering.
Let me see if I have this right:

Supreme Court: Gay people can get married. Deal with it.

Texas: So they can "get" married, but you didn't say they could "be" married.

Unbelievable. The GOP has fought harder against gay marriage than anything else in my lifetime. The one issue that has the least effect on their lives.
Yes. Texas' lines were drawn to create 24 safe Republican districts; 11 safe Democratic districts; and one swing district, TX-23, which has had Democratic and Republican representatives in recent years (currently a Republican who won very narrowly). Higher Latino turnout statewide could help to overcome the gerrymandering.

Ah that's good to know. At least there's a reason why Texas is the way it is anyway, no chance of it becoming "blue" anytime soon, but there is a chance.
Let me see if I have this right:

Supreme Court: Gay people can get married. Deal with it.

Texas: So they can "get" married, but you didn't say they could "be" married.

Unbelievable. The GOP has fought harder against gay marriage than anything else in my lifetime. The one issue that has the least effect on their lives.

I can only imagine some stereotypical southern fat cat smiling while he denies benefits to a couple and saying it's "perfectly legal".

In an 80's cartoon villain voice, no less. What a bunch of mean spirited people. I hope they see the err of their ways and change course.
It sucks that Texas has one of the most liberal cities like Austin yet we still backward minded assholes.

I loves living in Austin but damn these old ass people just won't give up.
Yes, it is. But the liberals in the big cities lack the numbers to outvote the old white people in the sticks. That's why increasing Latino turnout across the whole state should be priority number one.

honestly i feel increasing the latino vote turnout will not make Texas more liberal. It will probably make it more conservative tbh.
honestly i feel increasing the latino vote turnout will not make Texas more liberal. It will probably make it more conservative tbh.

Yeah, one thing that people tend not to take into effect is that while most racial minority populations are overwhelmingly Democratic, there's a decent percentage of them that are actually socially conservative, and if Republicans were ever able to figure out their racism issues they could do a much better job of appealing to those people (basically the idea behind GWB's "compassionate conservatism" being the future of the party).


Put Texas in the trash.

This affects us (the gay community in Texas), not you. We are the ones who will suffer, and it is not our fault. The government of the state does not represent Texans. The GOP has been manipulating the political process here in their favor for decades, gerrymandering and suppressing voter turnout. Please stop flinging so much hate at the people here. We are the ones who have to endure our corrupt overlords, not you, and the lack of solidarity and ignorance of our situation doesn't help at all. If I had a nickel for every time someone on GAF off-topic talked about hoping that everyone I knows die because we're Texan...
Yeah, one thing that people tend not to take into effect is that while most racial minority populations are overwhelmingly Democratic, there's a decent percentage of them that are actually socially conservative, and if Republicans were ever able to figure out their racism issues they could do a much better job of appealing to those people (basically the idea behind GWB's "compassionate conservatism" being the future of the party).



I feel bad for the liberals that live in Texas and jump on folks that generalize Texas when the state continues to be one of the most regressive locations in the world. I guess admit that your state is what it is or move.
honestly i feel increasing the latino vote turnout will not make Texas more liberal. It will probably make it more conservative tbh.

Political affiliation vs views on social issues is an important distinction.

Minorities are overwhelmingly socially conservative. They vote blue because the other side are a bunch of racist, xenophobic, immigrant-hating fucks.
So presumably, so long as we appeal to the current SC, the SC will likely come to a consensus that all government benefits for marriage apply to all people married under the law, yeah? Like, that's a fairly common sense belief, right?


This affects us (the gay community in Texas), not you. We are the ones who will suffer, and it is not our fault. The government of the state does not represent Texans. The GOP has been manipulating the political process here in their favor for decades, gerrymandering and suppressing voter turnout. Please stop flinging so much hate at the people here. We are the ones who have to endure our corrupt overlords, not you, and the lack of solidarity and ignorance of our situation doesn't help at all. If I had a nickel for every time someone on GAF off-topic talked about hoping that everyone I knows die because we're Texan...

This is not exclusive to Texas.

I mean, I don't really think it happens anytime within the next 4-8 years, and there's a decent chance that it'll actually take the destruction of the modern Republican party and a new conservative party to take it's place, but I don't think it's actually impossible.


If they followed the pattern in the rest of the country, they'd vote more blue than red.

We aren't talking red vs blue. We are talking gay marriage. And latinos have historically voted against it. California voted for Obama at the same time they voted against gay marriage - and that was primarily due to Latino voters...and a lot of Mormon money.


Neo Member
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Wait, what? This is the complete opposite of every old argument against marriage equality. It was "you can give them rights and benefits, but don't you dare fucking call it marriage because that's our word," and now it's "you can call it marriage, but you get nothing"?

...Uh huh. Good work finding a new way to look like idiots, southern homophoes.

Dead Man

Not sure judges appointed by Rick perry or the asshole in charge right now would have been different

Maybe not, but at least then they wouldn't be vulnerable to influencing like this. A large campaign to threaten their reelection unless they judge certain cases is pretty fucked up,
This affects us (the gay community in Texas), not you. We are the ones who will suffer, and it is not our fault. The government of the state does not represent Texans. The GOP has been manipulating the political process here in their favor for decades, gerrymandering and suppressing voter turnout. Please stop flinging so much hate at the people here. We are the ones who have to endure our corrupt overlords, not you, and the lack of solidarity and ignorance of our situation doesn't help at all. If I had a nickel for every time someone on GAF off-topic talked about hoping that everyone I knows die because we're Texan...
Put Texas's state government in the trash.


We know the likely outcome if this reaches SCOTUS and the Obergefell 5 are still all there. But imagine if a Trumpified SCOTUS gets a case like this and tells the state, "sure.. this is fine."
No. This is wrong. The court found that Obergefell did not address publicly funded benefits afforded by marriage, so both parties are permitted to make their case. It is still possible that it is unconstitutional to deny someone a marriage benefit on the grounds of it being a same-sex marriage, and it may be possible because of Obergefell.
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