Hate that I have to take a grenade with me because "sit in a group and use your AK" is the most effective strategy.
Is there a list of everything you can unlock for MP?
This isn't Uncharted MP, this is just fast paced TLOU MP.
Please don't say the name if it's not, but is itThere's only one, unless you've not played the beta or watched any prerelease footage, in which case there's three.
Please don't say the name if it's not, but is it? I've already done that chapter. So that would make the town and jungle from the beta, the auction house,Scotland- how many more am I missing?Scotland
Alright, thanksYes it is, so you're good. There's four more maps but they are generic.
Played a couple of hours of MP and I love it. One thing I noticed is that after every game it tells me I have completed a challenge and 'gives' me 250 relics yet nothing gets added?
Can you not rename your custom load outs? If no that's really not good.
The loadout customization sucks. I only have a Rifle, pistol, grenade, RPG and 1 booster....and there is no more LP for a mystical. Also sucks that modifiers for the guns also cost 1 LP each.
The loadout customization sucks. I only have a Rifle, pistol, grenade, RPG and 1 booster....and there is no more LP for a mystical. Also sucks that modifiers for the guns also cost 1 LP each.
I unlocked Eddy Fookin Raja!.
only? lmao
This loadout sucks
Even the pre-set loadouts are better and holds more LP then the custom ones. I mean pre-set 1 can hold all of that above including a Mystical
That's great. Will prevent OP loadouts now that there's weapon mods and whatnot. You want a mystical?? You gonna have to put power weapons and other stuff on the backburner.
No idea ?I bought the triple pack. Wasn't it supposed to unlock some things for the multi straight ?
No idea ?
That's great. Will prevent OP loadouts now that there's weapon mods and whatnot. You want a mystical?? You gonna have to put power weapons and other stuff on the backburner.
So its ok for the pre-sets to be more powerful then our own? Look at pre-set 1, basically the same as mine but it also has a mystical. No need for the custom when pre-set 1 is better and hold more LP. Custom loadouts holds 19 LP while pre-set 1 holds 23.
This game gets two OP's?
Man, GAF loves its Uncharteds and its Lasts of Us's and other Naughty dogged doo-hickeys.
Do people play these games for the multiplayer? I always assumed they were more of an afterthought.
This game gets two OP's?
Man, GAF loves its Uncharteds and its Lasts of Us's and other Naughty dogged doo-hickeys.
Do people play these games for the multiplayer? I always assumed they were more of an afterthought.
Yes? And you will get more LP for custom loadouts as you continue to play.
oh really? and theres others here saying that adding any more to that loadout would make it OP lol its stupid that pre-sets would be better then a starting a custom loadout. Just forces players to use them instead of creating their own
Just finished the game. Whew! This game is great and I can't wait to see what ND does next.
"You're a disgrace!" cracks me up every time, especially when he says it as I'm reviving someone.