Gray Matter
Has amazon built any warehouses nearby?
Because mine would've shipped today if they didn't build one in the state a few years ago.
They did actually, hopefully it gets here soon early then.
Has amazon built any warehouses nearby?
Because mine would've shipped today if they didn't build one in the state a few years ago.
It's an estimated time.
It depends on who's shipping.
For me UPS is noon
While usps is 3pm
One last time before the ass goes bye
Still waiting on my shipping notification from Amazon. Zzzzzzzz
USPS is 9am for me. UPS is anywhere from 2-4pm.For me, USPS is 11am, while UPS is 2-3pm lol
Anyone else in the "shipping soon" limbo with Amazon?
It's the day before release and mine still hasn't shipped.
Since that's the case, it won't ship untill tonight.They did actually, hopefully it gets here soon early then.
Horrible thread name.
I'm on chapter 9 right now. It's a 9 out of 10, easily. I hear it gets better.
One final time. Can't wait for tomorrow
Great thread name if you understand the reference.
Are you ready to seek your last time?Great OT, but gotta agree with some of the others, not really fond of the title, one last time would have worked better IMO.
Great thread name if you understand the reference.
Transcribing an interview I did with @Neil_Druckmann, and realizing his initials are ND, just like Naughty Dog, just like Nathan Drake.
ND Illuminati.
I just got billed for it. "Shipping soon"Come on amazon, just ship the damn game!
Wtflowest the should've gone was 75%
Great thread name if you understand the reference.