loads of places will score a sequel that is deemed to have 'played it safe' lower than the previous game in the franchise. it's a thing. i don't subscribe to the logic behind doing that, but i understand it.jbttwin said:I'm fine with the score, I know the game's gonna be great. I just can't believe they scored this lower than it's predecessor, that's all.
plagiarize said:i know it's as old, but the one that always sticks out in my mind was the anger at the 10/10 that 1up gave Gears of War. that was the craziest thing i ever saw.
DaBuddaDa said:"Partially objective" is an oxymoron. There is certainly consensus but not objectivity. It's more an argument of context and language, and I agree with your last sentence.
seady said:Am I the only one that didn't find Uncharted 2 to be that amazing as everyone said it was? I thought it was just a plain B-movie action adventure game.
Yup, its totally reasonable to criticize a story in general, it just comes off as silly that you call a game too happy (without developing a further idea) when games today are so homogeneous in their pursuit of all things grey brown and post apocalyptic. That's an empirical observation, not a subjective one.zoukka said:If a person feels that the story is too cheesy because it doesn't shake certain cliches, then it's his opinion and he's right. Some might like it, some don't, but you can't say who's wrong or right about a matter so highly subjective as plot points.
Those are not criticisms of linearity, those are criticisms of a lack of interactivity, which is most definitely not the same thing. Areas Drake should be able to reach and still stay on the linear path are instant-death zones (why even have those areas accessible at all?), the game 'corrects' your inputs and tugs Drake onto the proper path.M.D said:What other criticisms did the review mention other than being linear and scripted?
LeonSKennedy90 said:Uncharted 3: OBJECTIVELY a 10/10
Because standards change over time, and it's easily possible to go from better than average, to weaker than average, and still be better than the previous release.The Lamp said:I think it's stupid to rate a sequel that someone agrees is better than its predecessors as worse than its predecessors. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
yes. 10/10 shouldn't mean perfect, because no game is. the review listed the flaws first, and then went on to explain why he thought it deserved a 10/10 despite them.Imp the Dimp said:Is this the one?
Dan Hsu said:But it's worth remembering that a review is so much more than one number that conveniently tells the whole story and fits very neatly into a "rent/buy/perfect" sort of scale.
The Lamp said:When a game comes this close to perfection you have to come up with silly reasons to criticize it.
GCX said:I can already smell the "well I guess it's a pretty good game.. but it ain't HD" 7/10 reviews.
This is some deep, philosophical shit right here.Patapwn said:Every game is linear, the only variable is how wide are the hallways.
The Lamp said:When a game comes this close to perfection you have to come up with silly reasons to criticize it.
plagiarize said:this makes my brain hurt.
4/5 is a good score. if the worst score this game gets is four out of five it must be pretty fucking good.
standard deviation is a thing that exists people.
Imp the Dimp said:Is this the one?
best review ever....
Vire said:Battlefield 3 Scores come in - gets 93 on Metacritic - fans go cheer with joy
Uncharted 3 Scores come in - gets 93 on Metacritic - fans get out pitchforks and hound dogs
Interfectum said:best review ever....
I think this is true of math and science as objects can be measured and facts can be proven. Those properties do not exist in entertainment/art. The objective measurements you could take on a video game are "it is pressed on a disc of X diameter made of y material" and when you put it into the machine it runs successfully or doesn't run successfully. A critique like "this game controls better than that game" or "this game looks better than that game" are in no way objective, they're subjective qualities with a high rate of consensus.hey_it's_that_dog said:Nope. Objects have their own properties but our perceptual process is subjective. These things combine to create our final impressions.
BIONIC-ARRRMMM!! said:Worst fanbases ever:
1. FF fanboys
2. Zelda fanboys
3. Uncharted fanboys
This thread just confirms it.
seady said:Am I the only one that didn't find Uncharted 2 to be that amazing as everyone said it was? I thought it was just a plain B-movie action adventure game.
Snuggler said:Damn, I didn't expect such brutal reviews. Now I'm not sure if I should put in a preorder or not, there are too many games coming out this month to take such a risk.
J-Rzez said:Damn, still no in-depth talks about the 3D...
I can't fully tell if you are agreeing with me. My sense of objectivity (in relation to review scores) is contingent upon axiomatic principles that assess "quality" i.e. your notion of repeated norms (this doesn't necessarily mean consensus, though it can).flabberghastly said:Quality does not exist in nature. It is not out there waiting to be found. It is based on specific norms reproduced through institutions that produce a certain homogeneity of feeling that is recognized (through the lenses of institutionalized norms) as good, mediocre, or poor quality.
A great point that establishes the difference that exists in gaming reviews, as opposed to something like music.That every score is always 8-10 does not so much say that a product has an inherent high quality, but rather that their is a regularization on both sides - developer and reviewer - as to what is to be expected from a high quality product.
The general consensus seems to be that it's more thoughtful, and expands on Drake's motivations, which is exactly where I wanted the story to head. Really looking forward to it.Deadly Cyclone said:It blew me away because I was not expecting it. It is one of my top 5 games of all time. We'll see if 3 knocks it out of there.
you're always going to get that with sequels to absolutely brilliant games that didn't come out all that long ago.nib95 said:I hope I don't start Armageddon Pt II with this post...
But it's an interesting thing that you bring up. I think it's because BF3 has been let off quite a lot of flak for it's SP (based off of reviews and GAF impressions). You have even more linearity, terrible and excessive implementation of QTE's, some of the worst AI around, unusual pacing, a less grounded or successful narrative and characters etc etc, and because of it's (albeit potentially masterful) MP, it still gets equally high reviews.
I do feel in this instance U3 is being held to much higher standards. A lot of people seem to feel the SP is unimportant with BF3. The same cannot be said for U3 and it's multiplayer.
yeah. it was. if you're interested, read the blog post i linked.Gustav said:I thought it was cut in half, with the praise missing? The jpeg I mean.
J-Rzez said:As far as game-specific, you forgot one totally. WoW. That game has the worst stockholm syndrome suffering hardcore fans ever. Zelda, nor Mario fans come close to them. And from general products standpoint, blizzard fans give apple fans a real run for their money.
Damn, still no in-depth talks about the 3D...
LowEndTorque said:Impossible.
I will eat my boxers if UC3 gets a higher meta than UC2.
Game will be better than UC2, metascore will most definitely not.
BIONIC-ARRRMMM!! said:Worst fanbases ever:
1. FF fanboys
2. Zelda fanboys
3. Uncharted fanboys
This thread just confirms it.
look bro don't start just because you don't get KID A doesn't mean you can shit up this thread.Acquiescence said:Nah.
1. Silent Hill fanboys
2. Sonic fanboys
3. Rahiohead fanboys
Silent Hill fanboys aren't annoying though, because all their shit is directed at each other. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T LIKE SH2 THE BEST? FUCK YOU! etc.Acquiescence said:Nah.
1. Silent Hill fanboys
2. Sonic fanboys
3. Rahiohead fanboys
nib95 said:I hope I don't start Armageddon Pt II with this post...
But it's an interesting thing that you bring up. I think it's because BF3 has been let off quite a lot of flak for it's SP (based off of reviews and GAF impressions). You have even more linearity, terrible and excessive implementation of QTE's, some of the worst AI around, unusual pacing, a less grounded or successful narrative and characters etc etc, and because of it's (albeit potentially masterful) MP, it still gets equally high reviews.
I do feel in this instance U3 is being held to much higher standards. A lot of people seem to feel the SP is unimportant with BF3. The same cannot be said for U3 and it's multiplayer.
But why would any one have anything critical to say about the greatest band in the world? I don't understand.Acquiescence said:Nah.
1. Silent Hill fanboys
2. Sonic fanboys
3. Rahiohead fanboys
Rule #1: Never, ever watch a GT review. They are the worst when it comes to spoilers.EloquentM said:even I don't usually care about spoilers but butt fuck gametrailers video review up the ass.
I am assuming that the people upset about the scores are mostly not people who are using it to determine the actual quality of the game. Even if the game weren't incredibly likely to be amazing, said people would have already decided it's amazing, anyway.plagiarize said:you're always going to get that with sequels to absolutely brilliant games that didn't come out all that long ago.
and you touch upon another issue with distilling the entire game down into one score. if a single player game can be worthy of the highest score, and a multiplayer game can be worthy of the highest score, surely a multiplayer game worthy of the highest score isn't instantly made worse when you add lack lustre MP.
conversely, even if I hated the MP in Uncharted 2, i wouldn't lower the score i'd be prepared to give it (if i found myself in that situation again... i hate giving scores).
scores are just stupid. getting upset about them equally stupid. and i say that admitting that it took me years and years to figure that out.
I don't disagree with you at all in this regard about BF3's single player. But, I sincerely don't believe Uncharted 3 is being held to some mystical higher standard just because it's Uncharted and is made by Naughty Dog. Let's not start any conspiracy theories now either...nib95 said:I hope I don't start Armageddon Pt II with this post...
But it's an interesting thing that you bring up. I think it's because BF3 has been let off quite a lot of flak for it's SP (based off of reviews and GAF impressions). You have even more linearity, terrible and excessive implementation of QTE's, some of the worst AI around, unusual pacing, a less grounded or successful narrative and characters etc etc, and because of it's (albeit potentially masterful) MP, it still gets equally high reviews.
I do feel in this instance U3 is being held to much higher standards. A lot of people seem to feel the SP is unimportant with BF3. The same cannot be said for U3 and it's multiplayer.
LowEndTorque said:Cool, so the shitstorm is almost over.
Uncharted 3 will settle at 92-93 @ Metacritic and will not be the highest scoring title of the year.
It has scored lower than Portal 2, Arkham City, and likely Skryim. It is now officially out of contention for most GOTY awards.
Batman/Portal/Skyrim fans rejoice. Uncharted fans, hang your heads in shame and prepare to suffer the humiliation of defeat and failure.
And to end on a positive note, at least I won't have to eat my boxers (post from another thread last week):
Suairyu said:Those are not criticisms of linearity, those are criticisms of a lack of interactivity, which is most definitely not the same thing. Areas Drake should be able to reach and still stay on the linear path are instant-death zones (why even have those areas accessible at all?), the game 'corrects' your inputs and tugs Drake onto the proper path.
There are plenty of linear games that don't have those faults, such as Half-Life 2, Demon Souls, Super Mario Brothers, Castlevania and even Metal Gear Solid.
I must have missed that memo. so pissed.Kaako said:Rule #1: Never, ever watch a GT review. They are the worst when it comes to spoilers.
That's beyond fanboyism. That's a cult.plagiarize said:now Apple fanboys on the other hand...![]()
Gustav said:I can't tell you which, but I heard discussion on some 1up and some other podcast (Either Bombcast or some IGN podcast) about the 3D and all of them were impressed, even self proclaimed "3D haters" said it looked damn fine in Uncharted 3.
Codeblue said:Also, aren't the HoN/ LoL/ DoTa fanbases famous for being terrible people? Seems like they'd be up there too. Those are some angry people.